# Config skip_everywhere <- function(){ skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() skip_on_covr() } # Perform test_that("Product list exists", { system.file("mrp_list.csv", package = "mregions2", mustWork = TRUE) %>% file.exists() %>% expect_true() x <- mrp_list expect_type(x, "list") expect_s3_class(x, c("tbl_df", "data.frame")) expect_gt(nrow(x), 1) }) test_that("mrp_view() leaflet output works", { map <- mrp_view("eez") expect_s3_class(map, "leaflet") expect_s3_class(map, "htmlwidget") map <- unclass(map) map_crs <- map[["x"]][["options"]][["crs"]][["crsClass"]] expect_equal(map_crs, "L.CRS.EPSG4326") map_calls <- map[["x"]][["calls"]] # Step 1: Test EMODnet Bathymetry Tiles map_call_bath <- map_calls[[1]] method <- map_call_bath[["method"]] expect_equal(method, "addTiles") checkmate_url <- "https://tiles.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/2020/baselayer/inspire_quad/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" test_url <- map_call_bath[["args"]][[1]] expect_equal(test_url, checkmate_url) tms <- map_call_bath[["args"]][[4]]$tms expect_false(tms) attribution <- map_call_bath[["args"]][[4]]$attribution expect_match(attribution, "EMODnet", fixed = TRUE) # Step 2: Test WMS map_call_wms <- map_calls[[2]] method <- map_call_wms[["method"]] expect_equal(method, "addWMS") checkmate_url <- "https://geo.vliz.be/geoserver/MarineRegions/wms?" test_url <- map_call_wms[["args"]][[1]] expect_equal(test_url, checkmate_url) format <- map_call_wms[["args"]][[4]]$format expect_equal(format, "image/png") transparent <- map_call_wms[["args"]][[4]]$transparent expect_true(transparent) info_format <- map_call_wms[["args"]][[4]]$info_format expect_equal(info_format, "text/html") attribution <- map_call_wms[["args"]][[4]]$attribution expect_match(attribution, "Marine Regions", fixed = TRUE) # Step 3: Test EMODnet Bathymetry labels map_call_labs <- map_calls[[3]] method <- map_call_labs[["method"]] expect_equal(method, "addTiles") checkmate_url <- "https://tiles.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/osm/labels/inspire_quad/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" test_url <- map_call_labs[["args"]][[1]] expect_equal(test_url, checkmate_url) tms <- map_call_labs[["args"]][[4]]$tms expect_false(tms) }) test_that("mrp_view() filters can be passed", { skip_on_cran() # OGC filter filter <- " mrgid 3293 " map <- mrp_view("eez", filter = filter) expect_s3_class(map, "leaflet") expect_s3_class(map, "htmlwidget") map_url <- map[["x"]][["calls"]][[2]][["args"]][[1]] parsed_url <- httr2::url_parse(map_url) parsed_filter <- parsed_url$query$filter expect_equal(parsed_filter, filter) # CQL filter cql_filter <- "mrgid=3293" map <- mrp_view("eez", cql_filter = cql_filter) expect_s3_class(map, "leaflet") expect_s3_class(map, "htmlwidget") map_url <- map[["x"]][["calls"]][[2]][["args"]][[1]] parsed_url <- httr2::url_parse(map_url) parsed_cql_filter <- parsed_url$query$cql_filter expect_equal(parsed_cql_filter, cql_filter) }) test_that("mrp_view() assertions work", { .f <- function() assert_deps(c("thisisa", "fakepackagename")) expect_error(.f(), "not installed") .f <- function() mrp_view(1) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_view("foo") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_view(c("eez", "eez_boundaries")) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_view("eez", filter = " mrgid 3293 ", cql_filter = "mrgid=3293") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_view("eez", filter = 1) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_view("eez", cql_filter = 1) expect_error(.f()) mock_500 <- function(req) { httr2::response(status_code = 500) } .f <- function(){ httr2::with_mocked_responses( mock_500, mrp_view("eez") )} expect_error(.f(), regexp = "500") withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.NOINTERNET" = "blop") expect_error(mrp_view("eez"), "No internet connection") }) test_that("mrp_get() assertions work", { .f <- function() mrp_get(1) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_get("foo") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_get(c("eez", "eez_boundaries")) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", filter = " mrgid 3293 ", cql_filter = "mrgid=3293") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", filter = 1) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", cql_filter = 1) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", count = "1") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", path = "this path does not exist") expect_error(.f()) withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.NOINTERNET" = "blop") expect_error(mrp_get("eez"), "No internet connection") }) httptest2::with_mock_dir("prod/fail/", { test_that("mrp_get: Bad filters errors surfaced", { withr::local_options("mregions2.download_path" = "./prod/fail/geo") withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.ISTEST" = "true") withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.CACHETIME" = 0) .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", filter="") expect_error(.f(), "XML getFeature request SAX parsing error") .f <- function(){ mrp_get("eez", filter=" notvalidparameter 3293 ") } expect_error(.f(), "InvalidParameterValue") .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", cql_filter ="notvalidparameter=3293") expect_error(.f(), "InvalidParameterValue") .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", cql_filter="mrgid='cannotcast'") expect_error(.f(), "NoApplicableCode") }) test_that("mrp_get: Warnings coming from the server are surfaced", { withr::local_options("mregions2.download_path" = "./prod/fail/geo") withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.ISTEST" = "true") withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.CACHETIME" = 0) .f <- function() mrp_get("eez", cql_filter = "mrgid = -1") expect_warning(.f(), regexp = "empty", fixed = TRUE) }) }) httptest2::with_mock_dir("prod/ok/", { test_that("mrp_colnames() works", { # Returns a data frame x <- .mrp_colnames("ecs_boundaries") expect_s3_class(x, c("data.frame")) expect_gte(nrow(x), 1) expect_gt(ncol(x), 1) # Check all columns are of type character invisible(apply(x, 2, expect_vector, ptype = character())) }) test_that("mrp_colnames() fails nicely",{ # Expect errors .f <- function() .mrp_colnames("this is not a data product") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() .mrp_colnames(c("ecs", "eez")) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() .mrp_colnames(1) expect_error(.f()) }) test_that("mrp_col_unique() works", { # two names for the same function expect_true(all.equal(mrp_col_unique, mrp_col_distinct)) # Expect memoization expect_true(memoise::is.memoised(mrp_col_unique)) expect_false(memoise::is.memoised(.mrp_col_unique)) # Returns a vector of type character x <- .mrp_col_unique("ecs_boundaries", "line_type") expect_vector(x, ptype = character()) expect_gte(length(x), 1) # Returns a vector of type numeric x <- .mrp_col_unique("ecs_boundaries", "line_id") expect_vector(x, ptype = numeric()) expect_gte(length(x), 1) # Returns a vector of type date x <- .mrp_col_unique("ecs_boundaries", "doc_date") expect_vector(x) expect_s3_class(x, "Date") expect_gte(length(x), 1) }) test_that("mrp_col_unique() fails nicely",{ # Expect errors .f <- function() .mrp_col_unique("this is not a data product", "mrgid") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() .mrp_col_unique(1, "mrgid") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() .mrp_col_unique("ecs_boundaries", 1) expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() .mrp_col_unique("ecs_boundaries", "this is not a column") expect_error(.f()) .f <- function() .mrp_col_unique("ecs_boundaries", "the_geom") expect_error(.f()) }) test_that("mrp_get() works", { withr::local_options("mregions2.download_path" = "./prod/ok/geo") withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.ISTEST" = "true") expect_sf <- function(x){ expect_type(x, "list") expect_s3_class(x, c("sf")) expect_s3_class(x, c("data.frame", "tbl_df")) expect_gte(nrow(x), 1) } # Mock HTTP request like if there was no cache withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.CACHETIME" = 0) # Mexican ECS Deposit .f1 <- function() mrp_get("ecs", cql_filter = "mrgid = 64123") expect_sf(.f1()) expect_s3_class(sf::st_geometry(.f1()), "sfc_POLYGON") # Mexican ECS Deposit line .f2 <- function() mrp_get("ecs_boundaries", cql_filter = "line_id = 4232") expect_sf(.f2()) expect_s3_class(sf::st_geometry(.f2()), "sfc_LINESTRING") # Actually reading from cache without HTTP request withr::local_envvar("TESTPKG.CACHETIME" = Inf) expect_message(.f1(), "Cache", fixed = TRUE) expect_sf(.f1()) expect_s3_class(sf::st_geometry(.f1()), "sfc_POLYGON") expect_message(.f2(), "Cache", fixed = TRUE) expect_sf(.f2()) expect_s3_class(sf::st_geometry(.f2()), "sfc_LINESTRING") }) }, simplify = TRUE)