library(nipnTK) context("Tests for greensIndex") svy <- flag.ex01 svy$flag <- 0 svy$flag <- ifelse(!$haz) & (svy$haz < -6 | svy$haz > 6), svy$flag + 1, svy$flag) svy$flag <- ifelse(!$whz) & (svy$whz < -5 | svy$whz > 5), svy$flag + 2, svy$flag) svy$flag <- ifelse(!$waz) & (svy$waz < -6 | svy$waz > 5), svy$flag + 4, svy$flag) svy <- svy[svy$flag == 0, ] svy$stunted <- ifelse(svy$haz < -2, 1, 2) gi <- greensIndex(data = svy, psu = "psu", case = "stunted") test_that("gi is greensIndex", { expect_is(gi, "greensIndex") }) test_that("gi is a list", { expect_true(is.list(gi)) }) test_that("names of elements of gi", { expect_equal(names(gi)[1], "GI") expect_equal(names(gi)[2], "LCL") expect_equal(names(gi)[3], "UCL") expect_equal(names(gi)[4], "minGI") expect_equal(names(gi)[5], "p") }) test_that("length(gi) is 5", { expect_equal(length(gi), 5) }) test_that("print(gi) message exists", { expect_output(print(gi)) })