test_that("Calculate one play: GB", { # add_4th_probs relies on downloads. Better skip this on cran # it is just pain to do on their machines testthat::skip_on_cran() probs <- nfl4th::add_4th_probs(play) # positive go boost testthat::expect_gt(probs$go_boost, 0) }) test_that("Make the table: GB", { # add_4th_probs relies on downloads. Better skip this on cran # it is just pain to do on their machines testthat::skip_on_cran() probs <- nfl4th::add_4th_probs(play) table <- nfl4th::make_table_data(probs) fg_row <- table %>% filter(choice == "Field goal attempt") go_row <- table %>% filter(choice == "Go for it") # succeeding is better than failing testthat::expect_gt(go_row$success_wp, go_row$fail_wp) testthat::expect_gt(fg_row$success_wp, fg_row$fail_wp) })