library(purrr) library(testthat) library(assertthat) context("mapped neurovec") gmask <- system.file("extdata", "global_mask_v4.nii", package="neuroim2") gmask5 <- system.file("extdata", "global_mask_v4.nii", package="neuroim2") gvec <- read_vec(gmask5, mode="mmap") cvec <- read_vec(gmask5) gen_dat <- function(d1 = 12, d2 = 12, d3 = 12, d4 = 4, rand = FALSE) { if (rand) { dat <- array(rnorm(d1 * d2 * d3 * d4), c(d1, d2, d3, d4)) } else { dat <- array(0, c(d1, d2, d3, d4)) } spc <- NeuroSpace(c(d1, d2, d3, d4)) DenseNeuroVec(dat, spc) } test_that("can extract a single volume from a MappedNeuroVec", { vol1 <- drop(gvec[[1]]) expect_equal(dim(gvec)[1:3], dim(vol1)) }) test_that("can extract a sub vector from a MappedNeuroVec", { vec1 <- sub_vector(gvec, 1:2) expect_true(inherits(vec1, "NeuroVec")) expect_equal(dim(vec1), c(dim(gvec)[1:3],2)) }) test_that("can map over each volume in a MappedNeuroVec", { mean.vol1 <- lapply(vols(gvec), mean) expect_equal(length(mean.vol1), dim(gvec)[4]) }) test_that("can map over first 50 vectors in a MappedNeuroVec", { mean.vec1 <- map_dbl(vectors(gvec, 1:50), mean) expect_equal(length(mean.vec1), 50) }) test_that("can split a FileBackedNeuroVec into a set of clustered ROIs", { grid <- index_to_coord(space(gvec), as.numeric(1:prod(dim(gvec)[1:3]))) kres <- kmeans(grid, centers=50, iter.max=150) res <- gvec %>% split_clusters(kres$cluster) %>% map_dbl(~ mean(.)) expect_equal(length(res), 50) }) test_that("can map over a subset of vols in a MappedNeuroVec", { mean.vol1 <- lapply(vols(gvec, 2:3), mean) expect_equal(length(mean.vol1), 2) }) test_that("can extract multiple series from a MappedNeuroVec", { expect_equal(as.vector(series(gvec, 1,1,1)), gvec[1,1,1,]) mat <- rbind(c(1,1,1), c(2,2,2), c(3,3,3)) r1 <- apply(mat, 1, function(i) { series(gvec, i[1], i[2], i[3]) }) r2 <- series(gvec, mat) expect_equal(r1, r2) }) test_that("can extract an ROIVec from a MappedNeuroVec", { roi <- series_roi(gvec, 1:10) roi2 <- series_roi(gvec, LogicalNeuroVol(data=rep(1, 10), space=drop_dim(space(gvec)), indices=1:10)) rvol <- ROIVol(space(drop_dim(space(gvec))), coords(roi2), data=rep(1, nrow(coords(roi2)))) roi3 <- series_roi(gvec, rvol) roi4 <- series_roi(gvec, coords(rvol)) expect_equal(coords(roi), coords(roi2)) expect_equal(coords(roi2), coords(roi3)) expect_equal(coords(roi3), coords(roi4)) }) test_that("can convert MappedNeuroVec to matrix", { mat <- as(gvec, "matrix") ind <- sample(seq(1, prod(dim(gvec)[1:3])),100) mat2 <- t(, lapply(ind, function(i) series(gvec, i)))) expect_equal(mat[ind,], mat2) }) test_that("MappedNeuroVec can be indexed like a DenseNeuroVec", { expect_equal(gvec[1,,,], cvec[1,,,]) expect_equal(gvec[1,2,,], cvec[1,2,,]) expect_equal(gvec[1,2,3,], cvec[1,2,3,]) expect_equal(gvec[1,2,3,4], cvec[1,2,3,4]) expect_equal(gvec[1:2,2,3,4], cvec[1:2,2,3,4]) expect_equal(gvec[1:2,2,3,3:4], cvec[1:2,2,3,3:4]) expect_equal(gvec[1:2,2,,3:4], cvec[1:2,2,,3:4]) expect_equal(gvec[1:2,,,3:4], cvec[1:2,,,3:4]) expect_equal(gvec[,,,3:4], cvec[,,,3:4]) ind <- sample(prod(dim(gvec)), 100) cds <- index_to_grid(space(gvec), ind) expect_equal(gvec[cds], cvec[cds]) expect_equal(gvec[ind], gvec[cds]) }) test_that("can map a searchlight over a MappedNeuroVec", { mask <- drop(gvec[[1]]) slight <- searchlight_coords(mask, radius=8, nonzero=TRUE)[1:100] res <- slight %>% map(~ mean(series(gvec, .))) %>% flatten_dbl() expect_equal(mean(res), 1) })