context("gp") skip_on_cran() test_that("gp_to_s is working properly for unidimensional gps", { # All true gp() terms should be changed to s() with k = k+1 formula <- y ~ s(series) + gp(banana, k = 3, scale = FALSE) + infect:you + gp(hardcourt, k = 3) dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(10), series = rnorm(10), banana = rnorm(10), infect = rnorm(10), you = rnorm(10), hardcourt = rnorm(10), gp = rnorm(10)) # Check that the brms_mock formula is correctly remade gp_atts <- mvgam:::get_gp_attributes(formula, data = dat, family = gaussian()) # scale should be passed; gr is always false and cmc is always true expect_true(identical( attr(terms(attr(gp_atts, 'gp_formula')), 'term.labels')[1], "gp(banana, k = 3, cov = \"exp_quad\", iso = TRUE, scale = FALSE, c = 1.25, gr = FALSE, cmc = TRUE)") ) expect_true(identical( attr(terms(attr(gp_atts, 'gp_formula')), 'term.labels')[2], "gp(hardcourt, k = 3, cov = \"exp_quad\", iso = TRUE, scale = TRUE, c = 1.25, gr = FALSE, cmc = TRUE)") ) expect_equal(attr(terms(mvgam:::gp_to_s(formula, data = dat, family = gaussian()), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels'), attr(terms(formula(y ~ s(series) + s(banana, k = 4) + infect:you + s(hardcourt, k = 4)), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels')) # Characters that match to 'gp' should not be changed formula <- y ~ gp(hardcourt, k = 3) + s(gp, k = 3) expect_equal(attr(terms(mvgam:::gp_to_s(formula, data = dat, family = gaussian()), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels'), attr(terms(formula(y ~ s(hardcourt, k = 4) + s(gp, k = 3)), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels')) }) test_that("gp_to_s is working properly for multidimensional gps", { # All true gp() terms should be changed to s() with k = k+1 formula <- y ~ s(series) + gp(banana, hardcourt, k = 3, iso = FALSE, c = 1.33, cov = 'matern52') + infect:you dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(10), series = rnorm(10), banana = rnorm(10), infect = rnorm(10), you = rnorm(10), hardcourt = rnorm(10), gp = rnorm(10)) gp_atts <- mvgam:::get_gp_attributes(formula, data = dat, family = gaussian()) expect_true(identical( attr(terms(attr(gp_atts, 'gp_formula')), 'term.labels')[1], "gp(banana, hardcourt, k = 3, cov = \"matern52\", iso = FALSE, scale = TRUE, c = 1.33, gr = FALSE, cmc = TRUE)") ) expect_equal(attr(terms(mvgam:::gp_to_s(formula, data = dat, family = gaussian()), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels'), attr(terms(formula(y ~ s(series) + ti(banana, hardcourt, k = 3, mc = c(0,0)) + infect:you), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels')) }) test_that("unidimensional gp for observation models working properly", { gaus_data$data_train$y[$data_train$y)] <- 0 mod <- mvgam(formula = y ~ s(series, bs = 're') + gp(time, by = series, k = 10, c = 5/4) + year:season, data = gaus_data$data_train, family = gaussian(), run_model = FALSE) expect_true( any(grepl('b[b_idx_gp_time_byseriesseries_3] = sqrt(spd_gp_exp_quad(l_gp_time_byseriesseries_3', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE)) ) # Gp data structures should be in the model_data expect_true("l_gp_time_byseriesseries_1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("b_idx_gp_time_byseriesseries_1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("k_gp_time_byseriesseries_1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) # These should match to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions created by # a similar brms call brms_dat <- suppressWarnings(brms::make_standata(y ~ s(series, bs = 're') + gp(time, by = series, k = 10, c = 5/4) + year:season, data = gaus_data$data_train, family = gaussian())) # Eigenvalues should be identical expect_true(all.equal(as.vector(brms_dat$slambda_1_1), as.vector(mod$model_data$l_gp_time_byseriesseries_1))) # Eigenfunctions will be nearly identical row_s1 <- which(gaus_data$data_train$series == 'series_1' & !$data_train$y)) col_s1 <- grep('gp(time):seriesseries_1', names(coef(mod$mgcv_model)), fixed = TRUE) expect_true(identical(dim(brms_dat$Xgp_1_1), dim(mod$model_data$X[row_s1,col_s1]))) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(seq_len(NCOL(brms_dat$Xgp_1_1)), function(x){ cor(brms_dat$Xgp_1_1[,x], mod$model_data$X[row_s1,col_s1][,x]) }), use.names = FALSE) > 0.99)) # The mgcv model formula should contain s() in place of gp() expect_equal(attr(terms(mod$mgcv_model$formula, keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels'), attr(terms(formula(y ~ s(time, by = series, k = 11) + year:season + s(series, bs = "re")), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels')) }) test_that("multidimensional gp for observation models working properly", { gaus_data$data_train$y[$data_train$y)] <- 0 mod <- mvgam(y ~ s(series, bs = 're') + gp(time, year, k = 4, cov = 'matern32'), data = gaus_data$data_train, family = gaussian(), run_model = FALSE) expect_true( any(grepl('b[b_idx_gp_timeby_year_] = sqrt(spd_gp_matern32(l_gp_timeby_year_', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE)) ) # Gp data structures should be in the model_data expect_true("l_gp_timeby_year_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("b_idx_gp_timeby_year_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("k_gp_timeby_year_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) # These should match to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions created by # a similar brms call brms_dat <- suppressWarnings(brms::make_standata( y ~ s(series, bs = 're') + gp(time, year, k = 4, gr = FALSE), data = gaus_data$data_train, family = gaussian()) ) # Eigenvalues should be identical expect_true(all.equal(brms_dat$slambda_1, mod$model_data$l_gp_timeby_year_)) # Eigenfunctions will be nearly identical col_s1 <- grep('gp(time,year)', names(coef(mod$mgcv_model)), fixed = TRUE) expect_true(identical(dim(brms_dat$Xgp_1), dim(mod$model_data$X[,col_s1]))) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(seq_len(NCOL(brms_dat$Xgp_1)), function(x){ cor(brms_dat$Xgp_1[,x], mod$model_data$X[,col_s1][,x]) }), use.names = FALSE) > 0.99)) # The mgcv model formula should contain s() in place of gp() expect_equal(attr(terms(mod$mgcv_model$formula, keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels'), attr(terms(formula(y ~ ti(time, year, k = 4, mc = c(0, 0)) + s(series, bs = "re")), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels')) }) test_that("noncentring with gp terms working properly", { mod <- mvgam(y ~ s(series, bs = 're') + s(season, bs = 'cc', k = 8) + gp(time, by = series, k = 10), trend_model = RW(), data = gaus_data$data_train, newdata = gaus_data$data_test, family = gaussian(), noncentred = TRUE, run_model = FALSE) # Model file should have the non-centred trend parameterisation now expect_true( any(grepl(trimws("trend = trend_raw .* rep_matrix(sigma', rows(trend_raw));"), trimws(mod$model_file), fixed = TRUE)) ) expect_true( any(grepl(trimws("trend[2 : n, s] += trend[1 : (n - 1), s];"), trimws(mod$model_file), fixed = TRUE)) ) # Gp data structures should be in the model_data expect_true("l_gp_time_byseriesseries_1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("b_idx_gp_time_byseriesseries_1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("k_gp_time_byseriesseries_1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) }) test_that("unidimensional gp for process models working properly", { mod <- mvgam(y ~ s(series, bs = 're'), trend_formula = ~ gp(time, by = trend, k = 10) + year:season, data = beta_data$data_train, family = betar(), trend_model = AR(), run_model = FALSE) # Model file should have prior lines for gp terms expect_true(any(grepl('// prior for gp(time):trendtrend1_trend...', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) expect_true(any(grepl("b_trend[b_trend_idx_gp_time_bytrendtrend1] = sqrt(spd_gp_exp_quad(", mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) # Gp data structures should be in the model_data expect_true("l_gp_trend_time_bytrendtrend1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("b_trend_idx_gp_time_bytrendtrend1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("k_gp_trend_time_bytrendtrend1" %in% names(mod$model_data)) # These should match to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions created by # a similar brms call brms_dat <- suppressWarnings(brms::make_standata(y ~ gp(time, by = series, k = 10, c = 5/4), data = beta_data$data_train, family = gaussian())) # Eigenvalues should be identical expect_true(all.equal(as.vector(brms_dat$slambda_1_1), as.vector(mod$model_data$l_gp_trend_time_bytrendtrend1))) # Eigenfunctions will be nearly identical row_s1 <- mod$model_data$ytimes_trend[,1] col_s1 <- grep('gp(time):trendtrend1', names(coef(mod$trend_mgcv_model)), fixed = TRUE) expect_true(identical(dim(brms_dat$Xgp_1_1), dim(mod$model_data$X_trend[row_s1,col_s1]))) expect_true(max(abs(brms_dat$Xgp_1_1 - mod$model_data$X_trend[row_s1,col_s1])) < 0.01) # The mgcv model formula should contain s() in place of gp() expect_equal(attr(terms(mod$trend_mgcv_model$formula, keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels'), attr(terms(formula(y ~ s(time, by = series, k = 11) + year:season), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels')) }) test_that("multidimensional gp for process models working properly", { mod <- mvgam(y ~ s(series, bs = 're'), trend_formula = ~ gp(time, season, k = 10, iso = FALSE), data = beta_data$data_train, family = betar(), trend_model = AR(), run_model = FALSE) # Model file should have prior lines for gp terms expect_true(any(grepl('// prior for gp(time,season)_trend...', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) expect_true(any(grepl("b_trend[b_trend_idx_gp_timeby_season_] = sqrt(spd_gp_exp_quad(", mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) expect_true(any(grepl("array[1] vector[2] rho_gp_trend_timeby_season_;", mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) expect_true(any(grepl("rho_gp_trend_timeby_season_[1][1] ~ inv_gamma", mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) expect_true(any(grepl("rho_gp_trend_timeby_season_[1][2] ~ inv_gamma", mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) # Gp data structures should be in the model_data expect_true("l_gp_trend_timeby_season_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("b_trend_idx_gp_timeby_season_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) expect_true("k_gp_trend_timeby_season_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) # These should match to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions created by # a similar brms call brms_dat <- suppressWarnings(brms::make_standata(y ~ gp(time, season, k = 10, c = 5/4, cmc = TRUE, gr = FALSE), data = beta_data$data_train, family = gaussian())) # Eigenvalues should be identical expect_true(all.equal(brms_dat$slambda_1, mod$model_data$l_gp_trend_timeby_season_)) # Eigenfunctions will be nearly identical col_s1 <- grep('gp(time,season)', names(coef(mod$trend_mgcv_model)), fixed = TRUE) expect_true(identical(dim(brms_dat$Xgp_1), dim(mod$model_data$X_trend[,col_s1]))) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(seq_len(NCOL(brms_dat$Xgp_1)), function(x){ cor(brms_dat$Xgp_1[,x], mod$model_data$X_trend[,col_s1][,x]) }), use.names = FALSE) > 0.99)) # The mgcv model formula should contain s() in place of gp() expect_equal(attr(terms(mod$trend_mgcv_model$formula, keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels'), attr(terms(formula(y ~ ti(time, season, k = 10, mc = c(0, 0))), keep.order = TRUE), 'term.labels')) })