library(multinma) library(dplyr) test_that("set_* produces empty nma_data objects", { empty_nma_data <- structure( list(agd_arm = NULL, agd_contrast = NULL, ipd = NULL, treatments = NULL, classes = NULL, studies = NULL), class = "nma_data") expect_equal(set_ipd(smoking[0, ], "studyn", "trtc"), empty_nma_data) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(smoking[0, ], "studyn", "trtc"), empty_nma_data) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(smoking[0, ], "studyn", "trtc"), empty_nma_data) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(smoking[0, ], "studyn", "trtc"), empty_nma_data) }) test_that("set_* error if data does not inherit data.frame", { vec <- 1:5 msg <- "Argument `data` should be a data frame" expect_error(set_ipd(vec), msg) expect_error(set_agd_arm(vec), msg) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(vec), msg) expect_error(set_agd_surv(vec), msg) }) test_that("set_* error if study not given, missing values, or not regular 1D column", { expect_error(set_ipd(smoking), "Specify `study`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smoking), "Specify `study`") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smoking), "Specify `study`") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smoking), "Specify `study`") smk_miss <- smoking smk_miss[1, "studyn"] <- NA expect_error(set_ipd(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_ipd(smoking, cbind(studyn, studyn)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_ipd(smoking, list(studyn)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smoking, cbind(studyn, studyn)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smoking, list(studyn)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smoking, cbind(studyn, studyn)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smoking, list(studyn)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smoking, cbind(studyn, studyn)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smoking, list(studyn)), "must be a regular column") }) test_that("set_* error if single-arm studies included", { m <- "Single-arm studies are not supported" s <- tibble(study = c("a", "b", "b", "c"), trt = c("A", "A", "A", "B"), r = 1, n = 2, time = 1, status = 1) expect_error(set_ipd(s, study, trt, r = r), paste0(m, '.+studies "a", "b" and "c"')) expect_error(set_agd_arm(s, study, trt, r = r, n = n), paste0(m, '.+studies "a" and "c"')) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(s, study, trt, y = r, se = n), paste0(m, '.+studies "a" and "c"')) # Allowed with message for survival outcomes expect_message(set_ipd(s, study, trt, Surv = Surv(time, status)), 'Single-arm studies present in the network: "a", "b" and "c"') expect_message(set_agd_surv(s, study, trt, Surv = Surv(time, status)), 'Single-arm studies present in the network: "a", "b" and "c"') }) test_that("set_* error if trt not given, missing values, or not regular 1D column", { expect_error(set_ipd(smoking, "studyn"), "Specify `trt`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smoking, "studyn"), "Specify `trt`") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smoking, "studyn"), "Specify `trt`") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smoking, "studyn"), "Specify `trt`") smk_miss <- smoking smk_miss[1, "trtc"] <- NA expect_error(set_ipd(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smk_miss, "studyn", "trtc"), "cannot contain missing values") expect_error(set_ipd(smoking, studyn, cbind(trtc, trtc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_ipd(smoking, studyn, list(trtc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smoking, studyn, cbind(trtc, trtc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(smoking, studyn, list(trtc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smoking, studyn, cbind(trtc, trtc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(smoking, studyn, list(trtc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smoking, studyn, cbind(trtc, trtc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_surv(smoking, studyn, list(trtc)), "must be a regular column") }) # Dummy data agd_arm <- tibble( studyn = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2), studyc = letters[studyn], studyf = factor(studyc), studyf2 = forcats::fct_rev(studyf), trtn = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), trtc = LETTERS[trtn], trtf = factor(trtc), trtf2 = forcats::fct_rev(trtf), tclassn = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 2), tclassc = letters[tclassn], tclassf = factor(tclassc), tclassf2 = forcats::fct_rev(tclassf), cont = rnorm(5), cont_pos = abs(cont), cont_neg = -cont_pos, cont_inf = c(cont_pos[1:4], Inf), cont_nan = c(cont_pos[1:4], NaN), disc = rbinom(5, 20, 0.5) + 1, disc_p1 = disc + 1, disc_m1 = disc - 1, disc_neg = -disc, disc_inf = c(disc[1:4], Inf), disc_nan = c(disc[1:4], NaN), disc_na = c(disc[1:4], NA), bin = sample(c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1), 5) #Surv = ) test_that("set_agd_arm - continuous outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont), "Specify standard error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", se = cont_pos), "Specify continuous outcome `y`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = trtc, se = cont_pos), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = as.character(trtn), se = cont_pos), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont, se = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont, se = as.character(trtn)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont, se = cont_neg), "must be positive") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont, se = -cont_pos), "must be positive") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont, se = cont_inf), "cannot be infinite") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont, se = cont_nan), "cannot be NaN") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cbind(cont, cont), se = cont_pos), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cbind(cont_pos, cont_pos)), "must be a regular column") expect_equivalent( set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm[, c(".y", ".se")], transmute(agd_arm, .y = cont, .se = cont_pos)) }) test_that("set_agd_arm - count outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc), "Specify denominator") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", n = disc_p1), "Specify outcome count `r`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = trtc, n = disc_p1), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = cont, n = disc), "must be integer") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = cont), "must be integer") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc_neg, n = disc), "must be between 0 and `n`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = -disc, n = disc), "must be between 0 and `n`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc_p1, n = disc), "must be between 0 and `n`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc_neg), "greater than zero") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = -disc), "greater than zero") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", E = cont_pos), "Specify outcome count `r`") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc_p1, E = cont_neg), "must be positive") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc_p1, E = -cont_pos), "must be positive") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc_p1, E = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc_p1, E = as.character(trtn)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = cbind(disc, disc), n = disc_p1), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = disc, n = cbind(disc_p1, disc_p1)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = disc, E = cbind(cont_pos, cont_pos)), "must be a regular column") expect_equivalent( set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc_p1)$agd_arm[, c(".r", ".n")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = disc, .n = disc_p1)) expect_equivalent( set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = "disc", n = "disc_p1")$agd_arm[, c(".r", ".n")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = disc, .n = disc_p1)) expect_equivalent( set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc + 1)$agd_arm[, c(".r", ".n")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = disc, .n = disc_p1)) expect_equivalent( set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = floor(disc/2), n = disc)$agd_arm[, c(".r", ".n")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = floor(disc/2), .n = disc)) expect_equivalent( set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, E = cont_pos)$agd_arm[, c(".r", ".E")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = disc, .E = cont_pos)) expect_equivalent( set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = "disc", E = "cont_pos")$agd_arm[, c(".r", ".E")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = disc, .E = cont_pos)) }) multi_inclusive <- tribble(~r_a, ~r_b, ~r_c, 1, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1, 5, 2, 2, 10, 5, 0, 6, 0, 0) agd_arm_multi_i <- bind_cols(agd_arm, multi_inclusive) multi_exclusive <- tribble(~r_a, ~r_b, ~r_c, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 0, 2, 5, 5, 0, 6, 0, 0) agd_arm_multi_e <- bind_cols(agd_arm, multi_exclusive) test_that("set_agd_arm - multinomial outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc)), "At least 2 outcomes", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, disc)), "Duplicate outcome category labels", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, 1:2)), "must be the same length", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, disc_inf)), "cannot be Inf", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, disc_nan)), "cannot be NaN", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, trtc)), "must be numeric", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, cont_pos)), "must be integer", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, disc_neg)), "must be non-negative", class = "error") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_multi_i, studyn, trtc, r = multi(r_c, r_b, r_a, inclusive = TRUE)), "must be decreasing or constant", class = "error") expect_equivalent(unclass(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_multi_i, studyn, trtc, r = multi(r_a, r_b, r_c, inclusive = TRUE))$agd_arm$.r), as.matrix(multi_exclusive)) expect_equivalent(unclass(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_multi_e, studyn, trtc, r = multi(r_a, r_b, r_c, inclusive = FALSE))$agd_arm$.r), as.matrix(multi_exclusive)) }) test_that("set_agd_arm - sample size checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = as.character(trtn)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = cont), "must be integer") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = disc_neg), "must be greater than zero") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = -disc), "must be greater than zero") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = disc_inf), "cannot be infinite") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = disc_nan), "cannot be NaN") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = cbind(disc, disc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, sample_size = list(disc)), "must be a regular column") expect_message(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos), "`sample_size` not provided") expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = disc, n = disc_p1)$agd_arm$.sample_size, agd_arm$disc_p1) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = floor(disc/2), n = disc, sample_size = disc + 1)$agd_arm$.sample_size, agd_arm$disc_p1) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_multi_i, studyn, trtc, r = multi(r_a, r_b, r_c, inclusive = TRUE))$agd_arm$.sample_size, multi_inclusive$r_a) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_multi_e, studyn, trtc, r = multi(r_a, r_b, r_c, inclusive = FALSE))$agd_arm$.sample_size, multi_inclusive$r_a) }) test_that("set_ipd - continuous outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = as.character(trtn)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cbind(cont, cont)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = list(cont)), "must be a regular column") expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont)$ipd[, ".y"], transmute(agd_arm, .y = cont)) expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = "cont")$ipd[, ".y"], transmute(agd_arm, .y = cont)) expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", y = cont/2)$ipd[, ".y"], transmute(agd_arm, .y = cont/2)) }) test_that("set_ipd - binary outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = as.character(trtn)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = cont), "must equal 0 or 1") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc_neg), "must equal 0 or 1") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin + 1), "must equal 0 or 1") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", E = cont_pos), "Specify count `r`") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, E = cont_neg), "must be positive") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, E = -cont_pos), "must be positive") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, E = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, E = as.character(trtn)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = cbind(bin, bin)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = cbind(bin, bin), E = cont_pos), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, E = cbind(cont_pos, cont_pos)), "must be a regular column") expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, E = cont_pos)$ipd[, c(".r", ".E")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = bin, .E = cont_pos)) expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = "bin", E = "cont_pos")$ipd[, c(".r", ".E")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = bin, .E = cont_pos)) expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, E = cont_pos/2)$ipd[, c(".r", ".E")], transmute(agd_arm, .r = bin, .E = cont_pos/2)) }) test_that("set_ipd - multinomial outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(bin)), "At least 2 outcomes", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(bin, bin)), "Duplicate outcome category labels", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(bin, 1:2)), "must be the same length", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, disc_inf)), "cannot be Inf", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, disc_nan)), "cannot be NaN", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(disc, trtc)), "must be numeric", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(bin, bin + 1)), "must equal 0 or 1", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyn, trtc, r = multi(bin, -bin)), "must be non-negative", class = "error") i_multi_inclusive <- tribble(~r_a, ~r_b, ~r_c, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, NA, 1, NA, 0) ipd_multi_i <- bind_cols(agd_arm, i_multi_inclusive) i_multi_exclusive <- tribble(~r_a, ~r_b, ~r_c, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, NA, 1, NA, 0) ipd_multi_e <- bind_cols(agd_arm, i_multi_exclusive) expect_error(set_ipd(ipd_multi_i[-4,], study = I(1), trtc, r = multi(r_c, r_b, r_a, inclusive = TRUE)), "must be decreasing or constant", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(ipd_multi_i[-c(4,5),], study = I(1), trtc, r = multi(r_b, r_c, inclusive = TRUE)), "Individual without outcomes in any category, row 3", class = "error") expect_equivalent(unclass(set_ipd(ipd_multi_i, studyn, trtc, r = multi(r_a, r_b, r_c, inclusive = TRUE))$ipd$.r), as.matrix(i_multi_exclusive)) expect_error(set_ipd(ipd_multi_e[-c(4,5),], study = I(1), trtc, r = multi(r_b, r_c, inclusive = FALSE)), "Individual without outcomes in any category, row 3", class = "error") expect_error(set_ipd(ipd_multi_e, studyn, trtc, r = multi(c = 1, r_a, r_b, inclusive = FALSE)), "Individuals with outcomes in more than one category, rows 2, 3, 4 and 5", class = "error") expect_equivalent(unclass(set_ipd(ipd_multi_e, studyn, trtc, r = multi(r_a, r_b, r_c, inclusive = FALSE))$ipd$.r), as.matrix(i_multi_exclusive)) }) test_that("set_ipd - survival outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = trtc), "must be a `Surv` object") expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$ipd[[".Surv"]], with(agd_arm, Surv(cont_pos, bin))) expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, bin))$ipd[[".Surv"]], with(agd_arm, Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, bin))) expect_equivalent( set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, c(0, 1, 3, 3, 3), type = "interval"))$ipd[[".Surv"]], with(agd_arm, Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, c(0, 1, 3, 3, 3), type = "interval"))) expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin, type = "mstate")), 'type "mright" is not supported') expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_neg, bin)), "must have strictly positive outcome times") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_inf, bin)), "infinite times") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_nan, bin)), "missing times") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_neg, cont_pos, bin)), "must have non-negative start times") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_neg, cont_pos, c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), type = "interval")), "must have non-negative start times") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, rep_len(c(0, 1, NA), nrow(agd_arm)))), "missing event status values") expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv("a", bin)), "not numeric") expect_error(suppressWarnings(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos/2, bin))), "missing times") expect_error(suppressWarnings(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos*2, bin*5, type = "interval"))), "missing event status values") }) test_that("set_agd_surv - survival outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = trtc), "must be a `Surv` object") expect_equivalent( tidyr::unnest(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm, ".Surv")$.Surv, with(agd_arm, Surv(cont_pos, bin))) expect_equivalent( tidyr::unnest(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, bin))$agd_arm, ".Surv")$.Surv, with(agd_arm, Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, bin))) expect_equivalent( tidyr::unnest(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, c(0, 1, 3, 3, 3), type = "interval"))$agd_arm, ".Surv")$.Surv, with(agd_arm, Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos + 1, c(0, 1, 3, 3, 3), type = "interval"))) expect_equivalent( tidyr::unnest(set_agd_surv(ndmm_agd, studyf, trtf, Surv = Surv(eventtime, status))$agd_arm, ".Surv")$.Surv, with(ndmm_agd, Surv(eventtime, status))) expect_equivalent( tidyr::unnest(set_agd_surv(ndmm_agd, studyf, trtf, Surv = Surv(eventtime, status), covariates = ndmm_agd_covs)$agd_arm, ".Surv")$.Surv, with(ndmm_agd, Surv(eventtime, status))) expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin, type = "mstate")), 'type "mright" is not supported') expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_neg, bin)), "must have strictly positive outcome times") expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_inf, bin)), "infinite times") expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_nan, bin)), "missing times") expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_neg, cont_pos, bin)), "must have non-negative start times") expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_neg, cont_pos, c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), type = "interval")), "must have non-negative start times") expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, rep_len(c(0, 1, NA), nrow(agd_arm)))), "missing event status values") expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv("a", bin)), "not numeric") expect_error(suppressWarnings(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos/2, bin))), "missing times") expect_error(suppressWarnings(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, cont_pos*2, bin*5, type = "interval"))), "missing event status values") }) test_that("set_agd_surv - covariate checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_surv(ndmm_agd, studyf, trtf, Surv = Surv(eventtime, status), covariates = list()), "should be a data frame") expect_equivalent( dplyr::select(set_agd_surv(ndmm_agd, studyf, trtf, Surv = Surv(eventtime, status), covariates = ndmm_agd_covs)$agd_arm, study, trt, sample_size = .sample_size, age_min:male) %>% dplyr::arrange(study, trt), dplyr::select(ndmm_agd_covs, -studyf, -trtf)) expect_error(set_agd_surv(ndmm_agd, studyf, trtf, Surv = Surv(eventtime, status), covariates = ndmm_agd_covs[-1,]), "Not all study arms in `data` have matching rows in `covariates`") }) # Dummy contrast data agd_contrast <- agd_arm %>% group_by(studyn) %>% mutate(arm = 1:n(), ydiff = if_else(arm == 1, NA_real_, cont - first(cont)), ydiff_chr = if_else(arm == 1, NA_character_, trtc), ydiff_multi = if_else(arm %in% 1:2, NA_real_, cont - first(cont)), sediff = if_else(arm == 1, cont_pos, sqrt(cont_pos^2 + first(cont_pos)^2)), sediff_miss = if_else(arm == 1, NA_real_, sqrt(cont_pos^2 + first(cont_pos)^2))) %>% ungroup() test_that("set_agd_contrast - continuous outcome checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff), "Specify standard error") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", se = sediff), "Specify continuous outcome `y`") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff_chr, se = sediff), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = as.character(ydiff), se = sediff), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = as.character(sediff)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = cont_neg), "must be positive") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = -cont_pos), "must be positive") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = cont_inf), "cannot be infinite") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = cont_nan), "cannot be NaN") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = trtn, se = sediff), "without a specified baseline arm") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff_multi, se = sediff), "Multiple baseline arms") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = sediff_miss), "Standard error.+missing values on baseline arms") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = cbind(ydiff, ydiff), se = sediff), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = cbind(sediff, sediff)), "must be a regular column") expect_equivalent(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast[, c(".y", ".se")], transmute(agd_contrast, .y = ydiff, .se = sediff)) expect_equivalent(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = "ydiff", se = "sediff")$agd_contrast[, c(".y", ".se")], transmute(agd_contrast, .y = ydiff, .se = sediff)) expect_equivalent(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc", y = ydiff/2, se = sediff)$agd_contrast[, c(".y", ".se")], transmute(agd_contrast, .y = ydiff/2, .se = sediff)) }) test_that("set_agd_contrast - sample size checks work", { expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = trtc), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = as.character(trtn)), "must be numeric") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = cont), "must be integer") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = cont/2), "must be integer") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = disc_neg), "must be greater than zero") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = -disc), "must be greater than zero") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = disc_inf), "cannot be infinite") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = disc_nan), "cannot be NaN") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = cbind(disc, disc)), "must be a regular column") expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, sample_size = list(disc)), "must be a regular column") expect_message(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff), "`sample_size` not provided") }) test_that("set_agd_contrast - positive definite check", { agd_contrast_nonpd <- agd_contrast %>% group_by(studyn) %>% mutate(sediff = if_else(arm == 1, max(cont_pos)*2, sqrt(cont_pos^2 + first(cont_pos)^2))) %>% ungroup() expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast_nonpd, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff), 'not positive definite for study "2"') expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast_nonpd, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff), 'not positive definite for study "b"') agd_contrast_nonpd2 <- bind_rows(agd_contrast_nonpd, filter(agd_contrast_nonpd, studyn == 2) %>% mutate(studyn = 3, studyc = "c")) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast_nonpd2, studyn, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff), 'not positive definite for studies "2" and "3"') expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast_nonpd2, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff), 'not positive definite for studies "b" and "c"') }) test_that("set_* - take one and only one outcome", { m <- "specify one and only one outcome" expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = bin, y = cont), m) expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyn", "trtc", r = disc, n = disc_p1, y = cont, se = cont_pos), m) # expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyn", "trtc"), m) }) # Reference treatment for survival outcomes tie-breaks by longest follow-up bmax <- max(subset(agd_arm$cont_pos, agd_arm$trtf == "B")) > max(subset(agd_arm$cont_pos, agd_arm$trtf == "A")) test_that("set_* `.trt` column is correct", { expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.trt, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$trtf, "B", "A", "C") else agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, 6, y = cont)$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, 6, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, 6, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, 6, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.trt, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$trtf, "B", "A", "C") else agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, "trtc", y = cont)$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, "trtc", y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, "trtc", y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, "trtc", Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.trt, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$trtf, "B", "A", "C") else agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, factor(trtc), y = cont)$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, factor(trtc), y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, factor(trtc), y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, factor(trtc), Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.trt, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$trtf, "B", "A", "C") else agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, y = cont)$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyf, trtf, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.trt, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$trtf, "B", "A", "C") else agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, y = cont, trt_ref = "C")$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = "C")$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyf, trtf2, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = "C")$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = "C")$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf2) # Check that unused factor levels are dropped expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), y = cont)$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyf, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.trt, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$trtf, "B", "A", "C") else agd_arm$trtf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf2, "zzz"), y = cont, trt_ref = "C")$ipd$.trt, agd_arm$trtf2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf2, "zzz"), y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = "C")$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyf, forcats::fct_expand(trtf2, "zzz"), y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = "C")$agd_contrast$.trt, agd_contrast$trtf2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf2, "zzz"), Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = "C")$agd_arm$.trt, agd_arm$trtf2) }) test_that("set_* `.study` column is correct", { expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, 2, trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, 2, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, 2, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, 2, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, "studyc", trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, "studyc", trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, "studyc", trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, "studyc", trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, factor(studyc), trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, factor(studyc), trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, factor(studyc), trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, factor(studyc), trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyf, trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyf, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyf, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyf, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyf2, trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyf2, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyf2, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyf2, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf2) # Check that unused levels are dropped expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, forcats::fct_expand(studyf, "zzz"), trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, forcats::fct_expand(studyf, "zzz"), trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, forcats::fct_expand(studyf, "zzz"), trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, forcats::fct_expand(studyf, "zzz"), trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, forcats::fct_expand(studyf2, "zzz"), trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, forcats::fct_expand(studyf2, "zzz"), trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, forcats::fct_expand(studyf2, "zzz"), trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, forcats::fct_expand(studyf2, "zzz"), trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf2) # Check reserved column names handled correctly aa <- mutate(agd_arm, .study = studyc) ac <- mutate(agd_contrast, .study = studyc) expect_equal(set_ipd(aa, .study, trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(aa, .study, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(ac, .study, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(aa, .study, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(aa, .study, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), covariates = aa)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_ipd(aa, 26, trtc, y = cont)$ipd$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(aa, 26, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(ac, 32, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$agd_contrast$.study, agd_contrast$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(aa, 26, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(aa, 26, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), covariates = aa)$agd_arm$.study, agd_arm$studyf) }) test_that("set_* return default `treatments` factor", { expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont)$treatments, .default(factor(LETTERS[1:3]))) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$treatments, .default(factor(LETTERS[1:3]))) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$treatments, .default(factor(LETTERS[1:3]))) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$treatments, if (bmax) .default(factor(c("B", "A", "C"), levels = c("B", "A", "C"))) else .default(factor(LETTERS[1:3]))) }) test_that("set_* can set `trt_ref`", { f_BAC <- factor(LETTERS[c(2,1,3)], levels = LETTERS[c(2,1,3)]) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) # Using trtf sets original_levels attribute attr(f_BAC, "original_levels") <- LETTERS[1:3] expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, y = cont, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtf, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, y = cont, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtf, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtf, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BAC) f_213 <- factor(c(2, 1, 3), levels = c(2, 1, 3)) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtn, y = cont, trt_ref = 2)$treatments, f_213) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtn, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = 2)$treatments, f_213) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtn, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = 2)$treatments, f_213) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtn, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = 2)$treatments, f_213) f_BCA <- factor(LETTERS[c(2,3,1)], levels = LETTERS[c(2,3,1)]) attr(f_BCA, "original_levels") <- LETTERS[3:1] expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, y = cont, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BCA) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BCA) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtf2, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BCA) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BCA) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, y = cont, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BCA) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BCA) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtf2, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BCA) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtf2, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = factor("B"))$treatments, f_BCA) # Check that unused levels are dropped attr(f_BAC, "original_levels") <- c("A", "B", "C", "zzz") expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), y = cont, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, forcats::fct_expand(trtf, "zzz"), Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = "B")$treatments, f_BAC) m <- "`trt_ref` does not match a treatment in the data.+Suitable values are:" expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_ref = 2), m) expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = 2), m) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = 2), m) expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = 2), m) }) # Check classes when default reference treatment is not first in sort order # Add new study to make B the default trt_ref newstudy <- tibble(studyc = "c", trtc = c("B", "C"), tclassc = "b", cont = rnorm(2), cont_pos = runif(2, 0, 1), bin = c(0, 1), ydiff = c(NA, cont[2]), sediff = 1) aa <- bind_rows(agd_arm, newstudy) ac <- bind_rows(agd_contrast, newstudy) test_that("set_* returns correct .trtclass column", { expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc)$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc)$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc)$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc)$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc))$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc))$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc))$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc))$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = 11)$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = 11)$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = 11)$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = 11)$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = 11))$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = 11))$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = 11))$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = 11))$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassf)$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassf)$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassf)$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassf)$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassf))$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassf))$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassf))$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassf))$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_ref = "B", trt_class = tclassf2)$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_ref = "B", trt_class = tclassf2)$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_ref = "B", trt_class = tclassf2)$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_ref = "B", trt_class = tclassf2)$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassf2), trt_ref = "B")$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassf2), trt_ref = "B")$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassf2), trt_ref = "B")$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassf2), trt_ref = "B")$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf2) # Check that unused factor levels are dropped expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$ipd$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$agd_arm$.trtclass, agd_arm$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$agd_contrast$.trtclass, agd_contrast$tclassf) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$agd_arm$.trtclass, if (bmax) forcats::fct_relevel(agd_arm$tclassf, "b") else agd_arm$tclassf) # Checks when default trt_ref not first in sort order expect_equal(set_ipd(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc)$ipd$.trtclass, factor(aa$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc)$agd_arm$.trtclass, factor(aa$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(ac, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc)$agd_contrast$.trtclass, factor(ac$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(aa, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc)$agd_arm$.trtclass, factor(aa$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc))$ipd$.trtclass, factor(aa$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc))$agd_arm$.trtclass, factor(aa$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(ac, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc))$agd_contrast$.trtclass, factor(ac$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(aa, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc))$agd_arm$.trtclass, factor(aa$tclassc, levels = c("b", "a"))) }) test_that("set_* returns classes factor variable", { f_class <- factor(c("a", "b", "b")) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc)$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc)$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc)$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc)$classes, if (bmax) factor(c("b", "a", "b"), levels = c("b", "a")) else f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc))$classes, if (bmax) factor(c("b", "a", "b"), levels = c("b", "a")) else f_class) # Using tclassf sets original_levels attribute attr(f_class, "original_levels") <- c("a", "b") if (bmax) { f_classs <- factor(c("b", "a", "b"), levels = c("b", "a")) attr(f_classs, "original_levels") <- c("a", "b") } expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"))$classes, if (bmax) f_classs else f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")))$classes, if (bmax) f_classs else f_class) f_class2 <- factor(c("b", "a", "b"), levels = c("b", "a")) expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) # Checks when default trt_ref not first in sort order expect_equal(set_ipd(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc)$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc)$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(ac, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc)$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(aa, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc)$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc))$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc))$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(ac, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc))$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(aa, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc))$classes, f_class2) attr(f_class2, "original_levels") <- c("a", "b") expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) # Checks when default trt_ref not first in sort order expect_equal(set_ipd(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(ac, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(aa, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b"), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(aa, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(ac, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(aa, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = recode_factor(trtc, A = "a", B = "b", C = "b")), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class2) f_class3 <- factor(c("B", "A", "C"), levels = c("B", "C", "A")) attr(f_class3, "original_levels") <- c("C", "B", "A") expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = trtf2, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = trtf2, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = trtf2, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = trtf2, trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = trtf2), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = trtf2), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = trtf2), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = trtf2), trt_ref = "B")$classes, f_class3) # Check that unused levels are dropped attr(f_class, "original_levels") <- c("a", "b", "zzz") if (bmax) attr(f_classs, "original_levels") <- c("a", "b", "zzz") expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz"))$classes, if (bmax) f_classs else f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$classes, f_class) expect_equal(combine_network(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = forcats::fct_expand(tclassf, "zzz")))$classes, if (bmax) f_classs else f_class) }) test_that("set_* checks for bad class variable work", { aa2 <- agd_arm aa2$tclassn <- c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2) # Trt 2 and 3 in two classes aa2$tclassc[1] <- NA ac2 <- agd_contrast ac2$tclassn <- c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2) # Trt 2 and 3 in two classes ac2$tclassc[1] <- NA m <- "Treatment present in more than one class" expect_error(set_ipd(aa2, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassn), m) expect_error(set_agd_arm(aa2, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassn), m) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(ac2, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassn), m) expect_error(set_agd_surv(aa2, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassn), m) m2 <- "cannot contain missing values" expect_error(set_ipd(aa2, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = tclassc), m2) expect_error(set_agd_arm(aa2, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = tclassc), m2) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(ac2, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff, trt_class = tclassc), m2) expect_error(set_agd_surv(aa2, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = tclassc), m2) m3 <- "must be a regular column" expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, trt_class = cbind(trtc, trtc)), m3) expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = cbind(trtc, trtc)), m3) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos, trt_class = cbind(trtc, trtc)), m3) expect_error(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin), trt_class = cbind(trtc, trtc)), m3) }) test_that("set_* return `studies` factor", { expect_equal(set_ipd(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont)$studies, factor(letters[1:2])) expect_equal(set_agd_arm(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, y = cont, se = cont_pos)$studies, factor(letters[1:2])) expect_equal(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast, studyc, trtc, y = ydiff, se = sediff)$studies, factor(letters[1:2])) expect_equal(set_agd_surv(agd_arm, studyc, trtc, Surv = Surv(cont_pos, bin))$studies, factor(letters[1:2])) }) make_na <- function(x, n) { x[, n)] <- NA return(x) } test_that("set_* error if outcomes contain missing values", { agd_arm_miss <- agd_arm %>% mutate_at(vars(cont:bin), ~make_na(., 1)) m <- "contains missing values" expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_miss, studyn, trtn, y = cont, se = cont_pos), m) expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_miss, studyn, trtn, r = disc, n = disc_p1), m) expect_error(set_agd_arm(agd_arm_miss, studyn, trtn, r = disc, E = cont_pos), m) expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm_miss, studyn, trtn, y = cont), m) expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm_miss, studyn, trtn, r = disc), m) expect_error(set_ipd(agd_arm_miss, studyn, trtn, r = disc, E = cont_pos), m) # For set_agd_contrast, multiple missing y will trigger multiple baselines error # Missing se on baseline arm will trigger covariance error if >2 arms (otherwise fine) agd_contrast_miss <- agd_contrast %>% mutate(sediff = if_else(arm > 1, NA_real_, sediff)) expect_error(set_agd_contrast(agd_contrast_miss, studyn, trtn, y = ydiff, se = sediff), m) })