skip_on_cran() if (!requireNamespace("cmdstanr", quietly = TRUE)) { backend <- "rstan" ## if using rstan backend, models can crash on Windows ## so skip if on windows and cannot use cmdstanr skip_on_os("windows") } else { if (isFALSE(is.null(cmdstanr::cmdstan_version(error_on_NA = FALSE)))) { backend <- "cmdstanr" } } # if (tolower([["sysname"]]) == "darwin" && R.version[["arch"]] == "aarch64") { # skip_on_ci() # } # Packages library(testthat) library(data.table) library(multilevelcoda) library(extraoperators) library(brms) library(lme4) # model #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(mcompd) data(sbp) data(psub) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("TST", "WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + bilr2 + bilr3 + bilr4 + wilr1 + wilr2 + wilr3 + wilr4 + Female + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = backend)) foreach::registerDoSEQ() x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2) # Testing #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # test_that("bsub errors for invalid input", { # # ## missing object # expect_error(x <- bsub(basesub = psub, delta = 2)) # # ## missing basesub # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, delta = 2)) # # ## not brmcoda model # m1 <- lmer(Stress ~ 1 + (1 | ID), data = mcompd) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m1, basesub = psub, delta = 2)) # # ## invalid delta # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = -10)) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:10)) # # ## missing delta # expect_error(x <- substitution(object = m1, basesub = psub)) # # ## basesub does not have the same components as parts in cilr # ps <- basesub(c("WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB")) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = ps, delta = 2)) # # ## basesub does have the same names as parts in cilr # ps <- basesub(parts = c("Sleep", "WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB")) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = ps, delta = 2)) # # }) # test_that("bsub works as expected for adjusted/unadjusted model", { # # ## reference grid is provided for unadjusted model # suppressWarnings( # m2 <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, # formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + bilr2 + bilr3 + bilr4 + # wilr1 + wilr2 + wilr3 + wilr4 + (1 | ID), # chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, # backend = "cmdstanr")) # rg <- data.table(Age = 1) # expect_warning(x <- bsub(object = m2, basesub = psub, delta = 2, regrid = rg)) # # ## incorect reference grid 1 # rg <- data.table(Age = 1) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2, regrid = rg)) # # ## reference grid has matching names with ILRs # rg <- data.table(bilr1 = 1) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2, regrid = rg)) # # ## incorect reference grid 2 # rg <- data.table(bilr1 = 1, Age = 1) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2, regrid = rg)) # # # delta out of range # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1000)) # # ## function knows to use correct user's specified reference grid # rg <- data.table(Female = 1) # x3 <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2, regrid = rg) # expect_true(all(x3$TST$Female == 1)) # expect_true(all(x3$WAKE$Female == 1)) # expect_true(all(x3$MVPA$Female == 1)) # expect_true(all(x3$LPA$Female == 1)) # expect_true(all(x$SB$Female == 1)) # # expect_true(all(x3$TST$Female != 0)) # expect_true(all(x3$WAKE$Female != 0)) # expect_true(all(x3$MVPA$Female != 0)) # expect_true(all(x3$LPA$Female != 0)) # expect_true(all(x3$SB$Female != 0)) # # ## model with unspecified reference grid works as expected # expect_equal(x$TST$Female, NULL) # expect_equal(x$WAKE$Female, NULL) # expect_equal(x$MVPA$Female, NULL) # expect_equal(x$LPA$Female, NULL) # expect_equal(x$SB$Female, NULL) # # ## model with unspecified reference grid works as expected # expect_true("Female" %nin% colnames(x$TST)) # expect_true("Female" %nin% colnames(x$WAKE)) # expect_true("Female" %nin% colnames(x$MVPA)) # expect_true("Female" %nin% colnames(x$LPA)) # expect_true("Female" %nin% colnames(x$SB)) # # ## average across reference grid as default # x4 <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2, summary = TRUE) # x5 <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2) # expect_equal(x4, x5) # # ## keep prediction at each level of refrence grid # cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% c(1:5, 185:190), .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, # parts = c("TST", "WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) # # suppressWarnings( # m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, # formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + bilr2 + bilr3 + bilr4 + # wilr1 + wilr2 + wilr3 + wilr4 + Female + (1 | ID), # chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, # backend = "cmdstanr")) # # x6 <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 2, summary = FALSE) # # expect_equal(nrow(x6$TST), nrow(x5$TST) * 2) # expect_equal(nrow(x6$WAKE), nrow(x5$WAKE) * 2) # expect_equal(nrow(x6$MVPA), nrow(x5$MVPA) * 2) # expect_equal(nrow(x6$LPA), nrow(x5$LPA) * 2) # expect_equal(nrow(x6$SB), nrow(x5$SB) * 2) # # expect_true("Female" %in% colnames(x6$TST)) # expect_true("Female" %in% colnames(x6$WAKE)) # expect_true("Female" %in% colnames(x6$MVPA)) # expect_true("Female" %in% colnames(x6$LPA)) # expect_true("Female" %in% colnames(x6$SB)) # # expect_true(all(x6$TST$Female %in% c(0, 1))) # expect_true(all(x6$WAKE$Female %in% c(0, 1))) # expect_true(all(x6$MVPA$Female %in% c(0, 1))) # expect_true(all(x6$LPA$Female %in% c(0, 1))) # expect_true(all(x6$SB$Female %in% c(0, 1))) # # }) # test_that("bsub checks for user-specified reference composition", { # # # incorrect length # ref1 <- c(400, 60, 500, 60) # expect_error(bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, recomp = ref1, delta = 2)) # # # incorrect class # ref2 <- c("400", "100", "500", "200", "200") # expect_error(bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, recomp = ref2, delta = 2)) # # # incorrect class # ref3 <- c(400, 100, 500, 200, 200) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, recomp = ref3, delta = 2)) # # # values outside of possible range # ref4 <- c(100, 100, 900, 100, 240) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, recomp = ref4, delta = 2)) # # # include 0 # ref5 <- c(100, 200, 900, 0, 240) # expect_error(x <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, recomp = ref5, delta = 2)) # # }) test_that("bsub outputs what expected", { ## types expect_type(x, "list") expect_equal(length(x), length(m$complr$parts)) expect_s3_class(x$TST, "data.table") expect_s3_class(x$WAKE, "data.table") expect_s3_class(x$MVPA, "data.table") expect_s3_class(x$LPA, "data.table") expect_s3_class(x$SB, "data.table") expect_type(x$TST$Mean, "double") expect_type(x$TST$CI_low, "double") expect_type(x$TST$CI_high, "double") expect_type(x$TST$Delta, "double") expect_type(x$TST$From, "character") expect_type(x$TST$To, "character") expect_type(x$WAKE$Mean, "double") expect_type(x$WAKE$CI_low, "double") expect_type(x$WAKE$CI_high, "double") expect_type(x$WAKE$Delta, "double") expect_type(x$WAKE$From, "character") expect_type(x$WAKE$To, "character") expect_type(x$MVPA$Mean, "double") expect_type(x$MVPA$CI_low, "double") expect_type(x$MVPA$CI_high, "double") expect_type(x$MVPA$Delta, "double") expect_type(x$MVPA$From, "character") expect_type(x$MVPA$To, "character") expect_type(x$LPA$Mean, "double") expect_type(x$LPA$CI_low, "double") expect_type(x$LPA$CI_high, "double") expect_type(x$LPA$Delta, "double") expect_type(x$LPA$From, "character") expect_type(x$LPA$To, "character") expect_type(x$SB$Mean, "double") expect_type(x$SB$CI_low, "double") expect_type(x$SB$CI_high, "double") expect_type(x$SB$Delta, "double") expect_type(x$SB$From, "character") expect_type(x$SB$To, "character") expect_true(ncol(x$TST) >= 8) expect_true(ncol(x$WAKE) >= 8) expect_true(ncol(x$MVPA) >= 8) expect_true(ncol(x$LPA) >= 8) expect_true(ncol(x$SB) >= 8) expect_true(all(x$TST$To == "TST")) expect_true(all(x$WAKE$To == "WAKE")) expect_true(all(x$MVPA$To == "MVPA")) expect_true(all(x$LPA$To == "LPA")) expect_true(all(x$SB$To == "SB")) expect_true(all(x$TST$Level == "between")) expect_true(all(x$WAKE$Level == "between")) expect_true(all(x$MVPA$Level == "between")) expect_true(all(x$LPA$Level == "between")) expect_true(all(x$SB$Level == "between")) }) if (tolower([["sysname"]]) != "darwin") { test_that("bsub gives results in sensible range", { ## difference in outcome expect_true(x$TST$Mean %ae% "[-0.5, 0) | (0, 0.5]") expect_true(x$WAKE$Mean %ae% "[-0.5, 0) | (0, 0.5]") expect_true(x$MVPA$Mean %ae% "[-0.5, 0) | (0, 0.5]") expect_true(x$LPA$Mean %ae% "[-0.5, 0) | (0, 0.5]") expect_true(x$SB$Mean %ae% "[-0.5, 0) | (0, 0.5]") expect_true(x$TST$CI_low %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$WAKE$CI_low %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$MVPA$CI_low %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$LPA$CI_low %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$SB$CI_low %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$TST$CI_high %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$WAKE$CI_high %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$MVPA$CI_high %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$LPA$CI_high %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") expect_true(x$SB$CI_high %ae% "[-1, 0) | (0, 1]") }) } test_that("bsub gives results in expected direction and magnitude", { ## values are opposite sign for opposite substitution for (i in seq_along(x)) { expect_true(all(x[[i]][, sign(Mean[sign(Delta) == 1]) %a!=% sign(Mean[sign(Delta) == -1]), by = From]$V1)) } ## results for 1 min have smaller magnitude than 2 mins for (i in seq_along(x)) { expect_true(all(x[[i]][, abs(Mean[abs(Delta) == 1]) < abs(Mean[abs(Delta) == 2])])) } }) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test 2-component composition for consistency between brm model and substitution model ## TST vs WAKE test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (TST vs WAKE)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("TST", "WAKE"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("TST", "WAKE")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) a <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(a$TST[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(a$WAKE[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(a$TST[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(a$WAKE[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(a$TST[From == "WAKE" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, a$TST[From == "WAKE" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## TST vs MVPA test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (TST vs MVPA)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("TST", "MVPA"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("TST", "MVPA")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) b <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(b$TST[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(b$MVPA[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(b$TST[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(b$MVPA[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(b$TST[From == "MVPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, b$TST[From == "MVPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## TST vs LPA test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (TST vs LPA)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("TST", "LPA"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("TST", "LPA")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) c <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(c$TST[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(c$LPA[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(c$TST[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(c$LPA[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(c$TST[From == "LPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, c$TST[From == "LPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## TST vs SB test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (TST vs SB)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("TST", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("TST", "SB")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) d <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(d$TST[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(d$SB[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(d$TST[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(d$SB[From == "TST" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(d$TST[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, d$TST[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## WAKE vs MVPA test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (WAKE vs MVPA)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("WAKE", "MVPA"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("WAKE", "MVPA")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) e <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(e$WAKE[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(e$MVPA[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(e$WAKE[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(e$MVPA[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(e$WAKE[From == "MVPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, e$WAKE[From == "MVPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## WAKE vs LPA test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (WAKE vs LPA)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("WAKE", "LPA"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("WAKE", "LPA")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) f <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(f$WAKE[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(f$LPA[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(f$WAKE[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(f$LPA[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(f$WAKE[From == "LPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, f$WAKE[From == "LPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## WAKE vs SB test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (WAKE vs SB)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("WAKE", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("WAKE", "SB")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) g <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(g$WAKE[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(g$SB[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(g$WAKE[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(g$SB[From == "WAKE" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(g$WAKE[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, g$WAKE[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## MVPA vs LPA test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (MVPA vs LPA)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("MVPA", "LPA"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("MVPA", "LPA")) suppressWarnings(m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) h <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(h$MVPA[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(h$LPA[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(h$MVPA[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(h$LPA[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(h$MVPA[From == "LPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, h$MVPA[From == "LPA" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## MVPA vs SB test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (MVPA vs SB)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("MVPA", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("MVPA", "SB")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) i <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(i$MVPA[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(i$SB[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(i$MVPA[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(i$SB[From == "MVPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(i$MVPA[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, i$MVPA[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) ## LPA vs SB test_that("bsub's results matches with brm model for 2-component composition (LPA vs SB)", { sbp <- as.matrix(data.table(1, -1)) cilr <- complr(data = mcompd[ID %in% 1:10, .SD[1:3], by = ID], sbp = sbp, parts = c("LPA", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) psub <- basesub(c("LPA", "SB")) suppressWarnings( m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + wilr1 + (1 | ID), chain = 1, iter = 500, seed = 123, backend = "cmdstanr")) j <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) ## Estimates if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 1] > 0))) { expect_true(all(j$LPA[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) expect_true(all(j$SB[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) } else { expect_true(all(j$LPA[From == "SB" & Delta > 1]$Mean < 0)) expect_true(all(j$SB[From == "LPA" & Delta > 1]$Mean > 0)) } # CIs suppressWarnings(expect_true( (0 %gele% c(summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 3], summary(m$model)$fixed[2, 4])) == (0 %agele% c(j$LPA[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_low, j$LPA[From == "SB" & Delta == 1]$CI_high)))) }) # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## test that results from different sbp are (nearly) identical # # model sub dataset, chain = 1, iter = 500, # all.equal(x$TST$Mean, f$TST$Mean, tolerance = .15) # "Mean relative difference: 0.09914661" # all.equal(x$WAKE$Mean, f$WAKE$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.0698194" # all.equal(x$MVPA$Mean, f$MVPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.0781148" # all.equal(x$LPA$Mean, f$LPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.08996186" # all.equal(x$SB$Mean, f$SB$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.07883451" # # # model as usual # data("sbp") # cilr <- complr(data = mcompd, sbp = sbp, # parts = c("TST", "WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) # # suppressWarnings(m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, # formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + bilr2 + bilr3 + bilr4 + # wilr1 + wilr2 + wilr3 + wilr4 + Female + (1 | ID), # chain = 10, iter = 10000, cores = 8, seed = 123)) # # h <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) # # sbp <- matrix(c( # 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, # 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, # 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, # 0, 1, -1, 0, 0), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE) # # cilr <- complr(data = mcompd, sbp = sbp, # parts = c("TST", "WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB"), idvar = "ID", total = 1440) # # suppressWarnings(m <- brmcoda(complr = cilr, # formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + bilr2 + bilr3 + bilr4 + # wilr1 + wilr2 + wilr3 + wilr4 + Female + (1 | ID), # chain = 10, iter = 10000, cores = 8, seed = 123)) # # j <- bsub(object = m, basesub = psub, delta = 1:2) # # # chain = 4, iter = 4000 # all.equal(h$TST$Mean, j$TST$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.008437258" # all.equal(h$WAKE$Mean, j$WAKE$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.009946997" # all.equal(h$MVPA$Mean, j$MVPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.01363061" # all.equal(h$LPA$Mean, j$LPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.01120686" # all.equal(h$SB$Mean, j$SB$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.01221668" # # # chain = 4, iter = 10000 # all.equal(h$TST$Mean, j$TST$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.009482279" # all.equal(h$WAKE$Mean, j$WAKE$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.003160447" # all.equal(h$MVPA$Mean, j$MVPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.01092816" # all.equal(h$LPA$Mean, j$LPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.01207495" # all.equal(h$SB$Mean, j$SB$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.008510161" # # # chain = 8, iter = 4000 - 2nd BEST PERF # all.equal(h$TST$Mean, j$TST$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.006502826" # all.equal(h$WAKE$Mean, j$WAKE$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.005147993" # all.equal(h$MVPA$Mean, j$MVPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.007032578" # all.equal(h$LPA$Mean, j$LPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.009487211" # all.equal(h$SB$Mean, j$SB$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.006800187" # # # chain = 10, iter = 4000 - BEST PERF # all.equal(h$TST$Mean, j$TST$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.006383796" # all.equal(h$WAKE$Mean, j$WAKE$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.003114632" # all.equal(h$MVPA$Mean, j$MVPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.005826673" # all.equal(h$LPA$Mean, j$LPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.009096224" # all.equal(h$SB$Mean, j$SB$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.005906579" # # # chain = 10, iter = 10000 # all.equal(h$TST$Mean, j$TST$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.007480993" # all.equal(h$WAKE$Mean, j$WAKE$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.005886063" # all.equal(h$MVPA$Mean, j$MVPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.01124038" # all.equal(h$LPA$Mean, j$LPA$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.009384262" # all.equal(h$SB$Mean, j$SB$Mean) # "Mean relative difference: 0.008712406" # # ## NOTE: iteration slows down bsub # ## number of chains probably matters most # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------