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Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## Testing simulate_gnls > require(nlme) Loading required package: nlme > require(nlraa) Loading required package: nlraa > require(ggplot2) Loading required package: ggplot2 > require(car) Loading required package: car Loading required package: carData > > run.simulate.gnls.test <- Sys.info()[["user"]] == "fernandomiguez" && FALSE > > if(run.simulate.gnls.test){ + + set.seed(101) + + data(Orange) + + fitg <- gnls(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal), data = Orange, weights = varPower()) + + system.time(fitg.bt0 <- boot_nlme(fitg, fitted, psim = 0, cores = 4)) + + lwr0.q <- apply(t(fitg.bt0$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE) + upr0.q <- apply(t(fitg.bt0$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) + + system.time(fitg.bt1 <- boot_nlme(fitg, fitted, psim = 1, cores = 4)) + + lwr1.q <- apply(t(fitg.bt1$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE) + upr1.q <- apply(t(fitg.bt1$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) + + ggplot() + + geom_point(data = Orange, aes(x = age, y = circumference)) + + geom_line(data = Orange, aes(x = age, y = fitted(fitg))) + + geom_ribbon(aes(x = Orange$age, ymin = lwr0.q, ymax = upr0.q), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2) + + geom_ribbon(aes(x = Orange$age, ymin = lwr1.q, ymax = upr1.q), fill = "purple", alpha = 0.2) + + ## What about the model coefficients? + system.time(fitg.cfs.bt0 <- boot_nlme(fitg, psim = 0, cores = 4)) + system.time(fitg.cfs.bt1 <- boot_nlme(fitg, psim = 1, cores = 4)) + + summary(fitg.cfs.bt0) + summary(fitg.cfs.bt1) + + ## Somewhat wider using bootstrap + ## Wider when simulating the parameters + confint(fitg.cfs.bt0) + confint(fitg.cfs.bt1) + intervals(fitg) + + hist(fitg.cfs.bt0) + hist(fitg.cfs.bt1) + + sims0 <- simulate_gnls(fitg, psim = 0) ## Fitted values + sims1 <- simulate_gnls(fitg, psim = 1) ## One simulation from the mean or population-level + sims2 <- simulate_gnls(fitg, psim = 2) ## One simulation from the individual-level + + Orange2 <- Orange + Orange2$sims0 <- sims0 + Orange2$sims1 <- sims1 + Orange2$sims2 <- sims2 + + ggplot() + + geom_point(data = Orange2, aes(x = age, y = circumference)) + + geom_line(data = Orange2, aes(x = age, y = sims0)) + + geom_point(data = Orange2, aes(x = age, y = sims1), color = "red") + + geom_point(data = Orange2, aes(x = age, y = sims2), color = "green3") + + ## What about a nlme? + + fitL <- nlsList(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal), data = Orange) + + fit.nm <- nlme(fitL, random = pdDiag(Asym + xmid + scal ~ 1)) + + plot(augPred(fit.nm, level = 0:1)) + + ## Let's look at intervals first + system.time(fit.nm.bt <- boot_nlme(fit.nm, cores = 4)) + + confint(fit.nm.bt) + intervals(fit.nm, which = "fixed") + + ## Fitted values + prdf <- function(x) predict(x, level = 0, newdata = data.frame(age = 50:1600)) + + system.time(fit.nm.bt.f0 <- boot_nlme(fit.nm, prdf, psim = 0, cores = 4)) + + lwr0.q <- apply(t(fit.nm.bt.f0$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE) + upr0.q <- apply(t(fit.nm.bt.f0$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) + + Orange$fttd <- predict(fit.nm, level = 0) + + system.time(fit.nm.bt.f1 <- boot_nlme(fit.nm, prdf, psim = 1, cores = 4)) + + lwr1.q <- apply(t(fit.nm.bt.f1$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE) + upr1.q <- apply(t(fit.nm.bt.f1$t), 1, quantile, probs = 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) + + ggplot() + + geom_point(data = Orange, aes(x = age, y = circumference)) + + geom_line(data = Orange, aes(x = age, y = fttd)) + + geom_ribbon(aes(x = 50:1600, ymin = lwr0.q, ymax = upr0.q), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2) + + geom_ribbon(aes(x = 50:1600, ymin = lwr1.q, ymax = upr1.q), fill = "purple", alpha = 0.2) + + ## Testing the feature of sampling correlated errors + ## The way to really test this would be to look at the correlation + ## structure in the new simulations. This is not a good dataset for this + ## Need to check in Pinheiro and Bates for a good example + data("ChickWeight") + + fitcw <- gnls(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal), data = ChickWeight, + correlation = corCAR1(form = ~ Time | Chick), + weights = varPower()) + + fitcw.vc <- var_cov(fitcw) + image(fitcw.vc[,ncol(fitcw.vc):1], xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") + fitcw.vc2 <- fitcw.vc[1:36,1:36] + image(log(fitcw.vc2[,ncol(fitcw.vc2):1]), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") + ## In this case, this is much slower, because of the huge matrix involved + fitcw.sim <- simulate_nlme(fitcw, nsim = 100, psim = 2, value = "data.frame") + + fitcw.sim$Chick_ID <- with(fitcw.sim, paste0(Chick,"_",ii)) + + ## It looks like this approach does not capture the specific + ## Chick-level effect, but it does seem to produce + ## correlated lines. + ## Perhaps I cannot expect to reproduce the original data for this 'gnls' + ## object, but rather, I should check if it creates correlated errors + ## similar in structure to the ones in the original dataset + ggplot(data = fitcw.sim) + + facet_wrap(~ Chick) + + geom_line(aes(x = Time, y = sim.y, color = Chick, group = Chick_ID)) + + geom_point(aes(x = Time, y = weight)) + + theme(legend.position = "none") + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.31 0.21 1.53