R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-18 r87593 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> #   tests xyYtoMunsell() and MunsellToxyY() over special colors
> #   tests sRGBtoMunsell() and MunsellTosRGB() over special colors
> library( munsellinterpol )
> options( width=144 )
> printf <- function( msg, ... )
+     {
+     mess = sprintf( msg[1], ... )    # should this really be msg[1] ?
+     cat( mess, '\n' )   #, file=stderr() )
+     }
> #   returns time in seconds, from an arbitrary origin
> gettime <- function()
+     {
+     if( requireNamespace('microbenchmark') )
+         return( microbenchmark::get_nanotime() * 1.e-9 )
+     else
+         return( as.double( base::Sys.time() ) )
+     }
> testCentroids <- function()
+     {
+     #   path = "../inst/extdata/Centrals_ISCC_NBS.txt"
+     path = system.file( "extdata/Centroids_ISCC-NBS.txt", package='munsellinterpol' )
+     df = read.table( path, header=T,  sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F )
+     printf( "-----------  testCentroids()   %d samples -----------------------", nrow(df) )
+     #   printf( "Testing centroids..." )
+     # go forwards HVC -> xyY
+     HVC = HVCfromMunsellName( df$MunsellSpec )
+     time_start  = gettime()
+     res = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE )
+     time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
+     failures = sum( is.na(res$xyY[ ,1]) )
+     printf(  "There were %d forward failures, out of %d samples.  time=%g sec.  %g/sample.",
+                 failures, nrow(df), time_elapsed, time_elapsed/nrow(HVC) )
+     if( 0 < failures )  return(FALSE)
+     #   now go backwards xyY -> HVC
+     time_start  = gettime()
+     res = xyYtoMunsell( res$xyY, perf=TRUE )
+     time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
+     failures = sum( is.na(res$HVC[ ,1]) )
+     printf(  "There were %d reverse failures, out of %d samples.  time=%g sec.  %g/sample.",
+                             failures, nrow(HVC), time_elapsed, time_elapsed/nrow(HVC) )
+     printf( "Performance:")
+     cat( "Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(res$time.elapsed,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+     cat( "Iterations 5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(res$iterations,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+     cat( "Evaluations 5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(res$evaluations,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+     #   compare HVC and res$HVC
+     tol = 0.01
+     HVC.delta   = abs(HVC - res$HVC)
+     HVC.delta[ ,1]  = pmin( HVC.delta[ ,1], 100 - HVC.delta[ ,1] )
+     err = rowSums( HVC.delta )
+     idx = which.max( err )
+     df  = data.frame( row.names=1 )
+     df$HVC      = HVC[ idx, , drop=F ]
+     df$xyY      = res$xyY[ idx, , drop=F ]
+     df$HVC.back = res$HVC[ idx, , drop=F ]
+     printf(  "Maximum round-trip error = %g  (tol=%g).", err[idx], tol )
+     print( df )
+     #   how many exceeded the tolerance
+     count   = sum( tol < err )
+     if( 0 < count )
+         printf( "%d round-trip errors exceeded %g.", count, tol )
+     if( 0 < failures  ||  0 < count )  return(FALSE)
+     return( TRUE )
+     }
> testOptimals <- function()
+     {
+     path = system.file( "extdata/OptimalColorsForIlluminantC.txt", package='munsellinterpol' )
+     df = read.table( path, header=T )
+     printf( "---------  testOptimals()  %d samples -----------------------", nrow(df) )
+     xyY = as.matrix( df )
+     osname  = Sys.info()[ 'sysname' ]
+     solaris = grepl( 'sun', osname, ignore.case=TRUE )
+     out = TRUE
+     for( hcinterp in c('bilin','bicub') )
+         {
+         for( vinterp in c('lin','cub') )
+             {
+             #   go backwards xyY -> HVC
+             printf( "-----  hcinterp='%s',  vinterp='%s'  -----", hcinterp, vinterp )
+             time_start  = gettime()
+             res = xyYtoMunsell( xyY, warn=FALSE, perf=TRUE, hcinterp=hcinterp, vinterp=vinterp )
+             time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
+             #   print( res )
+             #   return(FALSE)
+             HVC = res$HVC
+             mask    = is.na( HVC[ ,1] )
+             failures = sum( mask )
+             printf( "testOptimals(). There were %d inversion failures, out of %d samples.  time=%g sec.  %g/sample.  OS=%s",
+                                 failures, nrow(xyY), time_elapsed, time_elapsed/nrow(xyY), osname )
+             #   in 2018, solaris started to give 5 iteration failures in CRAN testing
+             #   in 2019 (R v 3.6.1), the same thing happened with fedora (both clang and gcc).
+             #   So for safety in the future, just set limit to 5 !
+             limit   = 5     # ifelse( solaris, 5, 0 )   # with solaris, 5 errors were detected in CRAN testing
+             if( limit < failures )
+                 {
+                 colnames(xyY)   = c('x','y','Y')
+                 colnames(HVC)   = c('H','V','C')
+                 df  = data.frame( row.names=1:failures )
+                 df$xyY  = xyY[mask, , drop=FALSE]
+                 df$HVC  = HVC[mask, , drop=FALSE]
+                 print( df )
+                 #print( res )
+                 out = FALSE
+                 }
+             printf( "Performance:")
+             cat( "Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  " )
+             cat( fivenum(res$time.elapsed,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+             cat( "Iterations 5-number summary:  " )
+             cat( fivenum(res$iterations,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+             cat( "Evaluations 5-number summary:  " )
+             cat( fivenum(res$evaluations,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+             if( max( res$iterations, na.rm=T ) == 100 )
+                 {
+                 idx =  which( res$iterations == 100 )   # ; print(idx)
+                 printf( "There were %d samples that failed to converge.", length(idx) )
+                 df  = res[ idx, , drop=FALSE ]
+                 print(df)
+                 }
+             if( out )
+                 {
+                 #   do round-trip
+                 xyY.back    = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE,  hcinterp=hcinterp, vinterp=vinterp )$xyY
+                 delta   = rowSums( abs(xyY - xyY.back) )
+                 #   ignore pure black
+                 mask        = xyY[ ,3]==0  &  xyY.back[ ,3]==0
+                 delta[mask] = 0
+                 cat( "Round trip xyY -> HVC -> xyY  inversion error 5-number summary:  " )
+                 cat( fivenum(delta), '\n' )
+                 idx = which.max( delta )
+                 df  = data.frame( row.names=1 )
+                 df$xyY      = xyY[ idx, , drop=F ]
+                 df$HVC      = HVC[ idx, , drop=F ]
+                 df$xyY.back = xyY.back[ idx, , drop=F ]
+                 printf(  "Maximum inversion error occurs for this one:" )
+                 print( df )
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     return( out )
+     }
> testReals <- function()
+     {
+     df.real     = subset( Munsell2xy, real==TRUE )
+     printf( "----------------  testReals()  %d samples -----------------------", nrow(df.real) )
+     HVC         = cbind( df.real$H, df.real$V, df.real$C )
+     xyY         = cbind( df.real$x, df.real$y, YfromV(df.real$V) )
+     #   go backwards xyY -> HVC
+     time_start  = gettime()
+     res = xyYtoMunsell( xyY, warn=FALSE, perf=TRUE )
+     time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
+     mask    = is.na( res$HVC[ ,1] )
+     failures = sum( mask )
+     printf( "testReals().  There were %d inversion failures, out of %d samples.  time=%g sec.  %g/sample.",
+                         failures, nrow(xyY), time_elapsed, time_elapsed/nrow(xyY) )
+     if( 0 < failures )
+         {
+         colnames(HVC)   = c('H','V','C')
+         colnames(xyY)   = c('x','y','Y')
+         df  = data.frame( row.names=MunsellNameFromHVC( HVC[mask, ] ) )
+         df$HVC  = HVC[mask, ]
+         df$xyY  = xyY[mask, ]
+         print( df )
+         }
+     printf( "Performance:")
+     cat( "Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(res$time.elapsed,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+     cat( "Iterations 5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(res$iterations,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+     cat( "Evaluations 5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(res$evaluations,na.rm=T), '\n' )
+     #   compare HVC and res$HVC
+     HVC.delta   = abs(HVC - res$HVC)
+     HVC.delta[ ,1]  = pmin( HVC.delta[ ,1], 100 - HVC.delta[ ,1] )
+     delta   = rowSums( HVC.delta )
+     cat( "Round trip HVC -> xyY -> HVC  inversion error 5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(delta), '\n' )
+     idx = which.max( delta )
+     df  = data.frame( row.names=1 )
+     df$HVC      = HVC[ idx, , drop=F ]
+     df$xyY      = xyY[ idx, , drop=F ]
+     df$HVC.back = res$HVC[ idx, , drop=F ]
+     printf(  "Maximum inversion error occurs for this one:" )
+     print( df )
+     return( failures == 0 )
+     }
> testNeutrals <- function()
+     {
+     #   check that Chroma is small, and finite
+     RGB = matrix( 0:255, 256, 3 )
+     colnames(RGB)   = c('R','G','B')
+     printf( "-----------  testNeutrals()   %d samples  -----------------------", nrow(RGB) )
+     HVC = sRGBtoMunsell( RGB )
+     chroma      = HVC[ ,3]
+     mask        = is.na(chroma)
+     failures    = sum(mask)
+     if( 0 < failures )
+         {
+         printf( "testNeutrals().  There were %d failures to convert.", failures )
+         df  = data.frame( row.names=which(mask) )
+         df$RGB  = RGB[mask, ]
+         print( df )
+         }
+     tol = 0     # 1.e-13    changed to 0 in v 3.0-0
+     mask    = (is.finite(chroma) & tol < chroma)
+     count   = sum( mask  )
+     if( 0 < count )
+         {
+         printf( "testNeutrals().  There were %d chromas > %g.", count, tol )
+         df  = data.frame( row.names=which(mask) )
+         df$RGB  = RGB[mask, ]
+         df$Chroma   = chroma[mask]
+         print( df )
+         }
+     #   now go back
+     res = MunsellTosRGB( HVC )
+     RGB.delta   = abs(RGB - res$RGB)
+     delta   = rowSums( RGB.delta )
+     cat( "Round-trip error  (RGB -> HVC -> RGB)  5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(delta), '\n' )
+     return( failures==0  &&  count==0 )
+     }
> testNearNeutrals <- function()
+     {
+     #   check that Chroma is small, and finite
+     RGB = matrix( 0, 0, 3 )
+     colnames(RGB)   = c('R','G','B')
+     for( k in 10:255 )
+         {
+         RGB = rbind( RGB, matrix(k,3,3) - diag(3) )
+         }
+     printf( "-------  testNearNeutrals()  %d samples   -----------------------", nrow(RGB) )
+     HVC = sRGBtoMunsell( RGB )
+     chroma      = HVC[ ,3]
+     mask        = is.na(chroma)
+     failures    = sum(mask)
+     if( 0 < failures )
+         {
+         printf( "testNearNeutrals().  There were %d failures to convert.", failures )
+         df  = data.frame( row.names=which(mask) )
+         df$RGB  = RGB[mask, ]
+         print( df )
+         return(FALSE)
+         }
+     tol = 0.30
+     mask    = (is.finite(chroma) & tol < chroma)
+     count   = sum( mask  )
+     if( 0 < count )
+         {
+         printf( "testNearNeutrals().  There were %d chromas > %g.", count, tol )
+         df  = data.frame( row.names=which(mask) )
+         df$RGB      = RGB[mask, ]
+         df$Chroma   = chroma[mask]
+         print( df )
+         return(FALSE)
+         }
+     #   now go back
+     res         = MunsellTosRGB( HVC )
+     RGB.delta   = abs(RGB - res$RGB)
+     delta   = rowSums( RGB.delta )
+     cat( "Round-trip error  (RGB->HVC->RGB)  5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(delta), '\n' )
+     tol = 0.005
+     if( tol < max(delta) )
+         {
+         printf( "Maximum round-trip error = %g > %g.", max(delta), tol )
+         return(FALSE)
+         }
+     return( TRUE )
+     }
> testDarks <- function()
+     {
+     rgbmax  = 8  # 10    # 5
+     RGB = as.matrix( expand.grid( R=0:rgbmax, G=0:rgbmax, B=0:rgbmax ) )
+     printf( "---------------------  testDarks() %d samples   -----------------------", nrow(RGB) )
+     HVC = sRGBtoMunsell( RGB )
+     chroma      = HVC[ ,3]
+     mask        = is.na(chroma)
+     failures    = sum(mask)
+     if( 0 < failures )
+         {
+         printf( "testDarks().  There were %d failures to convert.", failures )
+         df  = data.frame( row.names=which(mask) )
+         df$RGB  = RGB[mask, , drop=FALSE ]
+         print( df )
+         return(FALSE)
+         }
+     #   now go back
+     res         = MunsellTosRGB( HVC )
+     RGB.delta   = abs(RGB - res$RGB)
+     delta   = rowSums( RGB.delta )
+     cat( "Round-trip error  (RGB->HVC->RGB)  5-number summary:  " )
+     cat( fivenum(delta), '\n' )
+     return( failures==0 )
+     }
> {
+ x = gettime()   # load microbenchmark
+ if( testCentroids() )
+     printf( "testCentroids() passed." )
+ else
+     stop( "testCentroids() failed !", call.=FALSE )
+ if( testNeutrals() )
+     printf( "testNeutrals() passed." )
+ else
+     stop( "testNeutrals() failed !", call.=FALSE )
+ if( testNearNeutrals() )
+     printf( "testNearNeutrals() passed." )
+ else
+     stop( "testNearNeutrals() failed !", call.=FALSE )
+ if( testDarks() )
+     printf( "testDarks() passed." )
+ else
+     stop( "testDarks() failed !", call.=FALSE )
+ if( testReals() )
+     printf( "testReals() passed." )
+ else
+     stop( "testReals() failed !", call.=FALSE )
+ if( testOptimals() )
+     printf( "testOptimals() passed." )
+ else
+     stop( "testOptimals() failed !", call.=FALSE )
+ printf(  "Passed all Munsell Transforms tests !" )
+ }
-----------  testCentroids()   267 samples ----------------------- 
There were 0 forward failures, out of 267 samples.  time=0.143359 sec.  0.000536927/sample. 
There were 0 reverse failures, out of 267 samples.  time=1.02493 sec.  0.00383871/sample. 
Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  5.200505e-06 0.0032144 0.003622 0.004146249 0.0283292 
Iterations 5-number summary:  2 3 3 4 5 
Evaluations 5-number summary:  8 11 11 14 17 
Maximum round-trip error = 0.00728479  (tol=0.01). 
  HVC.H HVC.V HVC.C      xyY.x      xyY.y      xyY.Y  HVC.back.H  HVC.back.V  HVC.back.C
1 23.00  5.50  0.06  0.3112943  0.3174985 23.9680791 23.00726754  5.50000000  0.05998275
testCentroids() passed. 
-----------  testNeutrals()   256 samples  ----------------------- 
Round-trip error  (RGB -> HVC -> RGB)  5-number summary:  0 1.958787e-08 4.648795e-08 7.315473e-08 1.73029e-07 
testNeutrals() passed. 
-------  testNearNeutrals()  738 samples   ----------------------- 
Round-trip error  (RGB->HVC->RGB)  5-number summary:  8.470828e-09 5.922419e-06 4.008284e-05 0.0001609282 0.002403704 
testNearNeutrals() passed. 
---------------------  testDarks() 729 samples   ----------------------- 
Round-trip error  (RGB->HVC->RGB)  5-number summary:  0 1.615927e-07 5.110979e-07 4.897153e-06 0.0001205296 
testDarks() passed. 
----------------  testReals()  3089 samples ----------------------- 
testReals().  There were 0 inversion failures, out of 3089 samples.  time=8.96168 sec.  0.00290116/sample. 
Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  0.0018255 0.0023889 0.0029104 0.0029903 0.0307802 
Iterations 5-number summary:  2 3 4 4 7 
Evaluations 5-number summary:  8 11 14 14 23 
Round trip HVC -> xyY -> HVC  inversion error 5-number summary:  5.892797e-11 5.333471e-08 1.86361e-06 2.367377e-05 0.0008028285 
Maximum inversion error occurs for this one: 
  HVC.1 HVC.2 HVC.3    xyY.1    xyY.2    xyY.3 HVC.back.H HVC.back.V HVC.back.C
1    60     9     2  0.29070  0.31590 76.69559  60.000798   9.000000   2.000005
testReals() passed. 
---------  testOptimals()  994 samples ----------------------- 
-----  hcinterp='bilin',  vinterp='lin'  ----- 
testOptimals(). There were 0 inversion failures, out of 994 samples.  time=3.96703 sec.  0.00399098/sample.  OS=Windows 
Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  1.069997e-05 0.003324499 0.00381275 0.004245199 0.0353326 
Iterations 5-number summary:  2 3 3 4 5 
Evaluations 5-number summary:  8 11 11 14 17 
Round trip xyY -> HVC -> xyY  inversion error 5-number summary:  0 5.018656e-09 1.970463e-08 1.486058e-07 2.053347e-06 
Maximum inversion error occurs for this one: 
     xyY.x    xyY.y    xyY.Y     HVC.H     HVC.V     HVC.C xyY.back.x xyY.back.y xyY.back.Y
1  0.19586  0.10683 17.81000 79.475725  4.829257 24.347855  0.1958589  0.1068290 17.8100000
-----  hcinterp='bilin',  vinterp='cub'  ----- 
Error in iH:(iH + 1) : NA/NaN argument
Error in iH:(iH + 1) : NA/NaN argument
Error in iH:(iH + 1) : NA/NaN argument
Error in iH:(iH + 1) : NA/NaN argument
Error in iH:(iH + 1) : NA/NaN argument
testOptimals(). There were 5 inversion failures, out of 994 samples.  time=4.85741 sec.  0.00488673/sample.  OS=Windows 
Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  9.699725e-06 0.0039034 0.004631801 0.0049986 0.0818039 
Iterations 5-number summary:  2 3 3 4 6 
Evaluations 5-number summary:  8 11 11 14 20 
Round trip xyY -> HVC -> xyY  inversion error 5-number summary:  0 5.184237e-09 1.808143e-08 1.4736e-07 2.017029e-06 
Maximum inversion error occurs for this one: 
    xyY.x   xyY.y   xyY.Y     HVC.H     HVC.V     HVC.C xyY.back.x xyY.back.y xyY.back.Y
1 0.24813 0.06337 8.55260 84.424134  3.457032 34.260334 0.24812887 0.06337088 8.55260000
-----  hcinterp='bicub',  vinterp='lin'  ----- 
testOptimals(). There were 0 inversion failures, out of 994 samples.  time=4.97 sec.  0.005/sample.  OS=Windows 
Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  1.010019e-05 0.004061501 0.00454315 0.005363599 0.0435314 
Iterations 5-number summary:  2 3 4 4 6 
Evaluations 5-number summary:  8 11 14 14 20 
Round trip xyY -> HVC -> xyY  inversion error 5-number summary:  0 5.598911e-09 2.052519e-08 1.851469e-07 2.226422e-06 
Maximum inversion error occurs for this one: 
     xyY.x    xyY.y    xyY.Y     HVC.H     HVC.V     HVC.C xyY.back.x xyY.back.y xyY.back.Y
1 0.301670 0.081802 8.746800 87.960039  3.494055 31.490646 0.30166890 0.08180088 8.74680001
-----  hcinterp='bicub',  vinterp='cub'  ----- 
Error in max(iH - 1, 1):min(iH + 2, length(H.vector)) : NA/NaN argument
Error in max(iH - 1, 1):min(iH + 2, length(H.vector)) : NA/NaN argument
Error in max(iH - 1, 1):min(iH + 2, length(H.vector)) : NA/NaN argument
Error in max(iH - 1, 1):min(iH + 2, length(H.vector)) : NA/NaN argument
Error in max(iH - 1, 1):min(iH + 2, length(H.vector)) : NA/NaN argument
testOptimals(). There were 5 inversion failures, out of 994 samples.  time=4.57192 sec.  0.00459951/sample.  OS=Windows 
Time Elapsed 5-number summary:  1.639966e-05 0.0036645 0.0041761 0.0050576 0.0153951 
Iterations 5-number summary:  2 3 4 4 7 
Evaluations 5-number summary:  8 11 14 14 23 
Round trip xyY -> HVC -> xyY  inversion error 5-number summary:  0 5.594705e-09 1.974002e-08 1.718229e-07 1.953349e-06 
Maximum inversion error occurs for this one: 
     xyY.x    xyY.y    xyY.Y     HVC.H     HVC.V     HVC.C xyY.back.x xyY.back.y xyY.back.Y
1  0.47928  0.51513 77.45300 25.839890  9.035888 20.333109   0.479281   0.515131  77.453000
testOptimals() passed. 
Passed all Munsell Transforms tests ! 
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  38.79    0.23   39.03