library(testthat) # compare results to # Karabatsos, G. (2005). The exchangeable multinomial model as an approach to testing deterministic axioms of choice and measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49(1), 51-69. test_that("results match to those of Karabatsos (2005)", { # example from appendix: H0 <- list(pattern = 1, c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(.5, .5)) # predict: non-violations (k = n) H1 <- list(pattern = -1, c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(.5, .5)) expect_silent(bf <- strategy_postprob(cbind(0:5), cbind(rep(10, 6)), list(H0, H1))) expect_equal(bf[, 1], c(.00016, .00369, .02604, .10202, .26483, .5), tol = .00001) # Table 4: Gambles 2-4 with reference prior (1/2, 1/2): H0 <- list(pattern = c(1), c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(.5, .5)) H1 <- list(pattern = c(-1), c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(.5, .5)) expect_silent(bf <- strategy_postprob(cbind(c(15, 17, 18)), cbind(rep(31, 3)), list(H0, H1))) expect_equal(bf[, 1] / bf[, 2], c(.75, 2.4, 4.4), tol = .1) # Gambles 2-4 with different prior: [Karabatsos: see appendix for syntax] s <- c(15, 17, 18) prior <- pbeta(1, 4, 1) - pbeta(.5, 4, 1) post <- pbeta(1, 4 + s, 1 + 31 - s) - pbeta(.5, 4 + s, 1 + 31 - s) bf_0u <- post / prior bf_1u <- (1 - post) / (1 - prior) H0 <- list(pattern = c(1), c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(1, 4)) # tau_violations, tau_ok en <- list(pattern = c(1), c = 1, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(1, 4)) expect_silent(bf <- strategy_postprob(cbind(c(15, 17, 18)), cbind(rep(31, 3)), list(H0, en))) expect_equal(bf[, 1] / bf[, 2], bf_0u) H0 <- list(pattern = c(1), c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(1, 4)) # tau_violations, tau_ok H1 <- list(pattern = c(-1), c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(4, 1)) expect_silent(bf <- strategy_postprob(cbind(c(15, 17, 18)), cbind(rep(31, 3)), list(H0, H1))) expect_equal(bf[, 1] / bf[, 2], bf_0u / bf_1u) # assumption of independence for gambles 1-5 H0 <- list(pattern = 1:5, c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(.5, .5)) H1 <- list(pattern = -(1:5), c = .5, ordered = FALSE, prior = c(.5, .5)) expect_silent(bf <- strategy_postprob( c(23, 15, 17, 18, 21), rep(31, 5), list(H0, H1) )) expect_equal(bf[1] / bf[2], 109181, tol = 1) })