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Type 'q()' to quit R. > > library("mvtnorm") > library("numDeriv") > > options(digits = 3) > tol <- 1e-1 > > set.seed(29) > > EVAL <- function(...) {} > > if (require("numDeriv", quietly = TRUE)) + EVAL <- eval > > chk <- function(...) stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(..., check.attributes = FALSE, tol = sqrt(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))))) > > thischeck <- expression({ + J <- 5 + p <- sample(1:J) + if (isTRUE(all.equal(p, 1:J))) + warning("Checks for id permutation meaningless") + P <- matrix(0, nrow = J, ncol = J) + P[cbind(1:J, p)] <- 1 + + L <- as.invchol(ltMatrices(1 + runif(J * (J + 1) / 2), diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW)) + mL <- as.array(L)[,,1] + S <- invchol2cov(L) + mS <- as.array(S)[,,1] + mSp <- mS[p,p] + + chk(P %*% mS %*% t(P), mSp) + + O <- invchol2pre(L) + mO <- as.array(O)[,,1] + chk(solve(P %*% mO %*% t(P)), mSp) + chk(solve(P %*% t(mL) %*% mL %*% t(P)), mSp) + + C <- invchol2chol(L) + mC <- as.array(C)[,,1] + chk(P %*% mC %*% t(mC) %*% t(P), mSp) + + Ct <- t(chol(mS[p,p])) + chk(Ct %*% t(Ct), mSp) + + chk(as.array(invchol2cov(aperm(L, perm = p)))[,,1], mSp) + chk(as.array(chol2cov(aperm(C, perm = p)))[,,1], mSp) + + N <- 10000 + obs <- matrix(rnorm(J * N), ncol = N) + obs <- Mult(C, obs) + + ll1 <- ldmvnorm(obs = obs, chol = C) + ll2 <- ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], chol = aperm(C, perm = p)) + ll3 <- ldmvnorm(obs = obs, invchol = L) + ll4 <- ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], invchol = aperm(L, perm = p)) + chk(ll1, ll2) + chk(ll1, ll3) + chk(ll1, ll4) + + ### C + ### diag = TRUE w/o stand + ll <- function(x) { + C <- as.chol(ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW)) + Ct <- aperm(C, perm = p) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], chol = Ct) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- as.chol(ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW)) + Ct <- aperm(C, perm = p) + sC <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], chol = Ct)$chol + ret <- deperma(chol = C, permuted_chol = Ct, perm = p, score_schol = sC) + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = TRUE)) + } + + g1 <- grad(ll, c(C)) + s1 <- s(c(C)) + chk(g1, s1) + + op1 <- optim(c(C), fn = ll, gr = s, method = "L-BFGS-B") + max(abs(ltMatrices(op1$par, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) - C)) + + ### check against unpermuted (expect same results) + ll <- function(x) { + C <- ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs, chol = C) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) + ret <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs, chol = C)$chol + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = TRUE)) + } + + op2 <- optim(c(C), fn = ll, gr = s, method = "L-BFGS-B") + chk(max(abs(ltMatrices(op2$par, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) - C)) < tol, TRUE) + + chk(op1, op2) + + ### diag = FALSE + Cd <- ltMatrices(runif(J * (J - 1) / 2), byrow = BYROW) + + ### w/ standardisation (1. stand, 2. perm) + ll <- function(x) { + C <- as.chol(ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW)) + Cs <- standardize(chol = C) + Ct <- aperm(Cs, perm = p) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], chol = Ct) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW) + Cs <- standardize(chol = C) + Ct <- aperm(Cs, perm = p) + sC <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], chol = Ct)$chol + ret <- deperma(chol = Cs, permuted_chol = Ct, perm = p, score_schol = sC) + ret <- destandardize(chol = C, score_schol = ret) + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = FALSE)) + } + + chk(grad(ll, c(Cd)), s(c(Cd))) + + ### w/o standardisation + ll <- function(x) { + C <- as.chol(ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW)) + Ct <- aperm(C, perm = p) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], chol = Ct) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- as.chol(ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW)) + diagonals(C) <- 1 ### deperma expects diagonals + Ct <- aperm(as.chol(C), perm = p) + sC <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], chol = Ct)$chol + ret <- deperma(chol = C, permuted_chol = Ct, perm = p, score_schol = sC) + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = FALSE)) + } + + chk(grad(ll, c(Cd)), s(c(Cd))) + + ### L + ### diag = TRUE w/o stand + ll <- function(x) { + C <- as.invchol(ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW)) + Ct <- aperm(C, perm = p) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], invchol = Ct) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- as.invchol(ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW)) + Ct <- aperm(C, perm = p) + sC <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], invchol = Ct)$invchol + ret <- deperma(invchol = C, permuted_invchol = Ct, perm = p, score_schol = -vectrick(Ct, sC)) + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = TRUE)) + } + + g2 <- grad(ll, c(L)) + chk(g2, s(c(L))) + chk(g2, c(Lower_tri(-vectrick(C, ltMatrices(g1, byrow = BYROW, diag = TRUE)), diag = TRUE))) + + op3 <- optim(c(L), fn = ll, gr = s, method = "L-BFGS-B") + chk(max(abs(ltMatrices(op3$par, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) - L)) < tol, TRUE) + + ### check against unpermuted (expect same results) + ll <- function(x) { + C <- ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs, invchol = C) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- ltMatrices(x, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) + ret <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs, invchol = C)$invchol + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = TRUE)) + } + + op4 <- optim(c(L), fn = ll, gr = s, method = "L-BFGS-B") + chk(max(abs(ltMatrices(op4$par, diag = TRUE, byrow = BYROW) - L)) < tol, TRUE) + + ### diag = FALSE + Ld <- ltMatrices(runif(J * (J - 1) / 2), byrow = BYROW) + + ### w/ standardisation (1. stand, 2. perm) + ll <- function(x) { + C <- as.invchol(ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW)) + Cs <- standardize(invchol = C) + Ct <- aperm(Cs, perm = p) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], invchol = Ct) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- as.invchol(ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW)) + Cs <- standardize(invchol = C) + Ct <- aperm(Cs, perm = p) + sC <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], invchol = Ct)$invchol + ret <- deperma(invchol = Cs, permuted_invchol = Ct, perm = p, score_schol = -vectrick(Ct, sC)) + ret <- destandardize(invchol = C, score_schol = -vectrick(Cs, ret)) + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = FALSE)) + } + + chk(grad(ll, c(Ld)), s(c(Ld))) + + ### w/o standardisation + ll <- function(x) { + C <- as.invchol(ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW)) + Ct <- aperm(C, perm = p) + -ldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], invchol = Ct) + } + + s <- function(x) { + C <- as.invchol(ltMatrices(x, diag = FALSE, byrow = BYROW)) + diagonals(C) <- 1 ### deperma expects diagonals + Ct <- aperm(as.invchol(C), perm = p) + sC <- sldmvnorm(obs = obs[p,], invchol = Ct)$invchol + ret <- deperma(invchol = C, permuted_invchol = Ct, perm = p, score_schol = -vectrick(Ct, sC)) + -rowSums(Lower_tri(ret, diag = FALSE)) + } + + chk(grad(ll, c(Ld)), s(c(Ld))) + }) > > BYROW <- FALSE > EVAL(thischeck) > > BYROW <- TRUE > EVAL(thischeck) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 9.73 5.34 15.06