context("Test: PairwiseTest() ") data(PhyloExpressionSetExample) nonStandardExpressionSet <- PhyloExpressionSetExample[, 2:9] test_that( "is.ExpressionSet() throws error when no ExpressionSet is entered to PairwiseTest()", { expect_error( PairwiseTest( nonStandardExpressionSet, modules = list( contrast1 = 1:4, contrast2 = 5:7 ), altHypothesis = "greater", permutations = 1000 ) ) } ) test_that("p.value is computed..", { expect_true( PairwiseTest( PhyloExpressionSetExample, modules = list( contrast1 = 1:4, contrast2 = 5:7 ), altHypothesis = "greater", permutations = 1000 )$p.value > 0.9 ) }) test_that(" is computed..", { expect_true(length( PairwiseTest( PhyloExpressionSetExample, modules = list( contrast1 = 1:4, contrast2 = 5:7 ), altHypothesis = "greater", permutations = 1000 )$ ) == 7) }) test_that("lillie.test is NA..", { expect_true( PairwiseTest( PhyloExpressionSetExample, modules = list( contrast1 = 1:4, contrast2 = 5:7 ), altHypothesis = "greater", permutations = 1000 )$lillie.test )) }) test_that("lillie.test is computed...", { skip_on_cran() expect_output(PairwiseTest( PhyloExpressionSetExample, modules = list( contrast1 = 1:2, contrast2 = 3:7 ), altHypothesis = "greater", permutations = 1000, lillie.test = TRUE )$lillie.test) }) test_that("error occurs when module selection does not match number of developmental stages..", { expect_error( PairwiseTest( PhyloExpressionSetExample, modules = list( contrast1 = 1:2, contrast2 = 3:8 ), altHypothesis = "greater", permutations = 1000 ), "The module selection is outside the range of the given ExpressionSet." #"The number of stages classified into the two modules does not match the total number of stages stored in the given ExpressionSet." ) }) test_that("error occurs when modules aren't specified...", { expect_error(PairwiseTest(PhyloExpressionSetExample, permutations = 1000)) }) test_that("PairwiseTest() computes correct and p.values values...", { skip_on_cran() TestBootMatrix <- bootMatrix(PhyloExpressionSetExample, 1000) res <- PairwiseTest( PhyloExpressionSetExample, modules = list( contrast1 = 1:2, contrast2 = 3:7 ), altHypothesis = "greater", custom.perm.matrix = TestBootMatrix ) estimates <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(apply( TestBootMatrix, 1, pairScore, contrast1 = 1:2, contrast2 = 3:7, altHypothesis = "greater" ), distr = "norm") real_score <- pairScore(TAI(PhyloExpressionSetExample), 1:2, 3:7, altHypothesis = "greater") expect_equal( res$p.value, pnorm( real_score, mean = estimates$estimate[1], sd = estimates$estimate[2], lower.tail = FALSE ) ) expect_equal(res$, apply(TestBootMatrix , 2, sd)) })