skip_on_cran() test_that("Add covariates and lasso string to ui ", { one.cmt <- function() { ini({ tka <- 0.45 tcl <- log(c(0, 2.7, 100)) tv <- 3.45 eta.ka ~ 0.6 ~ 0.3 eta.v ~ 0.1 <- 0.7 }) model({ ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka) cl <- exp(tcl + v <- exp(tv + eta.v) linCmt() ~ add( }) } ui1 <- nlmixr(one.cmt) ui <- ui1 varsVec <- c("ka","cl","v") covarsVec <- c("WT","BMI") funstring1 <- intersect((.lassoUicovariate(ui,varsVec,covarsVec))$iniDf$name, c("cov_WT_ka","cov_WT_cl","cov_WT_v","cov_BMI_ka","cov_BMI_cl","cov_BMI_v")) funstring2 <- c("cov_WT_ka","cov_WT_cl","cov_WT_v","cov_BMI_ka","cov_BMI_cl","cov_BMI_v") funstring3 <- .lassoUicovariate(ui,varsVec,covarsVec)$funTxt funstring4 <- "tvalue <- 0.05\nabssum <- sum(abs(cov_BMI_ka) + abs(cov_WT_ka) + abs(cov_WT_cl) + abs(cov_BMI_cl) + abs(cov_BMI_v) + abs(cov_WT_v))\nratio <- abssum/tvalue\nfactor <- exp(1 - ratio)\nka <- exp(tka + eta.ka + cov_WT_ka * factor * WT + cov_BMI_ka * factor * BMI)\ncl <- exp(tcl + + cov_BMI_cl * factor * BMI + cov_WT_cl * factor * WT)\nv <- exp(tv + eta.v + cov_WT_v * factor * WT + cov_BMI_v * factor * BMI)\nlinCmt() ~ add(" expect_equal(funstring1, funstring2) expect_equal(funstring3, funstring4) }) test_that("Add covariates and lasso string to ui ", { two.compartment <- function() { ini({ tcl <- log(53.4) tv1 <- log(73.6) tv2 <- log(320) tQ <- log(191) ~ 0.43^2 eta.v1 ~ 0.48^2 eta.v2 ~ 0.49^2 eta.Q ~ 0.36^2 <- 0.44^2 }) model({ cl <- exp(tcl + v1 <- exp(tv1 + eta.v1) v2 <- exp(tv2 + eta.v2) Q <- exp(tQ+eta.Q) linCmt() ~ prop( }) } ui2 <- nlmixr(two.compartment) ui <- ui2 varsVec <- "ka" covarsVec <- c("WT","BMI") expect_error(.lassoUicovariate(ui,varsVec,covarsVec)) })