gmask <- system.file("extdata", "global_mask_v4.nii", package="neuroim2") gmask_gz <- system.file("extdata", "global_mask2.nii.gz", package="neuroim2") context("neurovol") test_that("can read a NeuroVol from .nii file", { vol <- read_vol(gmask) expect_equal(dim(vol), c(64,64,25)) }) test_that("can read a NeuroVol from .nii.gz file", { vol <- read_vol(gmask_gz) expect_equal(dim(vol), c(64,64,25)) }) test_that("can construct NeuroVol from 3D array", { dat <- array(0, c(64,64,64)) spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) bv <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc) expect_true(!is.null(bv)) expect_equal(bv[1,1,1], 0) expect_equal(bv[64,64,64], 0) expect_equal(dim(bv), c(64,64,64)) }) test_that("can construct NeuroVol from 1D array with indices", { dat <- rnorm(100) spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) indices = seq(1,20000, length.out=100) bv <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc, indices=indices) expect_true(!is.null(bv)) expect_equal(dim(bv), c(64,64,64)) }) test_that("can construct NeuroVol from 1D vector", { spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) dat <- rnorm(prod(dim(spc))) bv <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc) expect_true(!is.null(bv)) expect_equal(dim(bv), c(64,64,64)) }) test_that("can construct NeuroVol from matrix with 1 row or column", { spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) dat <- as.matrix(rnorm(prod(dim(spc)))) bv <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc) bv2 <- DenseNeuroVol(t(dat), spc) expect_equal(bv, bv2) }) test_that("DenseNeuroVol throws error when space has wrong dimensions", { spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64)) dat <- as.matrix(rnorm(prod(64*64*64))) expect_error(DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc)) }) test_that("can convert NeuroVol to LogicalNeuroVol", { spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) dat <- rnorm(prod(dim(spc))) tot <- sum(dat>0) bv <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc) bvlog <- as.logical(bv>0) expect_equal(tot, sum(bvlog)) }) test_that("NeuroVol with mismatching data and space dimensions throw error", { spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) dat <- array(0, c(64,64,63)) expect_error(DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc)) }) test_that("can subset a NeuroVol with an ROIVol", { spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) dat <- array(0, c(64,64,64)) vol <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc) roi <- spherical_roi(vol, c(32,32,32), 3) vals <- vol[roi] expect_equal(length(vals), nrow(coords(roi))) }) test_that("can concatenate multiple NeuroVols to get a NeuroVec", { dat <- array(0, c(64,64,64)) spc <- NeuroSpace(c(64,64,64)) bv1 <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc) bv2 <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, spc) bv3 <- concat(bv1, bv2) expect_true(inherits(bv3, "NeuroVec")) expect_equal(dim(bv3), c(64,64,64,2)) bv4 <- concat(bv1,bv2, bv1, bv2) expect_true(inherits(bv4, "NeuroVec")) expect_equal(dim(bv4), c(64,64,64,4)) expect_equal(bv4[1,1,1,1],0) }) test_that("can read a NIFTI vol", { vol <- read_vol(gmask) expect_true(!is.null(vol)) expect_equal(dim(vol), c(64,64,25)) expect_error(read_vol(gmask, index=5)) }) test_that("can perform arithmetic on NeuroVols", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) vol2 <- vol1 <- vol1 + vol2 vol.check <- DenseNeuroVol(vol1@.Data + vol2@.Data, space(vol1)) expect_equal(, vol.check) vol.minus <- vol1 - vol2 vol.check <- DenseNeuroVol(vol1@.Data - vol2@.Data, space(vol1)) expect_equal(vol.minus, vol.check) vol.mult <- vol1 * vol2 vol.check <- DenseNeuroVol(vol1@.Data * vol2@.Data, space(vol1)) expect_equal(vol.mult, vol.check) vol.div <- (vol1+10)/vol2 vol.check <- DenseNeuroVol((vol1@.Data+10) / vol2@.Data, space(vol1)) expect_equal(vol.div, vol.check) }) test_that("index_to_grid on NeuroVol checks out", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) i <- 65 expect_equal(index_to_grid(vol1, i), matrix(c(1,2,1), nrow=1)) expect_equal(index_to_grid(vol1, 1), matrix(c(1,1,1), nrow=1)) expect_error(index_to_grid(vol1, 64*64*25 +1)) expect_error(index_to_grid(vol1, -1)) }) test_that("can convert NeuroVol to LogicalNeuroVol", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) vol2 <- as(vol1, "LogicalNeuroVol") vol3 <- as.logical(vol1) vol4 <- as.mask(vol1) vol5 <- as.mask(vol1, indices=which(vol1>0)) expect_true(!is.null(vol2)) expect_equal(sum(vol3), sum(vol4)) expect_equal(sum(vol4), sum(vol5)) }) test_that("can convert NeuroVol to SparseNeuroVol", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) svol1 <- as.sparse(vol1, mask=which(vol1>0)) svol2 <- as.sparse(vol1, mask=as.logical(vol1)) expect_equal(svol1,svol2) }) test_that("data and indices must have same length to contruct SparseNeuroVol", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) indices <- which(vol1>0) dat <- vol1[indices] dat <- c(0,dat) expect_error(SparseNeuroVol(data=dat, indices=indices, space=space(vol1))) }) test_that("can convert SparseNeuroVol to an array or vector", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) svol1 <- as.sparse(vol1, mask=which(vol1>0)) arr <- as(svol1, "array") vec <- as.numeric(svol1) expect_equal(dim(arr), dim(vol1)) expect_equal(sum(vec), sum(svol1)) }) test_that("can map a kernel over a NeuroVol", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) kern <- Kernel(c(3,3,3), vdim=spacing(vol1)) vol2 <- mapf(vol1, kern) expect_equal(space(vol1), space(vol2)) }) test_that("can map values over a NeuroVol", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) lookup <- list("0"=2,"1"=5) x <- map_values(vol1, lookup) expect_equal(names(table(x)), c("2", "5")) x2 <- map_values(vol1, rbind(c(0,2), c(1,5))) expect_equal(names(table(x2)), c("2", "5")) }) test_that("can resample a NeuroVol", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) tr <- trans(vol1) tr[1,1] <- tr[1,1]/2 tr[2,2] <- tr[2,2]/2 tr[3,3] <- tr[3,3]/2 sp2 <- NeuroSpace(dim=c(128,128,50), spacing=c(3.5/2,3.5/2, 3.7/2), trans=tr, origin=origin(vol1)) out <- resample(vol1, sp2, interpolation=0) expect_true(max(out) == 1) }) test_that("can compute mean of each slice with 'slices'", { vol1 <- read_vol(gmask) slices <- slices(vol1) mean.slice1 <- lapply(slices, mean) expect_equal(length(mean.slice1), 25) expect_equal(unlist(mean.slice1), apply(vol1, 3, mean)) }) test_that("can write and read back an image vol", { mask <- read_vol(gmask) fname <- paste(tempfile(), ".nii", sep="") write_vol(mask, fname) vol2 <- read_vol(fname) expect_true(all(mask == vol2)) expect_true(identical(space(mask), space(vol2))) }) test_that("can construct a NeuroSlice", { slice <- NeuroSlice(matrix(0,10,10), NeuroSpace(c(10,10))) expect_true(!is.null(slice)) }) test_that("can construct a NeuroSlice and extract index", { slice <- NeuroSlice(matrix(0,10,10), NeuroSpace(c(10,10))) pix <- grid_to_index(slice, c(1,1)) expect_equal(pix, 1) pix <- index_to_grid(slice, 1) expect_equal(as.vector(pix), c(1,1)) }) test_that("NeuroSlice with wrong input space throws error", { expect_error(NeuroSlice(matrix(0,10,10), NeuroSpace(c(10,10,10)))) }) test_that("NeuroSlice with mismatching data dim throws error", { expect_error(NeuroSlice(array(0,c(10,10,10)), NeuroSpace(c(10,10)))) }) test_that("Can construct a ClusteredNeuroVol", { mask <- NeuroVol(array(1,c(10,10,10)), NeuroSpace(c(10,10,10))) mask.idx <- which(mask != 0) grid <- index_to_coord(mask, mask.idx) vox <- index_to_grid(mask, mask.idx) kres <- kmeans(grid, centers=50, iter.max=500) kvol <- ClusteredNeuroVol(mask, kres$cluster) expect_true(!is.null(kvol)) expect_equal(length(unique(kvol@clusters)), 50) expect_equal(length(kvol@cluster_map), 50) expect_equal(num_clusters(kvol), 50) }) test_that("Can partition a NeuroVol into a set of ROIVols", { mask <- NeuroVol(array(1,c(10,10,10)), NeuroSpace(c(10,10,10))) mask.idx <- which(mask != 0) grid <- index_to_coord(mask, mask.idx) vox <- index_to_grid(mask, mask.idx) kres <- kmeans(grid, centers=50, iter.max=500) kvol <- ClusteredNeuroVol(mask, kres$cluster) p <- split_clusters(mask, kvol) expect_equal(50, length(p)) }) test_that("can write and read back a gzipped nifti file", { # Read original mask mask <- read_vol(gmask) # Create temporary gzipped file fname <- paste(tempfile(), ".nii.gz", sep="") write_vol(mask, fname) # Read back the gzipped file vol2 <- read_vol(fname) # Verify contents and metadata match expect_true(all(mask@.Data == vol2@.Data)) expect_true(identical(dim(space(mask)), dim(space(vol2)))) # Clean up unlink(fname) })