skip_on_cran() if (!requireNamespace("cmdstanr", quietly = TRUE)) { backend <- "rstan" ## if using rstan backend, models can crash on Windows ## so skip if on windows and cannot use cmdstanr skip_on_os("windows") } else { if (isFALSE(is.null(cmdstanr::cmdstan_version(error_on_NA = FALSE)))) { backend <- "cmdstanr" } } # Packages library(testthat) library(data.table) library(multilevelcoda) library(extraoperators) library(brms) library(lme4) # model #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(mcompd) data(sbp) data(psub) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:200, .SD[1:5], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("TST", "WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB"), idvar = "ID") suppressWarnings( fit <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + bilr2 + bilr3 + bilr4 + wilr1 + wilr2 + wilr3 + wilr4 + Female + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = backend)) parts <- colnames(psub) # Tests update.complr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("update.complr errors where appropriate", { # missing newdata expect_error(cilr_new <- update(object = cilr)) # newdata missing comp vars expect_error(cilr_new <- update(object = cilr, newdata = mcompd[, -parts, with = FALSE])) # newdata missing comp vars expect_error(cilr_new <- update(object = cilr, newdata = mcompd[, -c("TST")])) # newdata incorrect ID expect_error(cilr_new <- update(object = cilr, newdata = mcompd[, -c("ID")])) # incorrect newdata expect_error(cilr_new <- update(object = cilr, newdata = list("a" = 1, "b" = 2))) }) test_that("update.complr gives expected output", { newcomplr <- update(cilr, newdata = mcompd[ID != 1:10]) expect_true(inherits(newcomplr, "complr")) expect_true(identical(str(cilr), str(newcomplr))) expect_true(identical(newcomplr$data, mcompd[ID != 1:10])) expect_true(identical(cilr$parts, newcomplr$parts)) expect_true(identical(ncol(newcomplr$between_comp), ncol(cilr$between_comp))) expect_true(identical(ncol(newcomplr$within_comp), ncol(cilr$within_comp))) expect_true(identical(ncol(newcomplr$comp), ncol(cilr$comp))) expect_true(identical(ncol(newcomplr$between_logratio), ncol(cilr$between_logratio))) expect_true(identical(ncol(newcomplr$within_logratio), ncol(cilr$within_logratio))) expect_true(identical(ncol(newcomplr$logratio), ncol(cilr$logratio))) expect_true(identical(nrow(newcomplr$between_comp), nrow(mcompd[ID != 1:10]))) expect_true(identical(nrow(newcomplr$within_comp), nrow(mcompd[ID != 1:10]))) expect_true(identical(nrow(newcomplr$comp), nrow(mcompd[ID != 1:10]))) expect_true(identical(nrow(newcomplr$between_logratio), nrow(mcompd[ID != 1:10]))) expect_true(identical(nrow(newcomplr$within_logratio), nrow(mcompd[ID != 1:10]))) expect_true(identical(nrow(newcomplr$logratio), nrow(mcompd[ID != 1:10]))) }) # Tests update.brmcoda ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # test_that("update.brmcoda gives errors and warnings where appropriate", { # # # warning when newdata and newcomplr provided # expect_warning(fit_new <- update(object = fit, # newdata = mcompd[ID != 1:10], # newcomplr = update(cilr, mcompd[ID != 1:10]))) # # ## only newcomplr provided, incorrect # expect_error(fit_new <- update(object = fit, newcomplr = mcompd)) # # ## missing args # expect_error(fit_new <- update(object = fit)) # }) # # test_that("update gives expected output", { # # # updating only formula # fit_newformula <- update(fit, formula. = ~ . - wilr1) # # expect_true(inherits(fit_newformula, "brmcoda")) # expect_true(is.null($model$fit)$b_wilr1)) # # # updating only data # fit_newdat <- update(fit, newdata = mcompd[ID != 1:10]) # # expect_true(inherits(fit_newdat, "brmcoda")) # expect_true(identical(fit_newdat$complr$data, mcompd[ID != 1:10])) # # # updating both formula and data # fit_new <- update(fit, # formula. = ~ . - wilr2, # newdata = mcompd[ID != 1:10]) # # expect_true(inherits(fit_new, "brmcoda")) # expect_true(is.null($model$fit)$b_wilr2)) # expect_true(identical(fit_newdat$complr$data, mcompd[ID != 1:10])) # # })