set.seed(7485) library(mstDIF) # function to simulate 3PL data P3pl <- function(theta, a = rep(1, length(b)), b, c = rep(0, length(b)), generateResponses = FALSE, seed = 1){ nItem <- length(b) nPerson <- length(theta) A <- rep(1, nPerson) %o% a B <- rep(1, nPerson) %o% b C <- rep(1, nPerson) %o% c Theta <- theta %o% rep(1, nItem) Theta_B <- Theta - B P <- C + (1 - C) * (1 + exp(- A * Theta_B))^(-1) if(generateResponses){ set.seed(seed) resp <- (P > matrix(runif(nPerson * nItem), ncol = nItem, nrow = nPerson)) * 1 return(resp) } else (return(P)) } # item parameters b <- seq(-2, 1.8, length.out = 3) a <- runif(length(b), 1, 1.5) c <- rep(0, length(b)) # person parameters nPerson <- 20 theta <- rnorm(nPerson) # generate responses resp <- P3pl(theta, a, b, generateResponses = TRUE) # create orders metric <- rnorm(nPerson) factor <- factor(sample(1:3, size = nPerson, replace = TRUE)) order <- ordered(sample(1:3, size = nPerson, replace = TRUE)) # compute scores scores <- mstDIF:::get_scores(resp, a, b, c, theta, slope_intercept = FALSE, return_terms = TRUE) scores # compute process process <- apply(mstDIF:::scale_scores(scores$scores, decorrelate = TRUE)[order(metric),], 2, cumsum) process # Compare with strucchange library(strucchange) gefp <- gefp(x = scale(scores$scores, scale = FALSE), fit = NULL, scores = function(x) {x}, = metric) gefp$process[-1,] # Is the cumsum score process the same? max(abs(gefp$process[-1,] - process)) stopifnot(all(abs(gefp$process[-1,] - process) < 1e-8)) # bootstrap vs sctest test_b <- bootstrap_sctest(resp = resp, a = a, b = b, nSample = 15, item_selection = 1, DIF_covariate = list(m1 = metric, m2 = metric, m3 = metric, f = factor, o1 = order, o2 = order), statistic = c("auto", "CvM", "maxLM", "auto", "auto", "WDMo"), decorrelate = TRUE, theta = theta) test_b$p test_b$statistic sctest_m1 <- sctest(x = scale(scores$scores, scale = FALSE), scores = function(x) {x}, parm = c(1, 4), = metric) sctest_m2 <- sctest(x = scale(scores$scores, scale = FALSE), scores = function(x) {x}, parm = c(1, 4), = metric, functional = "CvM") sctest_m3 <- sctest(x = scale(scores$scores, scale = FALSE), scores = function(x) {x}, parm = c(1, 4), = metric, functional = "maxLM") sctest_f <- sctest(x = scale(scores$scores, scale = FALSE), scores = function(x) {x}, parm = c(1, 4), = factor, functional = "LMuo") sctest_o <- sctest(x = scale(scores$scores, scale = FALSE), scores = function(x) {x}, parm = c(1, 4), = order, functional = "maxLMo") sctest_o2 <- sctest(x = scale(scores$scores, scale = FALSE), scores = function(x) {x}, parm = c(1, 4), = order, functional = "WDMo") # Are the test statistics the same abs(test_b$statistic / rbind(sctest_m1$statistic, sctest_m2$statistic, sctest_m3$statistic, sctest_f$statistic, sctest_o$statistic, sctest_o2$statistic) - 1) stopifnot(all(abs(test_b$statistic / rbind(sctest_m1$statistic, sctest_m2$statistic, sctest_m3$statistic, sctest_f$statistic, sctest_o$statistic, sctest_o2$statistic) - 1) < 1e-8)) # permutation vs bootstrap test_p <- permutation_sctest(resp = resp, a = a, b = b, nSample = 15, item_selection = 1, DIF_covariate = list(m1 = metric, m2 = metric, m3 = metric, f = factor, o1 = order, o2 = order), statistic = c("auto", "CvM", "maxLM", "auto", "auto", "WDMo"), decorrelate = TRUE, theta = theta) test_p$p test_p$statistic test_b$statistic test_p$statistic # Are the test statistics the same stopifnot(all(test_b$statistic == test_p$statistic))