describe("nRegression function tests",{ library(nRegression) ## variables power = 0.9 step.age <- "Age ~ N(45, 10)" step.female <- "Female ~ binary(0.53)" <- "Health.Percentile ~ U(0,100)" step.exercise.sessions <- "Exercise.Sessions ~ Poisson(2)" <- "Diet ~ sample(('Light', 'Moderate', 'Heavy'), (0.2, 0.45, 0.35))" <- "Healthy.Lifestyle ~ logistic(log(0.45) - 0.1 * (Age -45) + 0.05 * Female + 0.01 * Health.Percentile + 0.5 * Exercise.Sessions - 0.1 * (Diet == 'Moderate') - 0.4 * (Diet == 'Heavy'))" step.weight <- "Weight ~ lm(150 - 15 * Female + 0.5 * Age - 0.1 * Health.Percentile - 0.2 * Exercise.Sessions + 5 * (Diet == 'Moderate') + 15 * (Diet == 'Heavy') - 2 * Healthy.Lifestyle + N(0, 10))" the.steps <- c(step.age, step.female,, step.exercise.sessions,,, step.weight) the.variable = "Exercise.Sessions" conf.level = 0.95 seed = 41 vstr = 3.6 num.experiments = 5 n.start = 200 n.min = 1 n.max = 400 increment = 100 stop.threshold = 1 #1 Simulations for Logistic Regression the.formula.logistic <- Healthy.Lifestyle ~ Age + Female + Health.Percentile + Exercise.Sessions + Weight model.type = "logistic" n.logistic = nRegression(the.steps = the.steps, num.experiments = num.experiments, the.formula = the.formula.logistic, the.variable = the.variable, seed = seed, n.start = n.start, n.min = n.min, n.max = n.max, increment = increment, stop.threshold = stop.threshold, power = power, model.type = model.type, verbose = T) test_that("nRegression (Logistic Regression) returns a list of length 4", { expect_length(n.logistic, 4) }) test_that("nRegression (Logistic Regression) returns expected names", { expect_named(n.logistic, c("n", "power", "iterations", "simstudy")) }) test_that("nRegression (Logistic Regression) returns expected n value", { expect_equal(n.logistic$n, 101) }) test_that("nRegression (Logistic Regression) returns expected power value", { expect_equal(n.logistic$power, 1) }) test_that("nRegression (Logistic Regression) returns expected simstudy names", { expect_named(n.logistic$simstudy, c("the.steps", "simdat", "statistics", "sim.analysis")) }) test_that("nRegression (Logistic Regression) returns expected iterations", { expected_iterations <- data.frame( i = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), lower = c(1, 1, 1, 51, 76, 89, 95, 98), n = c(200, 101, 51, 76, 89, 95, 98, 100), upper = c(400, 200, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101), power = c(1.000, 1.000, 0.600, 0.800, 0.600, 0.800, 0.800, 0.800) ) expect_equal($iterations), expected_iterations) }) #2 Simulations for Linear Regression ## Variables the.formula.lm <- Weight ~ Age + Female + Health.Percentile + Exercise.Sessions + Healthy.Lifestyle model.type = "lm" num.experiments <- 5 n.start = 500 n.max <- 600 increment = 50 stop.threshold = 10 the.variable = "Healthy.LifestyleTRUE" n.lm = nRegression(the.steps = the.steps, num.experiments = num.experiments, the.formula = the.formula.lm, the.variable = the.variable, seed = seed, n.start = n.start, n.max = n.max, increment = increment, stop.threshold = stop.threshold, power = power, model.type = model.type, verbose = T) test_that("nRegression (Linear Regression) returns a list of length 4", { expect_length(n.lm, 4) }) test_that("nRegression (Linear Regression) returns expected names", { expect_named(n.lm, c("n", "power", "iterations", "simstudy")) }) test_that("nRegression (Linear Regression) returns expected n value", { expect_equal(n.lm$n, 594) }) test_that("nRegression (Linear Regression) returns expected power value", { expect_equal(n.lm$power, 1) }) test_that("nRegression (Linear Regression) returns expected simstudy names", { expect_named(n.lm$simstudy, c("the.steps", "simdat", "statistics", "sim.analysis")) }) test_that("nRegression (Linear Regression) returns expected iterations", { expected_iterations <- data.frame( i = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), lower = c(1, 500, 550, 575, 588, 588), n = c(500, 550, 575, 588, 594, 591), upper = c(600, 600 , 600, 600, 600, 594), power = c(0.6, 0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8) ) expect_equal($iterations), expected_iterations) }) })