library(nc) library(testthat) library(data.table) context("melt") source(system.file("test_engines.R", package="nc", mustWork=TRUE), local=TRUE) iris.dt <- data.table(observation=1:nrow(iris), iris) test_engines("error for regex that matches no column names", { expect_error({ capture_melt_single(iris.dt, part="foo") }, "no column names match regex") }) test_engines("error for fun always returning NA", { expect_error(suppressWarnings({ capture_melt_single(iris.dt, part=".*", as.numeric) }), "need to change type conversion function(s), which should return at least one non-NA, but are always returning NA, even though regex matched 6 column(s): observation,Sepal.Length,Sepal.Width,Petal.Length,Petal.Width,Species", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("error for fun always returning NA abbrev cols", { subject <- data.frame(t(1:99)) expect_error(suppressWarnings({ capture_melt_single(subject, part=".*", as.numeric) }), "need to change type conversion function(s), which should return at least one non-NA, but are always returning NA, even though regex matched 99 column(s): X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,...,X95,X96,X97,X98,X99", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("possessive (.*+) error(RE2) or OK(others)", { posmatch <- function(){ capture_melt_single( iris.dt, part=".*", "[.]", dim=".*+") } if(identical(getOption("nc.engine"), "RE2")){ expect_error({ posmatch() }, "bad repetition operator") }else{ iris.tall <- posmatch() exp.names <- c( "observation", "Species", "part", "dim", "value") expect_identical(names(iris.tall), exp.names) } }) test_engines("error if first arg not df", { expect_error({ capture_melt_single("foo", bar="baz") }, "first argument (subject) must be a data.frame", fixed=TRUE) }) ## what if an input column is named .variable? DV <- data.table( .variable=c("foo", "bar"), "p10.5"=c(3L, 5L), "p1.1"=c(0L, 1L)) test_engines(".variable input column ok", { tall.dt <- capture_melt_single(DV, "p", penalty=".*", as.numeric) expect_identical(tall.dt$penalty, c(10.5, 10.5, 1.1, 1.1)) }) ## what if a capture group has the same name as test_engines("capture group with funny name is ok", { tall.dt <- capture_melt_single( DV, "p", .variable.p10.5.p1.1=".*", as.numeric) expect_identical(tall.dt$.variable.p10.5.p1.1, c(10.5, 10.5, 1.1, 1.1)) }) ## what if input df has repeated names? bad.df <- data.frame(1, 2) names(bad.df) <- c("foo", "foo") test_engines("melting df with same col names is an error", { expect_error({ capture_melt_single(bad.df, o="o+") }, "input must have columns with unique names, problems: foo") }) ## what if there are two groups with the same name? test_engines("groups with the same name is an error", { expect_error({ capture_melt_single(DV, foo="p", foo="1") }, "duplicate capture group names are only allowed in alternatives, problem: foo") }) ## what if a capture group has the same name as an input column? test_engines("err change capture group if same as input col", { expect_error({ capture_melt_single(DV, .variable="p") }, "some capture group names (.variable) are the same as input column names that did not match the pattern; please change either the pattern or the capture group names so that all output column names will be unique", fixed=TRUE) }) ## what if is the same as input col? test_engines("err change if same as input col", { expect_error({ capture_melt_single(DV, "p", num=".*",".variable") }, " (.variable) is the same as an input column name that did not match the pattern; please change one so that all output column names will be unique", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("err change or group names", { expect_error({ capture_melt_single(DV, "p", num=".*","num") }, " (num) is the same as a capture group name; please change one so that all output column names will be unique", fixed=TRUE) }) i.vec <- 1:10000 one.row <- data.frame(t(i.vec)) test_engines("melting lots of columns is OK", { out <- capture_melt_single(one.row, "X", col="[0-9]+", as.integer) expect_identical(out$col, i.vec) expect_identical(out$value, i.vec) }) DT.wide <- data.table(id=0, num_ref=1, name_ref="foo", num=2, name="bar") test_engines("converting NA to non-NA is an error", { expect_error({ nc::capture_melt_multiple(DT.wide, column="name|num", type=".*", function(x)fcase(x=="", "other", default="reference")) }, "a non-match(NA) was converted to a match(non-NA) by the conversion function in group 2(type); please fix conversion function", fixed=TRUE) })