context("piecewise") # Simulate data from a piecewise logistic trend ts <- mvgam:::piecewise_logistic(t = 1:100, cap = 8.5, deltas = extraDistr::rlaplace(10, 0, 0.025), k = 0.075, m = 0, changepoint_ts = sample(1:100, 10)) y <- rnorm(100, ts, 0.75) # Don't put 'cap' variable in dataframe df <- data.frame(y = y, time = 1:100, series = as.factor('series1'), #cap = 8.75, fake = rnorm(100)) test_that("logistic should error if cap is missing", { expect_error(mvgam(formula = y ~ 0, data = df, trend_model = PW(growth = 'logistic', n_changepoints = 10), # priors = prior(normal(2, 5), class = k_trend), family = gaussian(), run_model = TRUE, return_model_data = TRUE), 'Capacities must be supplied as a variable named "cap" for logistic growth') }) # Now include some missing values in 'cap' df <- data.frame(y = y, time = 1:100, series = as.factor('series1'), cap = sample(c(8.75, NA), 100, TRUE), fake = rnorm(100)) test_that("logistic should error if cap has NAs", { expect_error(mvgam(formula = y ~ 0, data = df, trend_model = PW(growth = 'logistic', n_changepoints = 10), priors = prior(normal(2, 5), class = k_trend), family = gaussian(), run_model = TRUE, return_model_data = TRUE), 'Missing values found for some "cap" terms') }) # Missing values can also happen when transforming to the link scale y <- rpois(100, ts + 5) df <- data.frame(y = y, time = 1:100, series = as.factor('series1'), cap = -1, fake = rnorm(100)) test_that("logistic should error if cap has NAs after link transformation", { expect_error(mvgam(formula = y ~ 0, data = df, trend_model = PW(growth = 'logistic', n_changepoints = 10), family = poisson(), run_model = TRUE, return_model_data = TRUE), paste0('Missing or infinite values found for some "cap" terms\n', 'after transforming to the log link scale')) }) # Make sure cap is in the right order y <- rpois(100, ts + 5) df <- rbind(data.frame(y = y, time = 1:100, series = as.factor('series1'), cap = y + 20, fake = rnorm(100)), data.frame(y = y + 2, time = 1:100, series = as.factor('series2'), cap = y + 22, fake = rnorm(100))) test_that("logistic caps should be included in the correct order", { skip_on_cran() mod <- mvgam(formula = y ~ 0, data = df, trend_model = PW(growth = 'logistic', n_changepoints = 10), family = poisson(), run_model = FALSE, return_model_data = TRUE) # caps should now be logged and in a matrix [1:n_timepoints, 1:n_series] expect_true(all(mod$model_data$cap == log(cbind(df %>% dplyr::filter(series == 'series1') %>% dplyr::arrange(time) %>% dplyr::pull(cap), df %>% dplyr::filter(series == 'series2') %>% dplyr::arrange(time) %>% dplyr::pull(cap))))) # Should also work for list data df_list <- list(series = df$series, time = df$time, cap = df$cap, y = df$y, fake = df$fake) mod <- mvgam(formula = y ~ 0, data = df_list, trend_model = PW(growth = 'logistic', n_changepoints = 10), family = poisson(), run_model = FALSE, return_model_data = TRUE) # caps should now be logged and in a matrix [1:n_timepoints, 1:n_series] expect_true(all(mod$model_data$cap == log(cbind(df %>% dplyr::filter(series == 'series1') %>% dplyr::arrange(time) %>% dplyr::pull(cap), df %>% dplyr::filter(series == 'series2') %>% dplyr::arrange(time) %>% dplyr::pull(cap))))) }) test_that("piecewise models fit and forecast without error", { skip_on_cran() # Example of logistic growth with possible changepoints # Simple logistic growth model dNt = function(r, N, k){ r * N * (k - N) } # Iterate growth through time Nt = function(r, N, t, k) { for (i in 1:(t - 1)) { # population at next time step is current population + growth, # but we introduce several 'shocks' as changepoints if(i %in% c(5, 15, 25, 41, 45, 60, 80)){ N[i + 1] <- max(1, N[i] + dNt(r + runif(1, -0.1, 0.1), N[i], k)) } else { N[i + 1] <- max(1, N[i] + dNt(r, N[i], k)) } } N } # Simulate expected values set.seed(555) expected <- Nt(0.004, 2, 100, 30) # Take Poisson draws y <- rpois(100, expected) # Assemble data into dataframe and model. We set a # fixed carrying capacity of 35 for this example, but note that # this value is not required to be fixed at each timepoint mod_data <- data.frame(y = y, time = 1:100, cap = 35, series = as.factor('series_1')) dat_train <- mod_data %>% dplyr::filter(time <= 90) dat_test <- mod_data %>% dplyr::filter(time > 90) # The intercept is nonidentifiable when using piecewise # trends because the trend functions have their own offset # parameters 'm'; it is recommended to always drop intercepts # when using these trend models mod <- mvgam(y ~ 0, trend_model = PW(growth = 'logistic'), family = poisson(), data = dat_train, chains = 2, silent = 2) # Compute and plot forecasts fc <- forecast(mod, newdata = dat_test, type = 'trend') expect_no_error(capture_output(plot(fc))) # Should also work for piecewise linear mod <- SW(mvgam(y ~ 0, trend_model = PW(growth = 'linear', n_changepoints = 5), family = poisson(), data = dat_train, chains = 2, silent = 2)) # Compute and plot forecasts fc <- forecast(mod, newdata = dat_test, type = 'trend') expect_no_error(capture_output(plot(fc))) })