test_that("non mu reference saem", { f <- function() { ini({ tvCL <- 3.3594379124341 tvV <- 3.6094379124341 tvKTR <- -0.693147180559945 tvKM <- 5.29831736654804 F200 <- -0.0647845247561051 F400 <- 0.0715539674232866 F900 <- 0.00929098278954747 WTCL <- -1 WTV <- -1 add.sd <- c(0, 3.44017630095337e+25) prop.sd <- c(0, 1.55138010877442e+25) eta.CL ~ 0.09025 eta.V ~ 0.09025 eta.KTR ~ 0.09025 eta.BIO ~ 0.101204645585734 eta.KM ~ 0.09025 }) model({ CL <- exp(tvCL + nlmixrMuDerCov1 * WTCL + eta.CL) V <- exp(tvV + nlmixrMuDerCov2 * WTV + eta.V) KTR <- exp(tvKTR + eta.KTR) BIO <- exp(0 + eta.BIO + DOSE3 * F200 + DOSE4 * F400 + DOSE5 * F900) KM <- exp(tvKM + eta.KM) F(trans1) = BIO cp = central/V CLTOT = CL * (1 + cp/(KM + cp)) k = CLTOT/V d/dt(trans1) = -KTR * trans1 d/dt(trans2) = KTR * trans1 - KTR * trans2 d/dt(trans3) = KTR * trans2 - KTR * trans3 d/dt(central) = KTR * trans3 - k * central cp ~ add(add.sd) + prop(prop.sd) + combined1() }) } f <- f() expect_error(f$saemModelPred, NA) }) test_that("Standard theo linCmt()", { one.cmt <- function() { ini({ tka <- 0.45 ; label("Ka") tcl <- log(c(0, 2.7, 100)) ; label("Log Cl") tv <- 3.45; label("log V") eta.ka ~ 0.6 eta.cl ~ 0.3 eta.v ~ 0.1 add.sd <- 0.7 }) model({ ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka) cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl) v <- exp(tv + eta.v) linCmt() ~ add(add.sd) }) } skip_if_not(rxode2::.linCmtSensB()) f <- nlmixr(one.cmt) expect_equal(f$saemModel0, quote(rxModelVars({ ka <- exp(tka) cl <- exp(tcl) v <- exp(tv) rx_pred_ <- linCmt() }))) expect_equal(f$saemParamsToEstimate, c("tka", "tcl", "tv")) expect_equal(f$saemParams, "params(tka,tcl,tv)") expect_equal(f$saemInParsAndMuRefCovariates, list(inPars = character(0), covars = character(0))) expect_equal(f$saemFixed, c(tka = FALSE, tcl = FALSE, tv = FALSE)) expect_equal(f$saemEtaTrans, 1:3) expect_equal(f$saemOmegaTrans, 1:3) expect_equal(f$saemModelOmega, diag(3)) expect_equal(f$saemModelOmegaFixed, matrix(rep(0, 3 * 3), 3, 3)) expect_equal(f$saemModelOmegaFixedValues, structure(c(0.6, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, 0, 0, 0.1), .Dim = c(3L, 3L))) expect_equal(f$saemLow, -Inf) expect_equal(f$saemHi, Inf) expect_equal(f$saemPropT, 0) # not proportional on transformed scale expect_equal(f$saemYj, 2) # normal translation expect_equal(f$saemResMod, 1) # additive # keep all omegas expect_equal(f$saemParHistOmegaKeep, c(eta.ka = 1L, eta.cl = 1L, eta.v = 1L)) expect_equal(f$saemParHistNames, c("tka", "tcl", "tv", "V(eta.ka)", "V(eta.cl)", "V(eta.v)", "add.sd")) # y= f + (a + b*f^c)*varepsilon # combined1 # y= f + sqrt(a^2 + b^2*f^(2*c))*varepsilon # combined2 # Ares expect_equal(f$saemAres, 0.7) # Bres expect_equal(f$saemBres, 1) # Cres expect_equal(f$saemCres, 1) # lambda for boxCox or yeoJohnson expect_equal(f$saemLres, 1) expect_equal(f$saemLogEta, c(tka = TRUE, tcl = TRUE, tv = TRUE)) expect_equal(f$saemInitTheta, structure(c(1.56831218549017, 2.7, 31.5003923087479), .Names = c("", "", ""))) expect_equal(f$saemInitOmega, c(tka = 0.6, tcl = 0.3, tv = 0.1)) expect_equal(f$saemThetaDataFrame, structure(list(lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf), theta = c(0.45, 0.993251773010283, 3.45, 0.7), fixed = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), upper = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("tka", "tcl", "tv", "add.sd"))) expect_equal(f$saemModelPredReplaceLst, c(tka = "THETA[1] + ETA[1]", tcl = "THETA[2] + ETA[2]", tv = "THETA[3] + ETA[3]", add.sd = "THETA[4]")) }) test_that("non mu-ref theo linCmt() with fixed components", { one.cmt <- function() { ini({ tka <- exp(0.45) ; label("Ka") tcl <- log(c(0, 2.7, 100)) ; label("Log Cl") tv <- fix(3.45); label("log V") eta.ka ~ 0.6 eta.cl ~ fix(0.3) eta.v ~ 0.1 add.sd <- 0.7 }) model({ ka <- tka * exp(eta.ka) cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl) v <- exp(tv + eta.v) linCmt() ~ add(add.sd) }) } f <- nlmixr(one.cmt) expect_equal(f$saemModel0, quote(rxModelVars({ ka <- tka * exp(eta.ka) cl <- exp(tcl) v <- exp(tv) rx_pred_ <- linCmt() }))) expect_equal(f$saemParamsToEstimate, c("tka", "tcl", "tv", "eta.ka")) expect_equal(f$saemParams, "params(tka,tcl,tv,eta.ka)") expect_equal(f$saemInParsAndMuRefCovariates, list(inPars = character(0), covars = character(0))) expect_equal(f$saemFixed, c(tka = FALSE, tcl = FALSE, tv = TRUE, eta.ka=TRUE)) expect_equal(f$saemEtaTrans, c(4L, 2L, 3L)) expect_equal(f$saemOmegaTrans, c(3L, 1L, 2L)) expect_equal(f$saemModelOmega, structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), .Dim = c(4L, 4L))) expect_equal(f$saemModelOmegaFixed, structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(4L, 4L))) expect_equal(f$saemModelOmegaFixedValues, structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.6), .Dim = c(4L, 4L))) expect_equal(f$saemLow, -Inf) expect_equal(f$saemHi, Inf) expect_equal(f$saemPropT, 0) # not proportional on transformed scale expect_equal(f$saemYj, 2) # normal translation expect_equal(f$saemResMod, 1) # additive # Don't keep the eta.cl since it is fixed expect_equal(f$saemParHistOmegaKeep, c(eta.cl = 0L, eta.v = 1L, eta.ka = 1L)) # fixed volume and fixed eta.cl expect_equal(f$saemParHistNames, c("tka", "tcl", "V(eta.v)", "V(eta.ka)", "add.sd")) # y= f + (a + b*f^c)*varepsilon # combined1 # y= f + sqrt(a^2 + b^2*f^(2*c))*varepsilon # combined2 # Ares expect_equal(f$saemAres, 0.7) # Bres expect_equal(f$saemBres, 1) # Cres expect_equal(f$saemCres, 1) # lambda for boxCox or yeoJohnson expect_equal(f$saemLres, 1) expect_equal(f$saemLogEta, c(tka = FALSE, tcl = TRUE, tv = TRUE, eta.ka=TRUE)) expect_equal(f$saemInitTheta, c(1.56831218549017, 2.7, FIXED=31.5003923087479, FIXED=1)) expect_equal(f$saemInitOmega, c(tka = 1.0, tcl = 0.3, tv = 0.1, eta.ka=0.6)) expect_equal(f$saemThetaDataFrame, structure(list(lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf), theta = c(exp(0.45), 0.993251773010283, 3.45, 0.7), fixed = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), upper = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("tka", "tcl", "tv", "add.sd"))) expect_equal(f$saemModelPredReplaceLst, c(tka = "THETA[1]", tcl = "THETA[2] + ETA[2]", tv = "THETA[3] + ETA[3]", eta.ka = "ETA[1]", add.sd = "THETA[4]")) }) test_that("theo wt cov parsing", { one.cmt <- function() { ini({ tka <- 0.45 ; label("Ka") tcl <- log(c(0, 2.7, 100)) ; label("Log Cl") tv <- 3.45; label("log V") cl.wt <- 0 eta.ka ~ 0.6 eta.cl ~ 0.3 eta.v ~ 0.1 add.sd <- 0.7 }) model({ ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka) cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl + wt * cl.wt) v <- exp(tv + eta.v) linCmt() ~ add(add.sd) }) } f <- one.cmt() expect_equal(f$muRefCovariateDataFrame, structure(list(theta = "tcl", covariate = "wt", covariateParameter = "cl.wt"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")) expect_equal(f$saemMuRefCovariateDataFrame, structure(list(theta = "tcl", covariate = "wt", covariateParameter = "cl.wt"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")) expect_equal(f$saemModelPredReplaceLst, c(tka = "THETA[1] + ETA[1]", tcl = "THETA[2] + ETA[2] + wt * THETA[4]", tv = "THETA[3] + ETA[3]", cl.wt = "THETA[4]", add.sd = "THETA[5]")) }) test_that("nimo parsing", { nimo <- function() { ini({ tcl <- log(0.001) tv1 <- log(1.45) tQ <- log(0.004) tv2 <- log(44) tkss <- log(12) tkint <- log(0.3) tksyn <- log(1) tkdeg <- log(7) eta.cl ~ 2 eta.v1 ~ 2 eta.kss ~ 2 add.err <- 10 }) model({ cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl) v1 <- exp(tv1 + eta.v1) Q <- exp(tQ) v2 <- exp(tv2) kss <- exp(tkss + eta.kss) kint <- exp(tkint) ksyn <- exp(tksyn) kdeg <- exp(tkdeg) k <- cl/v1 k12 <- Q/v1 k21 <- Q/v2 eff(0) <- ksyn/kdeg ##initializing compartment ## Concentration is calculated conc = 0.5*(central/v1-eff-kss)+0.5*sqrt((central/v1-eff-kss)**2+4*kss*central/v1) d/dt(central) = -(k+k12)*conc*v1+k21*peripheral-kint*eff*conc*v1/(kss+conc) d/dt(peripheral) = k12*conc*v1-k21*peripheral ##Free Drug second compartment amount d/dt(eff) = ksyn - kdeg*eff - (kint-kdeg)*conc*eff/(kss+conc) IPRED=log(conc) IPRED ~ add(add.err) }) } f <- nlmixr(nimo) expect_equal( f$saemModel0, quote(rxModelVars({ cl <- exp(tcl) v1 <- exp(tv1) Q <- exp(tQ) v2 <- exp(tv2) kss <- exp(tkss) kint <- exp(tkint) ksyn <- exp(tksyn) kdeg <- exp(tkdeg) k <- cl/v1 k12 <- Q/v1 k21 <- Q/v2 eff(0) <- ksyn/kdeg conc = 0.5 * (central/v1 - eff - kss) + 0.5 * sqrt((central/v1 - eff - kss)^2 + 4 * kss * central/v1) d/dt(central) = -(k + k12) * conc * v1 + k21 * peripheral - kint * eff * conc * v1/(kss + conc) d/dt(peripheral) = k12 * conc * v1 - k21 * peripheral d/dt(eff) = ksyn - kdeg * eff - (kint - kdeg) * conc * eff/(kss + conc) IPRED = log(conc) rx_pred_ <- IPRED }))) expect_equal( f$saemParamsToEstimate, c("tcl", "tv1", "tQ", "tv2", "tkss", "tkint", "tksyn", "tkdeg") ) expect_equal( f$saemParams, "params(tcl,tv1,tQ,tv2,tkss,tkint,tksyn,tkdeg)" ) expect_equal( f$saemInParsAndMuRefCovariates, list(inPars = character(0), covars = character(0)) ) expect_equal( f$saemFixed, c(tcl = FALSE, tv1 = FALSE, tQ = FALSE, tv2 = FALSE, tkss = FALSE, tkint = FALSE, tksyn = FALSE, tkdeg = FALSE) ) # eta.cl, eta.v1, eta.kss expect_equal( f$saemEtaTrans, c(1L, 2L, 5L) ) expect_equal(f$saemOmegaTrans, 1:3) expect_equal( f$saemModelOmegaFixedValues, structure(c(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(8L, 8L)) ) expect_equal(f$saemLow, -Inf) expect_equal(f$saemHi, Inf) expect_equal(f$saemPropT, 0) # not proportional on transformed scale expect_equal(f$saemYj, 2) # normal translation expect_equal(f$saemResMod, 1) # additive # Don't keep the eta.cl since it is fixed expect_equal(f$saemParHistOmegaKeep, c(eta.cl = 1L, eta.v1 = 1L, eta.kss = 1L)) # fixed volume and fixed eta.cl expect_equal(f$saemParHistNames, c("tcl", "tv1", "tQ", "tv2", "tkss", "tkint", "tksyn", "tkdeg", "V(eta.cl)", "V(eta.v1)", "V(eta.kss)", "add.err")) # y= f + (a + b*f^c)*varepsilon # combined1 # y= f + sqrt(a^2 + b^2*f^(2*c))*varepsilon # combined2 # Ares expect_equal(f$saemAres, 10) # Bres expect_equal(f$saemBres, 1) # Cres expect_equal(f$saemCres, 1) # lambda for boxCox or yeoJohnson expect_equal(f$saemLres, 1) expect_equal( f$saemLogEta, c(tcl = TRUE, tv1 = TRUE, tQ = TRUE, tv2 = TRUE, tkss = TRUE, tkint = TRUE, tksyn = TRUE, tkdeg = TRUE) ) expect_equal( f$saemInitTheta, structure(c(0.001, 1.45, 0.004, 44, 12, 0.3, 1, 7), .Names = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) ) expect_equal( f$saemInitOmega, c(tcl = 2, tv1 = 2, tQ = 1, tv2 = 1, tkss = 2, tkint = 1, tksyn = 1, tkdeg = 1) ) expect_equal( f$saemThetaDataFrame, structure( list( lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf), theta = c(-6.90775527898214, 0.371563556432483, -5.52146091786225, 3.78418963391826, 2.484906649788, -1.20397280432594, 0, 1.94591014905531, 10), fixed = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), upper = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("tcl", "tv1", "tQ", "tv2", "tkss", "tkint", "tksyn", "tkdeg", "add.err")) ) })