R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-07 r87428 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > #Set to TRUE to run tests > if(FALSE){ + + library(network) + + binet = network.initialize(10, bipartite = 6) + set.vertex.attribute(binet, 'myval', paste('b1', 1:6), v=1:6) + set.vertex.attribute(binet, 'myval', paste('b2', 1:4), v=7:10) + + check <- vector() + check[1] <- all(get.vertex.attribute(binet, 'myval') == c("b1 1", "b1 2", "b1 3", "b1 4", "b1 5", "b1 6", "b2 1", "b2 2", "b2 3" ,"b2 4")) + + # check for distinction between bipartite=FALSE and bipartite=0 + testA<-network.initialize(3,bipartite=0) + if(!is.bipartite(testA)){ + stop('failed test of is.bipartite for bipartite=0') + } + + testB<-network.initialize(3,bipartite=FALSE) + if(is.bipartite(testB)){ + stop('failed test of is.bipartite for bipartite=FALSE') + } + + testC<-network.initialize(3,bipartite=TRUE) + if(!is.bipartite(testC)){ + stop('failed test of is.bipartite for bipartite=TRUE') + } + + if(!is.bipartite(binet)){ + stop('failed test of is.bipartite for bipartite=6') + } + + # add vertices to bipartite graphs + g = binet; add.vertices(g, 5, last.mode=F) + check[2] <- network.size(g) == 15 + check[3] <- get.network.attribute(g, 'bipartite') == 11 + check[4] <- identical(get.vertex.attribute(g, 'myval'), + c("b1 1", "b1 2", "b1 3", "b1 4", "b1 5", "b1 6", NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"b2 1","b2 2","b2 3","b2 4")) + + test<-network.initialize(3,bipartite=0) + test%v%'letters'<-LETTERS[1:3] + add.vertices(test,nv=1,last.mode=FALSE) + if(!identical(test%v%'letters',c(NA,"A","B","C"))){ + stop("Error adding vertices to first mode of network with biparite=0") + } + + test<-network.initialize(3,bipartite=0) + test%v%'letters'<-LETTERS[1:3] + add.vertices(test,nv=1,last.mode=TRUE) + if(!identical(test%v%'letters',c("A","B","C",NA))){ + stop("Error adding vertices to last mode of network with biparite=0") + } + + + g = binet + add.vertices(g, 5, last.mode=T) + check[5] <- network.size(g) == 15 + check[6] <- get.network.attribute(g, 'bipartite') == 6 + check[7] <- identical(get.vertex.attribute(g, 'myval'), + c("b1 1", "b1 2", "b1 3", "b1 4", "b1 5", "b1 6","b2 1","b2 2","b2 3","b2 4", NA,NA,NA,NA,NA)) + + # replacement operators should always replace + y <- network.initialize(4,dir=FALSE) # This network can have at most 1 edge. + y[1,2] <- NA # Assign NA to (1,2) + y[1,2] <- NA + check[8] <- network.edgecount(y) == 0 + check[9] <- network.edgecount(y, na.omit=F) == 1 + + y[,] <- 1 + check[10] <- network.edgecount(y) == 6 + y[,] <- NA + check[11] <- network.edgecount(y) == 0 + check[12] <- network.edgecount(y, na.omit=F) == 6 + y[,] <- 0 + check[13] <- network.edgecount(y, na.omit=F) == 0 + + + # ------ test valid.eids function + net<-network.initialize(4) + net[,]<-1 + delete.edges(net,eid=4:6) + if(!all(valid.eids(net)==c(1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12))){ + stop('valid.eids did not return correct ids for non-null elements of network') + } + + #If everything worked, check is TRUE + if(!all(check)){ #Should be TRUE + stop(paste("network package test failed on test(s):",which(!check))) + } + + #End tests + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.12 0.03 0.15