test_that("user agent", { expect_match(mr_user_agent, "R") expect_match(mr_user_agent, "mregions2") }) test_that("new_mr_df works", { expect_error(new_mr_df(1)) expect_error(new_mr_df(list())) expect_error(new_mr_df("not a data frame")) expect_error(new_mr_df(data.frame())) df <- data.frame(MRGID = 3293) df_mr <- new_mr_df(df) expect_s3_class(df_mr, "mr_df") }) test_that("mr_memoise works", { .f <- function() invisible(NULL) expect_false(memoise::is.memoised(.f)) f <- mr_memoise(.f) expect_true(memoise::is.memoised(f)) }) test_that("not internet msg works", { withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.NOINTERNET" = "blop") expect_error(assert_internet(), "No internet connection") }) test_that("Server status 500 handled", { mock_500 <- function(req) { httr2::response(status_code = 500) } .f <- function(){ httr2::with_mocked_responses( mock_500, assert_service("") )} expect_error(.f(), regexp = "500") }) test_that("assert_service returns NULL",{ mock_200 <- function(req) { httr2::response(status_code = 200) } .f <- function(){ httr2::with_mocked_responses( mock_200, assert_service("") ) } expect_invisible(.f()) expect_null(.f()) }) test_that("Only one filter assertion works",{ .f <- function() assert_only_one_filter(NULL, NULL) expect_null(.f()) .f <- function() assert_only_one_filter("", NULL) expect_null(.f()) .f <- function() assert_only_one_filter(NULL, "") expect_null(.f()) .f <- function() assert_only_one_filter("", "") expect_error(.f()) }) test_that("Imported method rdflib:::c.rdf as c_rdf works", { skip_on_cran() pepe <- rdflib::rdf() %>% rdflib::rdf_add("person", "hasName", "pepe") juan <- rdflib::rdf() %>% rdflib::rdf_add("person", "hasName", "juan") people <- rdflib::rdf() people <- c_rdf(people, pepe, juan) expect_s3_class(people, "rdf") expect_length(people, 2) }) test_that("check status methods work", { df <- data.frame( MRGID = 1, preferredGazetteerName = "Name", preferredGazetteerNameLang = "Language", status = "deleted", accepted = 2, stringsAsFactors = TRUE ) %>% new_mr_df() stop_if_deleted(df) %>% expect_error("DELETED", fixed = TRUE) df$status <- "altclass" warn_if_altclass(df) %>% expect_warning("ALTERNATIVE CLASSIFICATION", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("assert typeid works", { test_fail <- c(9999, 10, 14, 9998) .f <- function() assert_typeid(test_fail) expect_error(.f(), 'are "9998" and "9999"', fixed = TRUE) test_ok <- assert_typeid(c(14, 14, 10), coerce = TRUE) expect_type(test_ok, "integer") expect_identical(test_ok, c(10L, 14L)) }) test_that("assert placetype works", { .f <- function() assert_placetype(c("foo2", "EEZ", "foo")) expect_error(.f(), 'are "foo" and "foo2"', fixed = TRUE) .f <- function() assert_placetype("eez") expect_error(.f(), 'capital', fixed = TRUE) .f <- function() assert_placetype(c("EEZ", "FAO fishing area")) expect_invisible(.f()) expect_null(.f()) })