alltypes_plain <- structure( list( id = c(4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 2L, 3L, 0L, 1L), bool_col = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), tinyint_col = c(0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L), smallint_col = c(0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L), int_col = c(0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L), bigint_col = c(0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10), float_col = c( 0, 1.10000002384186, 0, 1.10000002384186, 0, 1.10000002384186, 0, 1.10000002384186 ), double_col = c(0, 10.1, 0, 10.1, 0, 10.1, 0, 10.1), date_string_col = c( "03/01/09", "03/01/09", "04/01/09", "04/01/09", "02/01/09", "02/01/09", "01/01/09", "01/01/09" ), string_col = c("0", "1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "0", "1"), timestamp_col = structure(c( 1235865600, 1235865660, 1238544000, 1238544060, 1233446400, 1233446460, 1230768000, 1230768060 ), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC") ), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = "data.frame" ) alltypes_plain_snappy <- structure( list( id = 6:7, bool_col = c(TRUE, TRUE), tinyint_col = 0:1, smallint_col = 0:1, int_col = 0:1, bigint_col = c(0, 10), float_col = c(0, 1.10000002384186), double_col = c(0, 10.1), date_string_col = c("04/01/09", "04/01/09"), string_col = c("0", "1"), timestamp_col = structure( c(1238544000, 1238544060), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC" ) ), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = "data.frame" ) data_comparable <- function(df1, df2, dlt = .0001) { df1 <-, stringsAsFactors = F) df2 <-, stringsAsFactors = F) if (!identical(dim(df1), dim(df2))) { return(FALSE) } for (col_i in length(df1)) { col1 <- df1[[col_i]] col2 <- df2[[col_i]] if (is.numeric(col1)) { # reference answers are rounded to two decimals col1 <- round(col1, 2) col2 <- round(col2, 2) if (any(abs(col1 - col2) > col1 * dlt)) { return(FALSE) } } else { col1 <- trimws(as.character(col1)) col2 <- trimws(as.character(col2)) if (any(col1 != col2)) { return(FALSE) } } } return(TRUE) } test_that("various error cases", { # if (is_asan()) skip("ASAN bug") expect_error(res <- read_parquet("")) expect_error(res <- read_parquet("DONTEXIST")) tf <- tempfile() expect_error(res <- read_parquet(tf)) expect_error(res <- read_parquet(c(tf, tf))) }) test_that("basic reading works", { res <- read_parquet(test_path("data/alltypes_plain.parquet")) expect_true(data_comparable(alltypes_plain, res)) }) test_that("basic reading works with snappy", { res <- read_parquet(test_path("data/alltypes_plain.snappy.parquet")) expect_true(data_comparable(alltypes_plain_snappy, res)) }) test_that("read factors, marked by Arrow", { res <- read_parquet(test_path("data/factor.parquet")) expect_snapshot({[1:5,]) sapply(res, class) }) }) test_that("Can't parse Arrow schema", { expect_snapshot( arrow_find_special(base64_encode("foobar"), "myfile") ) }) test_that("round trip with arrow", { # Don't want to skip on the parquet capability missing, because then # this might not be tested on the CI. So rather we skip on CRAN. skip_on_cran() mt <- test_df(factor = TRUE) tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) arrow::write_parquet(mt, tmp, compression = "uncompressed") expect_equal(read_parquet(tmp), mt) unlink(tmp) arrow::write_parquet(mt, tmp, compression = "snappy") expect_equal(read_parquet(tmp), mt) }) test_that("round trip with duckdb", { skip_on_cran() # if (is_asan()) skip("ASAN bug") mt <- test_df() tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) drv <- duckdb::duckdb() con <- DBI::dbConnect(drv) on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect(con), add = TRUE) DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", DBI::dbExecute(con, DBI::sqlInterpolate(con, "COPY mtcars TO ?filename (FORMAT 'parquet', COMPRESSION 'uncompressed')", filename = tmp )) expect_equal(read_parquet(tmp), mt) unlink(tmp) DBI::dbExecute(con, DBI::sqlInterpolate(con, "COPY mtcars TO ?filename (FORMAT PARQUET, COMPRESSION 'snappy')", filename = tmp )) arrow::write_parquet(mt, tmp, compression = "snappy") expect_equal(read_parquet(tmp), mt) }) test_that("read Date", { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) d <- data.frame( d = c(Sys.Date() - 1, Sys.Date(), Sys.Date() + 1) ) write_parquet(d, tmp) d2 <- read_parquet(tmp) expect_s3_class(d2$d, "Date") expect_equal(d$d, d2$d) }) test_that("read hms", { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) d <- data.frame( h = hms::hms(1, 2, 3) ) write_parquet(d, tmp) d2 <- read_parquet(tmp) expect_s3_class(d2$h, "hms") expect_equal(d2$h, d$h) }) test_that("read hms in MICROS", { pf <- test_path("data/timetz.parquet") expect_snapshot({ }) }) test_that("read POSIXct", { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) d <- data.frame( h = .POSIXct(Sys.time(), tz = "UTC") ) write_parquet(d, tmp) d2 <- read_parquet(tmp) expect_s3_class(d$h, "POSIXct") expect_equal(d$h, d2$h) }) test_that("read POSIXct in MILLIS", { skip_on_cran() # arrow # This file has UTC = FALSE, so the exact result depends on the current # time zone. But it should match Arrow. pf <- test_path("data/timestamp-ms.parquet") d1 <- read_parquet(pf) d2 <- arrow::read_parquet(pf) expect_equal(, ) }) test_that("read difftime", { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) # Fractional seconds are kept d <- data.frame( h = as.difftime(10 + 1/9, units = "secs") ) write_parquet(d, tmp) d2 <- read_parquet(tmp) expect_s3_class(d2$h, "difftime") expect_equal(d$h, d2$h) # Other units are converted to secs d <- data.frame( h = as.difftime(10, units = "mins") ) write_parquet(d, tmp) d2 <- read_parquet(tmp) expect_snapshot({ }) }) test_that("RLE BOOLEAN", { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) d <- data.frame( l = c( logical(30), !logical(5), logical(20), !logical(30) ) ) write_parquet(d, tmp) expect_equal( unclass(read_parquet_metadata(tmp)$column_chunks$encodings), list("RLE") ) expect_equal(, d) # larger DF d <- data.frame( l = c( logical(runif(1) * 3000), !logical(runif(1) * 50), logical(runif(1) * 2000), !logical(runif(1) * 3000) ) ) write_parquet(d, tmp) expect_equal( unclass(read_parquet_metadata(tmp)$column_chunks$encodings), list("RLE") ) expect_equal(, d) }) test_that("read GZIP compressed files", { pf <- test_path("data/gzip.parquet") expect_snapshot({ }) }) test_that("V2 data pages", { pf <- test_path("data/parquet_go.parquet") expect_snapshot({ }) }) test_that("V2 data page with missing values", { skip_on_cran() pf <- test_path("data/duckdb-bug1589.parquet") expect_equal(, ) }) test_that("Tricky V2 data page", { # has repetition levels to be ignored and uncompressed # definition levels pf <- test_path("data/rle_boolean_encoding.parquet") expect_snapshot({ }) }) test_that("zstd", { pf <- test_path("data/zstd.parquet") expect_true(all(read_parquet_metadata(pf)$column_chunks$codec == "ZSTD")) pf2 <- test_path("data/gzip.parquet") expect_equal(read_parquet(pf), read_parquet(pf2)) }) test_that("zstd with data page v2", { pf <- test_path("data/zstd-v2.parquet") expect_true(all(read_parquet_metadata(pf)$column_chunks$codec == "ZSTD")) expect_true( all(read_parquet_pages(pf)$page_type %in% c("DICTIONARY_PAGE", "DATA_PAGE_V2")) ) pf2 <- test_path("data/gzip.parquet") expect_equal(read_parquet(pf), read_parquet(pf2)) }) test_that("DELTA_BIANRY_PACKED encoding", { suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(bit64)) pf <- test_path("data/dbp-int32.parquet") expect_snapshot({ read_parquet_metadata(pf)$column_chunks$encodings read_parquet(pf) }) pf2 <- test_path("data/dbp-int32-missing.parquet") expect_snapshot({ read_parquet_metadata(pf2)$column_chunks$encodings read_parquet(pf2) }) pf3 <- test_path("data/dbp-int64.parquet") expect_snapshot({ read_parquet_metadata(pf3)$column_chunks$encodings read_parquet(pf3) }) }) test_that("UUID columns", { pf <- test_path("data/uuid-arrow.parquet") expect_snapshot({ }) }) test_that("DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY encoding", { pf <- test_path("data/delta_length_byte_array.parquet") dlba <- read_parquet(pf) expect_snapshot({[1:10,] rle(nchar(dlba$FRUIT)) }) }) test_that("DELTA_BYTE_ARRAY encoding", { skip_on_cran() pf <- test_path("data/delta_byte_array.parquet") dba <- read_parquet(pf) expect_snapshot({[1:5,] }) expect_equal(, ) }) test_that("BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT encoding", { skip_on_cran() pf <- test_path("data/byte_stream_split.parquet") bss <- read_parquet(pf) expect_snapshot({[1:5,] }) expect_equal(, ) }) test_that("More BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT", { skip_on_cran() pf <- test_path("data/byte_stream_split_extended.gzip.parquet") bss <- read_parquet(pf) expect_snapshot({[1:5,] }) for (i in 1:7) { expect_equal(bss[[2*i-1]], bss[[2*i]]) } }) test_that("DECIMAL in INT32, INT64", { pf <- test_path("data/int32_decimal.parquet") expect_equal(typeof(read_parquet(pf)[[1]]), "double") expect_snapshot( pf <- test_path("data/int64_decimal.parquet") expect_equal(typeof(read_parquet(pf)[[1]]), "double") expect_snapshot( }) test_that("FLOAT16", { pf <- test_path("data/float16_nonzeros_and_nans.parquet") expect_snapshot({ }) })