library(testthat) library(nat) library(httr) # suppress RGL in headless environments (some CRAN build machines fail otherwise) if(!interactive()) Sys.setenv(RGL_USE_NULL=TRUE) # Is internet accessible? internet.ok = identical( try( status_code( HEAD("", timeout(2)) ), silent = TRUE ), 200L ) if(Sys.getenv('NOT_CRAN') == "true" && internet.ok) { # note that we want to run all tests requiring internet access Sys.setenv(NAT_INTERNET_TESTS="TRUE") # Run all test files test_check("nat") } else { # We're on CRAN or flybrain is inacessible, so don't run anything involving # remote files Sys.setenv(NAT_INTERNET_TESTS="") test_check("nat", filter="^[^.]+") }