library(nc) library(testthat) context("errors") source(system.file("test_engines.R", package="nc", mustWork=TRUE), local=TRUE) <- c("foo", "bar") test_engines("no capture groups is an error", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec(, "o") }, "must have at least one named argument", fixed=TRUE) }) named.chr.vec <- c("v\"name\\"="[a\"o]+") expected.obj <- as.list(named.chr.vec) expect_error_with_code <- function(expr, expected.obj){ msg <- tryCatch({ expr }, error=function(e){ e$message }) code <- capture_first_vec( msg, "did you mean ", code=".*")$code computed.obj <- eval(parse(text=code)) expect_identical(computed.obj, expected.obj) } test_engines("named character vector is an error with group name", { expect_error_with_code({ capture_first_vec(, gname=named.chr.vec) }, expected.obj) }) test_engines("named character vector is an error without group name", { expect_error_with_code({ capture_first_vec(, named.chr.vec) }, expected.obj) }) named.pat.list <- as.list(named.chr.vec) exp.vec <- c("oo", "a") test_engines("named pattern list in named arg makes two groups", { (result.df <- capture_first_vec(, gname=named.pat.list)) expect_identical(names(result.df), c("gname", names(named.pat.list))) expect_identical(result.df$gname, exp.vec) expect_identical(result.df[[names(named.pat.list)]], exp.vec) }) test_engines("named pattern list in un-named arg makes one group", { (result.df <- capture_first_vec(, named.pat.list)) expect_identical(names(result.df), names(named.pat.list)) expect_identical(result.df[[names(named.pat.list)]], exp.vec) }) test_engines("any capture group without a name is an error", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec(, "(o)(?Po)") }, "must have at least one named argument", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("NA pattern is an error", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec(, NA_character_) }, "patterns must not be missing/NA", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("factor pattern is an error", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec(, factor("(?Pfoo)")) }, "arguments must be character") }) test_engines("multiple patterns is an error", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec(, c("(?P.)", "(?P.)")) }, "patterns must be character vectors of length 1") }) test_engines("subject of length 0 is an error", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec(character(), "(?P.)") }, "subject has class=character and length=0 but should be a character vector with length>0") }) test_engines("capture all works with only one 'name' group", { subject <- c(missing=NA, nomatch="", match="foobar") result.dt <- capture_all_str(subject, name="foo") expect_equal(dim(result.dt), c(1, 1)) expect_identical(result.dt$name, "foo") }) test_engines("informative error when converter fun has zero args", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec( "chr2:300-400", chrom="chr", function()y) }, "atomic vector", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("informative error when converter returns wrong length", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec( c("chr2:300-400", "chr2:300-400"), chrom="chr", function(x)"foo") }, "type conversion function for group 1(chrom) returned vector of length 1 but expected length 2", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("informative error when converter returns non-atomic", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec( c("chr2:300-400", "chr2:300-400"), chrom="chr", function(x)list(foo=200)) }, "each type conversion function must return an atomic vector, but function for group 1(chrom) did not", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("error for name group, missing subject, nomatch.error=TRUE", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec( c("chr1:20-40", NA, "chr2:300-400"), name="[^:]+", ":", chromStart="[0-9]+", nomatch.error=TRUE) }, "subject(s) 2 (1 total) did not match regex below", fixed=TRUE) }) test_engines("error for name group, no match, nomatch.error=TRUE", { expect_error({ capture_first_vec( c("chr1:20-40", "foobar", "chr2:300-400"), name="[^:]+", ":", chromStart="[0-9]+", nomatch.error=TRUE) }, "subject(s) 2 (1 total) did not match regex below", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("informative error when subject is named", { expect_error({ nc::capture_all_str(chrom="chr.*?", ":", chromStart="[0-9,]+") }, "first argument is named chrom but must NOT be named; please include the subject to match as the first argument, with no name") expect_error({ nc::capture_first_vec(chrom="chr.*?", ":", chromStart="[0-9,]+") }, "first argument is named chrom but must NOT be named; please include the subject to match as the first argument, with no name") })