context("searchlight") gmask <- system.file("extdata", "global_mask2.nii.gz", package="neuroim2") gmask_gz <- system.file("extdata", "global_mask2.nii.gz", package="neuroim2") test_that("can extract searchlight object from a 3d volume", { vol <- read_vol(gmask) s1 <- searchlight(vol, 8, eager=FALSE, nonzero=FALSE) s2 <- searchlight(vol, 8, eager=TRUE, nonzero=FALSE) s3 <- searchlight(vol, 8, eager=FALSE, nonzero=TRUE) s4 <- searchlight(vol, 8, eager=TRUE, nonzero=TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(coords(s1[[1]])), nrow(coords(s2[[1]]))) expect_equal(nrow(coords(s3[[1]])), nrow(coords(s4[[1]]))) }) test_that("can extract clustered searchlight object from a 3d volume", { vol <- read_vol(gmask) s1 <- clustered_searchlight(vol, csize=100) expect_equal(length(s1), 100) grid <- index_to_grid(vol, which(vol>0)) kres <- kmeans(grid, centers=200, iter.max=500) cvol <- ClusteredNeuroVol(vol, clusters=kres$cluster) s2 <- clustered_searchlight(vol, cvol=cvol) expect_equal(length(s2), 200) }) test_that("random_searchlight works as expected", { mask <- read_vol(gmask) random_sl <- random_searchlight(mask, radius = 5) expect_true(!is.null(random_sl), info = "random_searchlight failed to create an iterator") }) test_that("bootstrap_searchlight works as expected", { mask <- read_vol(gmask) bootstrap_sl <- bootstrap_searchlight(mask, radius = 8, iter = 100) expect_true(!is.null(bootstrap_sl), info = "bootstrap_searchlight failed to create an iterator") }) test_that("searchlight_coords works as expected", { mask <- read_vol(gmask) coords_list <- searchlight_coords(mask, radius = 4, nonzero = FALSE, cores = 0) expect_true(!is.null(coords_list), info = "searchlight_coords failed to create an iterator") }) test_that("searchlight works as expected", { mask <- read_vol(gmask) searchlight_list <- searchlight(mask, radius = 4, eager = FALSE, nonzero = FALSE, cores = 0) expect_true(!is.null(searchlight_list), info = "searchlight failed to create an iterator") }) test_that("clustered_searchlight works as expected", { mask <- read_vol(gmask) clustered_sl <- clustered_searchlight(mask, csize = 5) expect_true(!is.null(clustered_sl), info = "clustered_searchlight failed to create an iterator") })