Dimension Indicator Weight Variable Description Education School attendance 0.125 school_attendance If any child in the family aged 5 to 17 years old not currently attending school Education Educational attainment 0.125 educational_attainment If any family member aged 18 years old and over did not complete high school Health and nutrition Hunger 0.0833333333333333 hunger If at least one family member experienced hunger because there was no food to eat at least once in each week during the previous quarter Health and nutrition Food consumption 0.0833333333333333 food_consumption If cost of food consumption is less that the food threshold Health and nutrition Health insurance 0.0833333333333333 health_insurance If no family member is a beneficiary/member/dependent of health insurance program Housing, water, and sanitation Assets 0.0416666666666667 assets If the household does not own: (a) at least one each of the communication assets; or (b) at least one mobility asset Housing, water, and sanitation Toilet 0.0416666666666667 toilet If family does not use: (a) own flush toilet; or (b) closed pit toilet which is not shared with other families Housing, water, and sanitation Water 0.0416666666666667 water If source of water supply is not piped into dwelling, yard/plot or protected well Housing, Water, and Sanitation Tenure 0.0416666666666667 tenure If the family resiedes in a: (a) rent-free house and lot without consent of owner; or (b) own house, rent-free lot without consent of owner Housing, Water, and Sanitation Housing materials 0.0416666666666667 housing_materials If root and wall of housing unit are made of salvaged or light materials Housing, Water, and Sanitation Electricity 0.0416666666666667 electricity If there is no electricity in the housing unit Employment Underemployment 0.125 underemployment If more that 50% of family members who are 18 to 65 years old, employed but express the desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or an additional job, or to have a new job with longer working hours Employment Working children not in school 0.125 working_children If any family member aged 5 to 17 years old is working and not currently attending school