context("monotonic") # Simulate data from a monotonically increasing function set.seed(123123) x <- runif(80) * 4 - 1 x <- sort(x) f <- exp(4 * x) / (1 + exp(4 * x)) y <- f + rnorm(80) * 0.1 mod_data <- data.frame(y = y, x = x, z = rnorm(80), time = 1:80) test_that("k must be an even integer for s(bs = 'moi')", { expect_error(mvgam(y ~ s(x, bs = 'moi', k = 11), data = mod_data, family = gaussian()), "Argument 'k(bs = 'moi')' must be an even integer", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(mvgam(y ~ s(x, bs = 'moi', k = 1), data = mod_data, family = gaussian()), "Basis dimension is too small", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("monotonic only works for one dimensional smooths", { expect_error(mvgam(y ~ s(x, z, bs = 'moi', k = 10), data = mod_data, family = gaussian()), "Monotonic basis only handles 1D smooths", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("monotonic for observation models working properly", { mod <- mvgam(y ~ z + s(x, bs = 'moi', k = 18), data = mod_data, family = gaussian(), run_model = FALSE) # Monotonic indices should be in the model_data expect_true("b_idx_s_x_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) # The smooth should be an MOI class expect_true(inherits(mod$mgcv_model$smooth[[1]], 'moi.smooth')) # The coefficients should be fixed to be non-negative expect_true(any(grepl('b[b_idx_s_x_] = abs(b_raw[b_idx_s_x_]) * 1;', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) # Repeat a check for decreasing functions mod <- mvgam(y ~ z + s(x, bs = 'mod', k = 18), data = mod_data, family = gaussian(), run_model = FALSE) # The smooth should be an MOD class expect_true(inherits(mod$mgcv_model$smooth[[1]], 'mod.smooth')) # The coefficients should be fixed to be non-positive expect_true(any(grepl('b[b_idx_s_x_] = abs(b_raw[b_idx_s_x_]) * -1;', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) }) test_that("monotonic for process models working properly", { mod <- mvgam(y ~ 0, trend_formula = ~ z + s(x, bs = 'moi', k = 18), trend_model = RW(), data = mod_data, family = gaussian(), run_model = FALSE) # Monotonic indices should be in the model_data expect_true("b_trend_idx_s_x_" %in% names(mod$model_data)) # The smooth should be an MOI class expect_true(inherits(mod$trend_mgcv_model$smooth[[1]], 'moi.smooth')) # The coefficients should be fixed to be non-negative expect_true(any(grepl('b_trend[b_trend_idx_s_x_] = abs(b_raw_trend[b_trend_idx_s_x_]) * 1;', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) # And for decreasing mod <- mvgam(y ~ 0, trend_formula = ~ z + s(x, bs = 'mod', k = 18), trend_model = RW(), data = mod_data, family = gaussian(), run_model = FALSE) # The smooth should be an MOD class expect_true(inherits(mod$trend_mgcv_model$smooth[[1]], 'mod.smooth')) # The coefficients should be fixed to be non-positive expect_true(any(grepl('b_trend[b_trend_idx_s_x_] = abs(b_raw_trend[b_trend_idx_s_x_]) * -1;', mod$model_file, fixed = TRUE))) })