test_that("can run a regress analysis with one y variable", { mat1 <- matrix(rnorm(100*15), 100, 15) y <- rnorm(100) reg <- regress(mat1, y, preproc=pass(), method="lm") expect_true(!is.null(reg)) recon <- reconstruct(reg) expect_true(!is.null(recon)) }) test_that("can run a regress analysis with one y variable and intercept", { mat1 <- matrix(rnorm(100*15), 100, 15) y <- rnorm(100) reg <- regress(mat1, y, preproc=pass(), method="lm", intercept=TRUE) expect_true(!is.null(reg)) recon <- reconstruct(reg) expect_true(!is.null(recon)) expect_true(ncol(reg$v) == ncol(mat1)+1) }) test_that("can run a regress analysis with multiple y variables", { mat1 <- matrix(rnorm(100*15), 100, 15) y <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100)) reg <- regress(mat1, y, preproc=pass(), method="lm") recon <- reconstruct(reg) expect_true(!is.null(reg)) expect_true(!is.null(recon)) }) test_that("can run a regress analysis with multiple y variables and ridge", { mat1 <- matrix(rnorm(100*15), 100, 15) y <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100)) reg <- regress(mat1, y, preproc=pass(), method="mridge") recon <- reconstruct(reg) expect_true(!is.null(reg)) expect_true(!is.null(recon)) }) test_that("can run a regress analysis with multiple y variables and enet", { mat1 <- matrix(rnorm(100*15), 100, 15) y <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100)) reg <- regress(mat1, y, preproc=pass(), method="enet", alpha=.3, lambda=.01) recon <- reconstruct(reg) expect_true(!is.null(reg)) expect_true(!is.null(recon)) })