R version 4.4.0 alpha (2024-04-04 r86334 ucrt) Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(nanonext) > nanotest <- function(x) invisible(x || stop("is not TRUE when expected to be TRUE")) > nanotestw <- function(x) invisible(suppressWarnings(x) || stop("is not TRUE when expected to be TRUE")) > nanotestz <- function(x) invisible(x == 0L || stop("does not equal 0L as expected")) > nanotestaio <- function(x) invisible(is_aio(x) || stop("is not of class 'recvAio' or 'sendAio' as expected")) > nanotestnano <- function(x) invisible(is_nano(x) || stop("does not inherit from class 'nano' as expected")) > nanotestn <- function(x) invisible(is.null(x) || stop("is not NULL when expected to be NULL")) > nanotestnn <- function(x) invisible(!is.null(x) || stop("is NULL when expected to be not NULL")) > nanotestp <- function(x) invisible(is.character(capture.output(print(x))) || stop("print output of expression cannot be captured as a character value")) > nanotestxp <- function(x) invisible(typeof(x) == "externalptr" || stop("is not of type 'externalptr' as expected")) > nanotesterr <- function(x, e = "") + invisible(grepl(e, tryCatch(x, error = identity)[["message"]], fixed = TRUE) || stop("expected error message '", e, "' not generated")) > > nng_version() [1] "1.7.2" "Mbed TLS 3.5.2" > nanotestnano(n <- nano("req", listen = "inproc://nanonext", autostart = FALSE)) > nanotestnano(n1 <- nano("rep", dial = "inproc://nanonext", autostart = FALSE)) > nanotest(inherits(n, "nanoObject")) > nanotest(inherits(n$socket, "nanoSocket")) > nanotest(inherits(n$socket, "nano")) > nanotestnano(n) > n$newmethod <- "doesnotwork" > nanotestn(n$newmethod) > nanotest(is.integer(attr(n$socket, "id"))) > nanotest(n$socket$state == "opened") > nanotest(n$socket$protocol == "req") > nanotest(n$send("not ready", mode = "next") == 8L) > nanotest(n$recv() == 11L) > nanotestnano(n$opt("recv-size-max", 8192)) > nanotest(n$opt("recv-size-max") == 8192L) > nanotestnano(n$opt("recv-buffer", 8L)) > nanotestnano(n$opt("req:resend-time", 0L)) > nanotestnano(n$opt("socket-name", "nano")) > nanotest(n$opt("socket-name") == "nano") > nanotesterr(n$opt("socket-name", NULL), "argument") > nanotestp(n$listener[[1]]) > nanotest(inherits(n$listener[[1]], "nanoListener")) > nanotest(n$listener[[1]]$url == "inproc://nanonext") > nanotest(n$listener[[1]]$state == "not started") > nanotestnano(n$listener_opt("recv-size-max", 1024)[[1L]]) > nanotest(n$listener_opt("recv-size-max")[[1L]] == 1024L) > nanotesterr(n$listener_opt("false", 100), "supported") > nanotesterr(n$listener_opt("false"), "supported") > nanotesterr(n$listener_opt("false", "false"), "supported") > nanotesterr(n$listener_opt("false", NULL), "supported") > nanotesterr(n$listener_opt("false", TRUE), "supported") > nanotesterr(n$listener_opt("false", list()), "type") > nanotestz(n$listener_start()) > nanotest(n$listener[[1]]$state == "started") > nanotestp(n1$dialer[[1]]) > nanotest(inherits(n1$dialer[[1]], "nanoDialer")) > nanotest(n1$dialer[[1]]$url == "inproc://nanonext") > nanotest(n1$dialer[[1]]$state == "not started") > nanotestnano(n1$dialer_opt("reconnect-time-min", 1000)[[1L]]) > nanotest(n1$dialer_opt("reconnect-time-min")[[1L]] == 1000L) > nanotestnano(n1$dialer_opt("recv-size-max", 8192)[[1L]]) > nanotest(n1$dialer_opt("recv-size-max")[[1L]] == 8192L) > nanotesterr(n1$dialer_opt("false", 100), "supported") > nanotesterr(n1$dialer_opt("false"), "supported") > nanotesterr(n1$dialer_opt("false", "false"), "supported") > nanotesterr(n1$dialer_opt("false", NULL), "supported") > nanotesterr(n1$dialer_opt("false", TRUE), "supported") > nanotesterr(n1$dialer_opt("false", list()), "type") > nanotestz(n1$dialer_start()) > nanotest(n1$dialer[[1]]$state == "started") > > nanotesterr(n$send(list(), mode = "raw"), "atomic vector type") > nanotesterr(n$recv(mode = "none"), "mode") > nanotesterr(n$recv(mode = "c"), "mode") > nanotestaio(raio <- n1$recv_aio(timeout = 1L)) > nanotestp(raio) > nanotest(is_error_value(call_aio(raio)$data)) > nanotest(is_error_value(raio$data)) > nanotestz(n$send(data.frame(), block = FALSE)) > nanotest(is.data.frame(n1$recv(block = 500))) > nanotestz(n1$send(c("test", "", "spec"), mode = "raw", block = 500)) > nanotest(identical(n$recv("character", block = 500), c("test", "", "spec"))) > nanotestz(n$send(1:5, mode = "r")) > nanotest(length(n1$recv("int", block = 500)) == 5L) > nanotestaio(saio <- n1$send_aio(Reduce(strcat, replicate(5, random(1e3L))), mode = 3L, timeout = 900)) > nanotestp(saio) > nanotestaio(call_aio(saio)) > nanotestz(saio$result) > nanotesterr(n$send("wrong mode", mode = "none"), "mode") > nanotestaio(raio <- n$recv_aio(timeout = 500)) > nanotestp(raio) > nanotest(nchar(call_aio(raio)[["value"]]) == 10000L) > raio$newfield <- "doesnotwork" > raio[["newfield"]] <- "doesnotwork" > nanotestn(raio$newfield) > nanotestaio(saio <- n$send_aio(c(1.1, 2.2), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > saio$newfield <- "doesnotwork" > saio[["newfield"]] <- "doesnotwork" > nanotestn(saio$newfield) > nanotest(is.logical(.unresolved(saio))) > nanotest(is.logical(unresolved(saio))) > nanotestaio(msg <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "numer", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(identical(call_aio(msg), msg)) > nanotestaio(msg <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "complex", timeout = 500)) > nanotestn(stop_aio(msg)) > nanotestn(stop_aio(n)) > nanotest(identical(call_aio(msg), msg)) > nanotesterr(msg$data, "active") > nanotest(identical(call_aio(n), n)) > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(as.raw(0L), mode = "r", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = 1L, timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is_nul_byte(call_aio_(rraio)$data)) received data could not be unserialized > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(as.raw(1L), mode = "ra", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.raw(call_aio(rraio)$data)) > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(c(1+2i, 4+3i), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "co", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.complex(call_aio(rraio)$data)) > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(5, mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "d", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.double(call_aio(rraio)$data)) > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(c(1, 2), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "n", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.numeric(call_aio(rraio)$data)) > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(c(1L, 2L, 3L), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "i", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.integer(call_aio(rraio)$data)) > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(as.raw(0L), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "double", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.raw(call_aio(rraio)$data)) received data could not be converted to double > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(as.raw(0L), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "int", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.raw(call_aio(rraio)$data)) received data could not be converted to integer > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(as.raw(0L), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "logical", timeout = 500)) > nanotestw(is.raw(call_aio(rraio)$data)) received data could not be converted to logical > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(as.raw(0L), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "numeric", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.raw(call_aio(rraio)$data)) received data could not be converted to numeric > nanotestaio(sraio <- n$send_aio(as.raw(0L), mode = "raw", timeout = 500)) > nanotestaio(rraio <- n1$recv_aio(mode = "complex", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.raw(call_aio(rraio)$data)) received data could not be converted to complex > nanotesterr(opt(rraio[["aio"]], "false") <- 0L, "valid") > nanotesterr(subscribe(rraio[["aio"]], "false"), "valid") > nanotesterr(opt(rraio[["aio"]], "false"), "valid") > nanotesterr(stat(rraio[["aio"]], "pipes"), "valid") > > nanotestz(n$dial(url = "inproc://two", autostart = FALSE)) > nanotestz(n$dialer_start()) > nanotest(inherits(n$dialer[[1L]], "nanoDialer")) > nanotest(is.double(stat(n$dialer[[1L]], "id"))) > nanotestz(n$listen(url = "inproc://three", autostart = FALSE)) > nanotestz(n$listener_start()) > nanotest(inherits(n$listener[[2L]], "nanoListener")) > nanotest(is.double(stat(n$listener[[2L]], "id"))) > nanotestz(n$dial(url = "inproc://four")) > nanotestz(close(n$listener[[1]])) > nanotestw(close(n$listener[[1]]) == 12L) > nanotestz(close(n1$dialer[[1]])) > nanotestw(close(n1$dialer[[1]]) == 12L) > nanotestz(reap(n$listener[[2]])) > nanotestz(reap(n$dialer[[2]])) > nanotestz(n$close()) > nanotestz(n1$close()) > nanotestw(n1$close() == 7L) > nanotest(n$socket[["state"]] == "closed") > nanotest(n1$socket[state] == "closed") > > nanotestnano(req <- nano("req", listen = "inproc://testing")) > nanotestnano(rep <- socket("rep", dial = "inproc://testing", listen = "inproc://testing2")) > nanotestp(rep) > if (nng_version()[1] == "1.6.0pre") { + nanotest(stat(rep, "dialers") == 1) + nanotest(stat(rep, "protocol") == "rep") + } > nanotestn(stat(rep, "nonexistentstat")) > nanotestnano(req$opt("req:resend-time", 1000)) > nanotest(req$opt("req:resend-time") == 1000L) > nanotesterr(req$opt("none"), "supported") > nanotestxp(req$context_open()) > nanotest(inherits(req$context, "nanoContext")) > nanotest(inherits(req$context, "nano")) > nanotest(is.integer(req$context$id)) > nanotest(req$context$state == "opened") > nanotest(req$context$protocol == "req") > nanotestnano(req$opt("send-timeout", 1000)) > nanotest(req$opt("send-timeout") == 1000L) > nanotesterr(req$opt("false", 100), "supported") > nanotesterr(req$opt("false"), "supported") > nanotesterr(req$opt("false", "false"), "supported") > nanotesterr(req$opt("false", NULL), "supported") > nanotesterr(req$opt("false", TRUE), "supported") > nanotesterr(req$opt("false", list()), "type") > nanotestnano(ctx <- context(rep)) > nanotestp(ctx) > nanotestaio(csaio <- req$send_aio(data.frame(), mode = "seria", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.integer(call_aio_(csaio)$result)) > nanotestaio(craio <- recv_aio(ctx, timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.list(.subset2(call_aio(craio), "data"))) > nanotest(is.integer(req$send("context test", mode ="raw", block = 500))) > nanotest(recv(ctx, mode = "string", block = 500) == "context test") > nanotestnn(req$send(data.frame(), mode = "seri", block = 500)) > nanotestaio(msg <- recv_aio(ctx, mode = "ser", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.logical(.unresolved(msg))) > nanotest(is.logical(unresolved(msg))) > nanotest(is.data.frame(call_aio(msg)$data)) > nanotest(!unresolved(msg)) > nanotest(is.integer(req$send(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), mode = 2L, block = 500))) > nanotestaio(msg <- recv_aio(ctx, mode = 6L, timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.logical(call_aio(msg)$data)) > nanotestaio(err <- send_aio(ctx, msg[["data"]], mode = "next")) > nanotestn(stop_aio(err)) > nanotesterr(err$result, "active") > nanotestaio(err <- send_aio(ctx, "test")) > nanotest(is_error_value(call_aio(err)$result)) > nanotest(is_error_value(call_aio_(err)$result)) > nanotest(is.integer(req$send(serialize(NULL, NULL, ascii = TRUE), mode = 2L, block = 500))) > nanotestn(call_aio(recv_aio(ctx, mode = 1L, timeout = 500))[["value"]]) > nanotestaio(saio <- send_aio(ctx, as.raw(1L), mode = 2L, timeout = 500)) > nanotest(identical(req$recv(mode = 8L, block = 500), as.raw(1L))) > nanotestaio(rek <- request(req$context, c(1+3i, 4+2i), send_mode = 2L, recv_mode = "complex", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.integer(reply(ctx, execute = identity, recv_mode = 3L, send_mode = "ra", timeout = 500))) > nanotest(is.complex(call_aio(rek)[["data"]])) > nanotestaio(rek <- request(req$context, c(1+3i, 4+2i), send_mode = "next", recv_mode = "serial", timeout = 500)) > nanotest(is.integer(reply(ctx, execute = identity, recv_mode = 1L, send_mode = 3L, timeout = 500))) > nanotest(is.complex(call_aio(rek)[["data"]])) > > nanotest(is.pairlist(nxt <- next_config(refhook = list(function(x) raw(1L), as.integer), class = "custom", vec = FALSE))) > nanotest(length(nxt) == 2L) > nanotest(is.function(nxt[[1L]])) > custom <- list(`class<-`(new.env(), "custom"), new.env()) > nanotest(is.integer(req$send(custom, mode = 3L, block = 500))) > nanotest(is.integer(recv(rep, block = 500)[[1L]])) > nanotest(is.pairlist(nxt <- next_config(refhook = list(function(x) raw(1L), as.integer), class = "custom", vec = TRUE))) > nanotest(is.integer(send(rep, custom, mode = 3L, block = 500))) > nanotest(identical(next_config(nxt), nxt)) > nanotest(identical(next_config(as.pairlist(c("a", "b", "c"))), nxt)) > nanotest(is.list(next_config(NULL, mark = TRUE))) > nanotestn(unlist(next_config())) > > nanotest(inherits(cv <- cv(), "conditionVariable")) > nanotestp(cv) > nanotestxp(cv2 <- cv()) > nanotest(!until(cv, 10L)) > nanotest(!until(cv, 10)) > nanotest(!until_(cv, 10L)) > nanotest(!until_(cv, 10)) > nanotestz(cv_reset(cv)) > nanotestz(cv_value(cv)) > nanotestaio(cs <- request_signal(req$context, "test", send_mode = "next", cv = cv, timeout = 500)) > nanotest(typeof(ctxn <- .context(rep)) == "externalptr") > nanotestaio(cr <- recv_aio_signal(ctxn, cv = cv, timeout = 500)) > nanotest(call_aio(cr)$data == "test") > nanotest(is.integer(send(ctxn, TRUE, mode = 0L, block = FALSE))) > nanotest(is.integer(recv(ctxn, mode = 8L, block = FALSE))) > nanotest(typeof(ctxn <- .context(rep)) == "externalptr") > nanotestaio(cs <- request(.context(req$socket), data = TRUE)) > nanotest(recv(ctxn, block = 500)) > nanotestz(send(ctxn, TRUE, mode = 3L, block = 500)) > nanotestz(reap(ctxn)) > nanotest(reap(ctxn) == 7L) > nanotestz(pipe_notify(rep, cv, add = TRUE, flag = TRUE)) > nanotestz(pipe_notify(rep, cv, remove = TRUE, flag = tools::SIGCONT)) > nanotestz(pipe_notify(req$socket, cv = cv, add = TRUE)) > nanotestz(pipe_notify(req$socket, cv = cv, cv2 = cv2, remove = TRUE, flag = tools::SIGCONT)) > nanotesterr(request_signal(err, "test", cv = cv), "valid") > nanotesterr(recv_aio_signal(err, cv = cv, timeout = 500)) > nanotesterr(request_signal(.context(req$socket), "test", cv = err), "valid") > nanotesterr(recv_aio_signal(rep, "test", cv = err), "valid") > nanotesterr(wait(err), "valid") > nanotesterr(wait_(err), "valid") > nanotesterr(until(err, 10), "valid") > nanotesterr(until_(err, 10), "valid") > nanotesterr(cv_value(err), "valid") > nanotesterr(cv_reset(err), "valid") > nanotesterr(cv_signal(err), "valid") > nanotesterr(pipe_notify(err, cv), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(pipe_notify(rep, err), "valid Condition Variable") > nanotesterr(pipe_notify(rep, cv, err), "valid Condition Variable") > nanotestz(req$context_close()) > nanotestn(req$context_close) > nanotestz(req$close()) > nanotestn(req$context) > rep$dialer <- NULL > nanotestxp(rep$dialer[[1L]]) > nanotestz(close(ctx)) > nanotestw(close(ctx) == 7L) > nanotestz(close(rep)) > > nanotestnano(pub <- nano("pub", listen = "inproc://ps")) > nanotestnano(sub <- nano("sub", dial = "inproc://ps", autostart = NA)) > nanotestz(cv_reset(cv)) > nanotestz(cv_reset(cv2)) > nanotestz(pipe_notify(pub$socket, cv, cv2, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)) > nanotestnano(sub$opt(name = "sub:prefnew", value = FALSE)) > nanotest(!sub$opt(name = "sub:prefnew")) > nanotesterr(sub$opt(name = "false", value = 100), "supported") > nanotesterr(sub$opt(name = "false"), "supported") > nanotesterr(sub$opt(name = "false", value = list()), "type") > nanotestnano(sub$subscribe("test")) > nanotestnano(subscribe(sub$socket, NULL)) > nanotestnano(sub$unsubscribe("test")) > nanotestxp(sub$context_open()) > nanotest(inherits(sub$context, "nanoContext")) > nanotestnano(sub$subscribe(12)) > nanotestnano(sub$unsubscribe(12)) > nanotestnano(sub$subscribe(NULL)) > nanotestz(sub$context_close()) > nanotestn(sub$context) > nanotestz(sub$close()) > nanotestz(pub$close()) > nanotest(wait(cv)) > nanotest(wait(cv2)) > nanotestxp(cv3 <- cv()) > nanotestxp(cv %~>% cv2 %~>% cv3) > nanotestz(cv_signal(cv)) > nanotest(cv_value(cv) == 1L) > nanotest(wait_(cv3)) > nanotestxp(cv %~>% cv3) > nanotesterr("a" %~>% cv3, "valid Condition Variable") > nanotesterr(cv3 %~>% "a", "valid Condition Variable") > > nanotestnano(surv <- nano(protocol = "surveyor", listen = "inproc://sock1", dial = "inproc://sock2")) > nanotestp(surv) > nanotestnano(resp <- nano(protocol = "respondent", listen = "inproc://sock2", dial = "inproc://sock1")) > nanotestz(pipe_notify(surv$socket, cv, cv2, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE, flag = TRUE)) > surv$dialer <- NULL > nanotestxp(surv$dialer[[1L]]) > nanotestxp(surv$listener[[1L]]) > nanotestnano(surv$survey_time(5000)) > nanotestxp(surv$context_open()) > nanotestxp(resp$context_open()) > nanotestnano(surv$survey_time(value = 2000)) > nanotestz(surv$context_close()) > nanotestz(resp$context_close()) > nanotestz(surv$close()) > nanotestz(resp$close()) > nanotest(!wait(cv)) > nanotest(!wait(cv2)) > nanotest(is_error_value(resp$recv())) > > nanotest(inherits(bus <- socket(protocol = "bus"), "nanoSocket")) > nanotest(inherits(push <- socket(protocol = "push"), "nanoSocket")) > nanotest(inherits(pull <- socket(protocol = "pull"), "nanoSocket")) > nanotest(inherits(pair <- socket(protocol = "pair"), "nanoSocket")) > nanotestnano(bus) > nanotestw(listen(bus, url = "test") == 3L) > nanotestw(dial(bus, url = "test") == 3L) > nanotesterr(listen(bus, url = "tls+tcp://localhost/:0", tls = "wrong"), "valid TLS") > nanotesterr(dial(bus, url = "tls+tcp://localhost/:0", tls = "wrong"), "valid TLS") > nanotestz(close(bus)) > nanotestw(close(bus) == 7L) > nanotestz(close(push)) > nanotestz(reap(pull)) > nanotestz(reap(pair)) > nanotesterr(socket(protocol = "newprotocol"), "protocol") > nanotesterr(socket(dial = "test"), "argument") > nanotesterr(socket(listen = "test"), "argument") > > nanotestnn(ncurl("http://www.cam.ac.uk/")) > nanotestnn(ncurl("http://www.cam.ac.uk/", follow = FALSE, response = "date")) > nanotestnn(ncurl("http://www.cam.ac.uk/", follow = TRUE)) > nanotestnn(ncurl("http://postman-echo.com/post", convert = FALSE, method = "POST", headers = c(`Content-Type` = "text/plain"), data = "test", response = c("Date", "Server"), timeout = 3000)) > nanotest(is_error_value(ncurl("http")$data)) > haio <- ncurl_aio("http://trin.cam.ac.uk/") > nanotest(length(call_aio(haio)$headers)) > haio <- ncurl_aio("https://trin.cam.ac.uk/", convert = FALSE, response = "server") > nanotest(is.integer(call_aio(haio)$status)) > put1 <- ncurl_aio("http://postman-echo.com/put", method = "PUT", headers = c(Authorization = "Bearer token"), data = "test", response = c("Date", "server"), timeout = 3000L) > nanotestp(put1) > nanotest(is.integer(call_aio_(put1)$status)) > nanotestnn(put1$headers) > nanotestnn(put1$data) > nanotest(is.null(stop_aio(put1))) > haio <- ncurl_aio("https://i.i") > nanotest(is_error_value(call_aio(haio)$data)) > nanotestp(haio$data) > ncaio <- ncurl_aio("https://shikokuchuo.net/nanonext/reference/figures/logo.png") > nanotest(is.raw(call_aio(ncaio)$data) || is_error_value(ncaio$data)) data could not be converted to a character string > nanotest(is_error_value(ncurl_aio("http")$data)) > sess <- ncurl_session("https://postman-echo.com/post", method = "POST", headers = c(`Content-Type` = "text/plain"), data = "test", response = c("date", "Server"), timeout = 3000L) > nanotestnn(sess) > nanotest(is_error_value(sess) || length(transact(sess)) == 3L) > nanotest(is_error_value(sess) || close(sess) == 0L) > sess <- ncurl_session("https://postman-echo.com/post", convert = FALSE, method = "POST", headers = c(`Content-Type` = "text/plain"), timeout = 3000) > nanotestnn(sess) > nanotest(is_error_value(sess) || length(transact(sess)) == 3L) > nanotest(is_error_value(sess) || close(sess) == 0L) > nanotesterr(transact(sess), "ncurlSession") > nanotestw(is_error_value(ncurl_session("https://i"))) > nanotesterr(ncurl_aio("https://", tls = "wrong"), "valid TLS") > nanotesterr(ncurl("https://www.cam.ac.uk/", tls = "wrong"), "valid TLS") > nanotesterr(stream(dial = "wss://")) > nanotesterr(stream(dial = "errorValue3"), "argument") > nanotesterr(stream(dial = "inproc://notsup"), "Not supported") > nanotesterr(stream(dial = "wss://", tls = "wrong"), "valid TLS") > nanotesterr(stream(listen = "errorValue3"), "argument") > nanotesterr(stream(listen = "inproc://notsup"), "Not supported") > nanotesterr(stream(listen = "errorValue3", tls = "wrong"), "valid TLS") > nanotesterr(stream(), "specify") > > nanotest(is.character(ver <- nng_version()) && length(ver) == 2L) > nanotest(nng_error(8L) == "Try again") > nanotest(is_nul_byte(as.raw(0L))) > nanotest(!is_nul_byte(NULL)) > nanotest(!is_error_value(1L)) > nanotesterr(messenger("invalidURL"), "argument") > nanotest(is.raw(md5 <- nanonext:::md5_object("secret base")) && length(md5) == 32L) > nanotest(is.double(mclock())) > nanotestn(msleep(1L)) > nanotestn(msleep(1)) > nanotestn(msleep("a")) > nanotest(is.character(urlp <- parse_url("://")) && length(urlp) == 10L) > nanotest(all(nzchar(parse_url("wss://use:r@[::1]/path?q=1#name")))) > nanotest(is.character(random())) > nanotest(nchar(random(2)) == 4L) > nanotest(length(random(4L, convert = FALSE)) == 4L) > nanotesterr(random(1025), "between 0 and 1024") > nanotesterr(random(-1), "between 0 and 1024") > nanotesterr(random("test"), "integer") > nanotesterr(parse_url("tcp:/"), "argument") > for (i in c(100:103, 200:208, 226, 300:308, 400:426, 428:431, 451, 500:511)) + nanotest(is.character(status_code(i))) > nanotest(strcat("hello ", "world") == "hello world") > > nanotestxp(cv <- cv()) > s <- tryCatch(stream(dial = "wss://echo.websocket.events/", textframes = TRUE), error = function(e) NULL) > if (length(s)) { + nanotestnn(recv(s, block = 500L)) + nanotest(is.character(opt(s, "ws:response-headers"))) + nanotesterr(opt(s, "ws:request-headers") <- "test\n", 24) + nanotest(is.integer(send(s, c("message1", "test"), block = 500L))) + nanotestnn(recv(s, block = FALSE)) + nanotest(is.integer(send(s, "message2", block = FALSE))) + nanotestnn(recv(s, mode = 9L, block = 100)) + nanotest(is.integer(send(s, 2L, block = 500))) + nanotestaio(sr <- recv_aio(s, mode = "i", timeout = 500L, n = 8192L)) + nanotest(length(call_aio(sr)[["data"]])) + nanotestn(stop_aio(sr)) + nanotestaio(ss <- send_aio(s, "async", timeout = 500L)) + nanotest(is.integer(call_aio(ss)[["result"]])) + nanotestn(stop_aio(ss)) + nanotest(is.integer(send(s, 12.56, mode = "raw", block = 500L))) + nanotestaio(sr <- recv_aio_signal(s, mode = "double", timeout = 500L, cv = cv)) + nanotest(length(call_aio_(sr)[["data"]])) + nanotest(cv_value(cv) > 0L) + nanotest(wait(cv)) + nanotest(is.character(opt(s, "ws:request-headers"))) + nanotestnn(opt(s, "tcp-nodelay") <- FALSE) + nanotesterr(recv(s, mode = "none", block = FALSE), "mode") + nanotesterr(recv(s, mode = "c", block = FALSE), "mode") + nanotesterr(opt(s, "none"), "supported") + nanotestp(s) + nanotest(is.integer(close(s))) + } received data could not be converted to integer received data could not be converted to double > > nanotestnano(s <- socket("bus", listen = "inproc://nanolock")) > nanotestnano(s1 <- socket("bus", dial = "inproc://nanolock")) > nanotestz(lock(s)) > nanotestnano(s2 <- socket("bus", dial = "inproc://nanolock")) > nanotestaio(send_aio(s, "test")) > nanotestnn(recv(s1, block = 500)) > nanotest(is_error_value(recv(s2))) > nanotestz(unlock(s)) > nanotestz(pipe_notify(s, cv = cv, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)) > nanotestz(lock(s, cv = cv)) > nanotestnano(s3 <- socket("bus", dial = "inproc://nanolock")) > nanotestz(send(s, "test", block = 500)) > nanotestnn(recv(s3, block = 500)) > nanotesterr(unlock(cv), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(lock(cv), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(lock(s, cv = s), "valid Condition Variable") > nanotestz(close(s)) > nanotestz(close(s1)) > nanotestz(close(s2)) > nanotestz(close(s3)) > > nanotest(nanonext:::.DollarNames.ncurlAio(NULL, "sta") == "status") > nanotest(nanonext:::.DollarNames.recvAio(NULL, "dat") == "data") > nanotest(nanonext:::.DollarNames.sendAio(NULL, "r") == "result") > nanotest(length(nanonext:::.DollarNames.nano(NULL)) == 0L) > > fakesock <- `class<-`(new.env(), "nanoSocket") > nanotesterr(dial(fakesock), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(dial(fakesock, autostart = FALSE), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(listen(fakesock), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(listen(fakesock, autostart = FALSE), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(context(fakesock), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(.context(fakesock), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(stat(fakesock, "pipes"), "valid Socket") > nanotesterr(close(fakesock), "valid Socket") > nanotest(!.unresolved(fakesock)) > fakectx <- `class<-`("test", "nanoContext") > nanotest(!unresolved(fakectx)) > nanotest(!.unresolved(fakectx)) > nanotesterr(request(fakectx, data = "test"), "valid Context") > nanotesterr(subscribe(fakectx, NULL), "valid") > nanotesterr(close(fakectx), "valid Context") > nanotest(reap(fakectx) == 3L) > fakestream <- `class<-`("test", "nanoStream") > nanotestp(fakestream) > fakesession <- `class<-`("test", "ncurlSession") > nanotestp(fakesession) > nanotesterr(transact(fakesession), "valid") > nanotesterr(close(fakesession), "valid") > nanotesterr(send(fakestream, "test"), "valid") > nanotesterr(send_aio(fakestream, "test"), "valid") > nanotesterr(recv(fakestream), "valid") > nanotesterr(recv_aio(fakestream), "valid") > nanotesterr(opt(fakestream, name = "test") <- "test", "valid") > nanotesterr(opt(fakestream, name = "test"), "valid") > nanotesterr(close(fakestream), "active Stream") > fakedial <- `class<-`("test", "nanoDialer") > nanotesterr(start(fakedial), "valid Dialer") > nanotesterr(close(fakedial), "valid Dialer") > fakelist <- `class<-`("test", "nanoListener") > nanotesterr(start(fakelist), "valid Listener") > nanotesterr(close(fakelist), "valid Listener") > unres <- `class<-`(NA, "unresolvedValue") > nanotest(!unresolved(unres)) > nanotestp(unres) > nanotest(identical(call_aio("a"), "a")) > nanotest(identical(call_aio_("a"), "a")) > nanotestn(stop_aio("a")) > > nanotest(base64enc("test") == "dGVzdA==") > nanotest(base64dec(base64enc("test")) == "test") > nanotest(is.raw(base64enc(data.frame(), convert = FALSE))) > nanotest(is.raw(base64dec(base64enc(as.raw(c(1L, 2L)), convert = FALSE), convert = FALSE))) > nanotest(is.integer(base64dec(base64enc(c(1L, 2L)), convert = NA))) > nanotesterr(base64dec("__"), "not valid base64") > nanotesterr(base64dec(404), "not valid base64") > > pem <- "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -----END CERTIFICATE-----" > test_tls <- function(pem) { + file <- tempfile() + on.exit(unlink(file)) + cat(pem, file = file) + nanotesterr(tls_config(client = file), "Cryptographic error") + nanotesterr(tls_config(server = file), "Cryptographic error") + } > nanotest(test_tls(pem = pem)) > nanotesterr(tls_config(client = c(pem, pem)), "Cryptographic error") > nanotesterr(tls_config(server = c(pem, pem)), "Cryptographic error") > nanotest(is.list(cert <- write_cert(cn = ""))) > nanotest(length(cert) == 2L && is.character(cert[[1L]])) > nanotest(identical(names(cert), c("server", "client"))) > nanotestxp(tls <- tls_config(client = cert$client)) > nanotest(inherits(tls, "tlsConfig")) > nanotestp(tls) > nanotest(is_error_value(ncurl("https://www.cam.ac.uk/", tls = tls)$status)) > nanotest(is_error_value(call_aio(ncurl_aio("https://www.cam.ac.uk/", tls = tls))$data)) > nanotesterr(ncurl_session("https://www.cam.ac.uk/", tls = cert$client), "not a valid TLS") > nanotestw(typeof(b <- ncurl_session("https://www.cam.ac.uk/", tls = tls)) == "externalptr" || is_error_value(b)) > nanotest(if (!is_error_value(b)) is_error_value(transact(b)[["headers"]]) else TRUE) > nanotestxp(s <- socket(listen = "tls+tcp://", tls = tls_config(server = cert$server))) > nanotestxp(s1 <- socket(dial = "tls+tcp://", tls = tls)) > nanotestw(dial(s, url = "tls+tcp://.", tls = tls, error = FALSE) > 0) > nanotestw(listen(s, url = "tls+tcp://.", tls = tls, error = FALSE) > 0) > nanotestz(close(s1)) > nanotestz(close(s)) > nanotestxp(tls <- tls_config()) > nanotesterr(stream(dial = "wss://", textframes = TRUE, tls = tls)) > nanotestxp(s <- socket(listen = "wss://", tls = tls)) > nanotestz(close(s)) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.87 0.04 11.28