## link =============== test_that("link", { dat1 <- data.frame( time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 3), 2), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 3), rep("23456", 3)), item_one = rep(c(40, 50, 60), 2) ) dat2 <- data.frame( time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:50:00"), by = "5 min", length.out = 30), 2), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 30), rep("23456", 30)), x = rep(1:30, 2) ) res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = "time", y_time = "time", offset_before = 1800, split = NULL ) true <- tibble::tibble( time = rep(c( as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:00:00") ), 2), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 3), rep("23456", 3)), item_one = rep(c(40, 50, 60), 2), data = rep(list( tibble::tibble( time = seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:50:00"), length.out = 3, by = "5 min" ), x = 1:3 ), tibble::tibble( time = seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:30:00"), length.out = 7, by = "5 min" ), x = 9:15 ), tibble::tibble( time = seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:30:00"), length.out = 7, by = "5 min" ), x = 21:27 ) ), 2) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Test warning if time and y_time are not specified lifecycle::expect_deprecated( link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", y_time = "time", offset_before = 1800, split = NULL ), "The `time` argument of `link\\(\\)` must not be missing as of mpathsenser 1.1.2." ) lifecycle::expect_deprecated( link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = "time", offset_before = 1800, split = NULL ), "The `y_time` argument of `link\\(\\)` must not be missing as of mpathsenser 1.1.2." ) # Test x and y identical expect_error( link( x = dat1, y = dat1, by = "participant_id", time = "time", y_time = "time", offset_before = 1800, split = NULL ), "`x` and `y` are identical." ) # Test without offset bu using time and end_time res2 <- dat1 %>% dplyr::rename(end_time = time) %>% mutate(start_time = end_time - 1800) %>% link( x = ., y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = start_time, end_time = end_time, y_time = time ) true2 <- true true2$start_time <- true2$time - 1800 true2 <- select(true2, end_time = time, participant_id, item_one, start_time, data) expect_equal(res2, true2) # Test that end_time and offset_before and offset_after cannot be used at the same time. expect_error( dat1 %>% dplyr::rename(end_time = time) %>% mutate(start_time = end_time - 1800) %>% link( x = ., y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = start_time, end_time = end_time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800 ), "`end_time` and `offset_before` or `offset_after` cannot be used at the same time." ) # Test split argument res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800, split = 6 ) expect_equal(res, true) # Scrambled test scramble <- function(data) { idx <- sample(seq_along(data[, 1]), nrow(data)) data[idx, ] } res <- link( x = scramble(dat1), y = scramble(dat2), by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800 ) %>% arrange(participant_id, time) expect_equal(res, true) res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_after = 1800 ) true <- tibble::tibble( time = rep(c( as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:00:00") ), 2), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 3), rep("23456", 3)), item_one = rep(c(40, 50, 60), 2), data = rep(list( tibble::tibble( time = seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), length.out = 7, by = "5 min" ), x = 3:9 ), tibble::tibble( time = seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00"), length.out = 7, by = "5 min" ), x = 15:21 ), tibble::tibble( time = seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:00:00"), length.out = 4, by = "5 min" ), x = 27:30 ) ), 2) ) expect_equal(res, true) res <- link( x = scramble(dat1), y = scramble(dat2), by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_after = 1800 ) %>% arrange(participant_id, time) expect_equal(res, true) # Test add_before and add_after # Add one minute to dat2 time as otherwise a row would not added before # This is due to new functionality where a row is not added if the first measurements in an # interval is equal to the start time dat2$time <- dat2$time + lubridate::minutes(1) res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800, add_before = TRUE, add_after = TRUE ) true <- tibble::tibble( time = rep(c( as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:00:00") ), 2), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 3), rep("23456", 3)), item_one = rep(c(40, 50, 60), 2), data = rep(list( tibble::tibble( time = c( seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:51:00"), length.out = 2, by = "5 min" ), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00") ), x = c(1:3), original_time = c( rep(as.POSIXct(NA), 2), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:01:00") ) ), tibble::tibble( time = c( as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:30:00"), seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:31:00"), length.out = 6, by = "5 min" ), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00") ), x = c(8, 9:14, 15), original_time = c( as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:26:00"), rep(as.POSIXct(NA), 6), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:01:00") ) ), tibble::tibble( time = c( as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:30:00"), seq.POSIXt( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:31:00"), length.out = 6, by = "5 min" ), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:00:00") ), x = c(20, 21:26, 27), original_time = c( as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:26:00"), rep(lubridate::`NA_POSIXct_`, 6), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:01:00") ) ) ), 2) ) expect_equal(res, true, ignore_attr = TRUE) # Without offset, using time, end_time, and y_time res2 <- dat1 %>% dplyr::rename(end_time = time) %>% mutate(start_time = end_time - 1800) %>% link( x = ., y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = start_time, end_time = end_time, y_time = time, add_before = TRUE, add_after = TRUE ) true$start_time <- true$time - 1800 true <- select(true, end_time = time, participant_id, item_one, start_time, data) expect_equal(res2, true) # Bug #6: Test whether original_time is present in all nested data columns # Create some data to use dat1 <- data.frame( time = c( rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 3), 2), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00") ), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 3), rep("23456", 3), "45678", "56789"), item_one = c(rep(c(40, 50, 60), 2), 40, 40) ) dat2 <- data.frame( time = c( rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:50:00"), by = "5 min", length.out = 30), 2), seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:30:00"), by = "5 min", length.out = 6) ), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 30), rep("23456", 30), rep("45678", 6)), x = c(rep(1:30, 2), 1:6) ) # Link together, make sure to include rows before and after res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800, add_before = TRUE, add_after = TRUE ) # Use the results, e.g. to filter out the extra added rows by offset_before and offset_after # (as you have to do for the number of screen unlocks). expect_true(all(purrr::map_lgl(res$data, ~ "original_time" %in% colnames(.x)))) # Bug: add_before and add_after were ignored (or rather lost) if data_main is empty dat1 <- data.frame( time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 3), 2), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 3), rep("23456", 3)), item_one = rep(c(40, 50, 60), 2) ) dat2 <- data.frame( time = rep(c(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 11:50:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 16:50:00")), 2), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 2), rep("23456", 2)), x = rep(1:2, 2) ) res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800L, add_before = TRUE, add_after = TRUE ) expect_true(all(purrr::map_int(res$data, nrow) != 0)) # Check that timezones stay consistent, even with add_before and add_after dat1 <- data.frame( time = rep( seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00", tz = "Europe/Brussels"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 3 ), 2 ), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 3), rep("23456", 3)), item_one = rep(c(40, 50, 60), 2) ) dat2 <- data.frame( time = rep( seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 11:00:00", tz = "UTC"), by = "10 mins", length.out = 40 ), 2 ), participant_id = c(rep("12345", 40), rep("23456", 40)), x = rep(1:2, 2) ) res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800L, add_before = TRUE, add_after = TRUE ) expect_equal(attr(res$time, "tz"), "Europe/Brussels") expect_equal(unique(map_chr(res$data, ~ attr(.x$time, "tz"))), "UTC") expect_equal(unique(map_chr(res$data, ~ attr(.x$original_time, "tz"))), "UTC") # Make sure link does not add an extra row if first measurement equal start of the interval or # vice versa for the end of the interval. dat1 <- data.frame( time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 11:00:00", "2021-11-14 12:00:00")), participant_id = "12345", item_one = c(40, 50) ) dat2 <- data.frame( time = as.POSIXct(c( "2021-11-14 10:20:00", "2021-11-14 10:30:00", "2021-11-14 10:40:00", "2021-11-14 11:00:00", "2021-11-14 11:10:00", "2021-11-14 11:30:01", "2021-11-14 11:40:00", "2021-11-14 12:10:00" )), participant_id = "12345", x = 1:8 ) true <- tibble::tibble( time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 11:00:00", "2021-11-14 12:00:00")), participant_id = "12345", item_one = c(40, 50), data = list( tibble::tibble( time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 10:30:00", "2021-11-14 10:40:00", "2021-11-14 11:00:00")), x = c(2, 3, 4), original_time = as.POSIXct(c(NA, NA, NA)) ), tibble::tibble( time = as.POSIXct(c( "2021-11-14 11:30:00", "2021-11-14 11:30:01", "2021-11-14 11:40:00", "2021-11-14 12:00:00" )), x = c(5, 6, 7, 8), original_time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 11:10:00", NA, NA, "2021-11-14 12:10:00")) ) ) ) res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, y_time = time, offset_before = 1800L, add_before = TRUE, add_after = TRUE ) expect_equal(true, res) # Check what should be done when any of the times is missing # Preferably, we just want to create a 0-row tibble with `proto`, as still adding before or after # is kind of strange. Additionally, the column names should be consistent with the rest of the # output. dat1 <- dat1 |> mutate(end_time = lead(time)) res <- link( x = dat1, y = dat2, by = "participant_id", time = time, end_time = end_time, y_time = time, add_before = TRUE, add_after = TRUE ) true <- tibble::tibble( time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 11:00:00", "2021-11-14 12:00:00")), participant_id = "12345", item_one = c(40, 50), end_time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 12:00:00", NA)), data = list( tibble::tibble( time = as.POSIXct(c( "2021-11-14 11:00:00", "2021-11-14 11:10:00", "2021-11-14 11:30:00", "2021-11-14 11:40:00", "2021-11-14 12:00:00" )), x = c(4, 5, 6, 7, 8), original_time = as.POSIXct(c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "2021-11-14 12:10:00")) ), tibble::tibble( time = as.POSIXct(double(0)), x = integer(0), original_time = as.POSIXct(double(0)) ) ) ) expect_equal(res, true) }) ## link_db =============== test_that("link_db", { path <- system.file("testdata", package = "mpathsenser") db <- open_db(path, "test.db") dat1 <- data.frame( time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 13:00:00", "2021-11-14 14:00:00", "2021-11-14 15:00:00"), tz = "UTC" ), participant_id = "12345", item_one = c(40, 50, 60) ) # Check deprecation lifecycle::expect_deprecated(link_db(db, "Activity", "Connectivity", offset_after = 1800L)) # Disable deprecation check rlang::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet") # Check basic functionality res <- link_db(db, "Activity", "Connectivity", offset_after = 1800) true <- tibble::tibble( measurement_id = c( "fbf85cd7-6d37-53a8-5c44-ad8fe13ef7ac", "ef96364c-d1f4-5f73-ce40-277f078e3d0f", "5ba54e77-4bcf-c8d1-17ff-71b9ed908897" ), participant_id = "12345", time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 13:59:59", "2021-11-14 14:00:00", "2021-11-14 14:00:01"), tz = "UTC" ), confidence = c(NA, 100L, 99L), type = c(NA, "WALKING", "STILL"), data = list( tibble::tibble( measurement_id = c( "27a5777a-ec41-80de-afa4-d2e7f6b02fcf", "2d430c2a-5b16-1dce-0e2f-c049c44e3729" ), time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 14:00:00", "2021-11-14 14:01:00"), tz = "UTC"), connectivity_status = c("wifi", NA) ), tibble::tibble( measurement_id = c( "27a5777a-ec41-80de-afa4-d2e7f6b02fcf", "2d430c2a-5b16-1dce-0e2f-c049c44e3729" ), time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 14:00:00", "2021-11-14 14:01:00"), tz = "UTC"), connectivity_status = c("wifi", NA) ), tibble::tibble( measurement_id = "2d430c2a-5b16-1dce-0e2f-c049c44e3729", time = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:01:00", tz = "UTC"), connectivity_status = NA_character_ ) ) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Check reverse res <- link_db(db, "Activity", "Connectivity", offset_after = 1800, reverse = TRUE) true <- tibble::tibble( measurement_id = c( "27a5777a-ec41-80de-afa4-d2e7f6b02fcf", "2d430c2a-5b16-1dce-0e2f-c049c44e3729" ), participant_id = "12345", time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 14:00:00", "2021-11-14 14:01:00"), tz = "UTC"), connectivity_status = c("wifi", NA), data = list( tibble::tibble( measurement_id = c( "ef96364c-d1f4-5f73-ce40-277f078e3d0f", "5ba54e77-4bcf-c8d1-17ff-71b9ed908897" ), time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 14:00:00", "2021-11-14 14:00:01"), tz = "UTC"), confidence = c(100L, 99L), type = c("WALKING", "STILL"), ), tibble::tibble( measurement_id = character(0), time = structure(numeric(0), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), confidence = integer(0), type = character(0) ) ) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Check with external data res <- link_db(db, "Activity", external = dat1, offset_after = 1800) true <- tibble::tibble( dat1, data = list( tibble::tibble( measurement_id = character(0), time = structure(numeric(0), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), confidence = integer(0L), type = character(0) ), tibble::tibble( measurement_id = c( "ef96364c-d1f4-5f73-ce40-277f078e3d0f", "5ba54e77-4bcf-c8d1-17ff-71b9ed908897" ), time = as.POSIXct(c("2021-11-14 14:00:00", "2021-11-14 14:00:01"), tz = "UTC"), confidence = c(100L, 99L), type = c("WALKING", "STILL") ), tibble::tibble( measurement_id = character(0), time = structure(numeric(0), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), confidence = integer(0), type = character(0) ) ) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Argument checks expect_error( link_db(db, "Activity", "Bluetooth", offset_before = 1800, external = dat1), "Either a second sensor or an external data frame must be supplied." ) expect_error( link_db(db, "Activity", offset_before = 1800), "Either a second sensor or an external data frame must be supplied." ) # Check time zone differences dat1$time <- .POSIXct(dat1$time, tz = "Europe/Brussels") expect_warning( link_db(db, "Activity", external = dat1, offset_after = 1800), "`external` is not using UTC as a time zone, unlike the data in the database." ) dat1$time <- .POSIXct(dat1$time, tz = "UTC") dbDisconnect(db) # Check if ignore_large works filename <- tempfile("big", fileext = ".db") db <- create_db(NULL, filename) # Populate database add_study(db, study_id = "test-study", data_format = "CARP") add_participant(db, participant_id = "12345", study_id = "test-study") sens_value <- seq.int(0, 10, length.out = 50001) time_value <- seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00.000", format = "%F %H:%M:%OS"), by = "sec", length.out = 50001 ) acc <- data.frame( measurement_id = paste0("id_", 1:50001), participant_id = "12345", date = "2021-11-14", time = strftime(time_value, format = "%H:%M:%OS3"), x = sens_value, y = sens_value, z = sens_value ) DBI::dbWriteTable(db, "Accelerometer", acc, overwrite = TRUE) DBI::dbWriteTable(db, "Gyroscope", acc, overwrite = TRUE) expect_error( link_db(db, "Accelerometer", "Gyroscope", offset_after = 30), "the total number of rows is higher than 100000. Use ignore_large = TRUE to continue" ) expect_error( link_db(db, "Accelerometer", "Gyroscope", offset_after = 30, ignore_large = TRUE), "`x` and `y` are identical" ) # Cleanup dbDisconnect(db) file.remove(filename) }) ## link_gaps ================= test_that("link_gaps", { dat1 <- data.frame( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 6), rep("23456", 6)), time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 6), 2), item_one = rep(seq.int(10, by = 10, length.out = 6), 2) ) # Test with two participants to ensure link takes different groups into account # Test both before and after each beep # 1. the gap falls completely inside the beep interval # 2. the start of the gap falls inside the beep interval, but the end does not # 3. the start of the gap falls outside of the beep interval, but the end of the gap falls inside # 4. the gap spans over the entire interval # 5. the gap occurs entirely before the interval # 6. the gap occurs entirely after the interval dat2 <- data.frame( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 46), rep("23456", 46)), from = rep(c( seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:40:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), # 1 before seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:10:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), # 1 after as.POSIXct(c( "2021-11-14 13:55:00", # 2 before, 3 after "2021-11-14 14:25:00", # 3 before, 2 after "2021-11-14 15:25:00", # 2 after "2021-11-14 15:30:00", # 4 before, after "2021-11-14 12:15:00", # 5 before, after "2021-11-14 18:35:00" # 6 before, after )) ), 2), to = rep(c( seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:41:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), # 1 before seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:11:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), # 1 after as.POSIXct(c( "2021-11-14 14:05:00", # 2 before, 3 after "2021-11-14 14:40:00", # 3 before "2021-11-14 15:30:00", # 2 after "2021-11-14 16:30:00", # 4 before, after "2021-11-14 12:25:00", # 5 before, after "2021-11-14 18:40:00" # 6 before, after )) ), 2) ) # Test difference types of input for offset_before # Integer vs double expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800) ) expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = lubridate::minutes(30)) ) expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = "30 minutes") ) expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = "1800 seconds") ) # Offset after expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800) ) expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = lubridate::minutes(30)) ) expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = "30 minutes") ) expect_equal( link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800L), link_gaps(dat1, dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = "1800 seconds") ) # Offset_before, raw_data = TRUE res_raw <- link_gaps( data = dat1, gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L, offset_after = 0L, raw_data = TRUE ) true <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 6), rep("23456", 6)), time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 6), 2), item_one = rep(seq.int(10, by = 10, length.out = 6), 2), gap_data = rep(list( tibble::tibble( from = seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:40:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), to = seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:41:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), gap = rep(60, 20) ), # 1 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:55:00"), to = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00"), gap = 300 ), # 3 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:30:00"), to = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:40:00"), gap = 600 ), # 3 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:30:00"), to = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 16:00:00"), gap = 1800 ), # 4 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), to = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), gap = integer(0) ), # 5 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), to = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), gap = integer(0) ) # 6 ), 2), gap = rep(c(1200, 300, 600, 1800, 0, 0), 2) ) expect_equal(res_raw, true) # Check accidental double link expect_error( link_gaps( data = res_raw, gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L, raw_data = TRUE ), "column 'gap' should not already be present in data" ) expect_error( link_gaps( data = res_raw %>% dplyr::select(-gap), gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L, raw_data = TRUE ), "column 'gap_data' should not already be present in data" ) expect_error( link_gaps( data = res_raw %>% dplyr::select(-gap), gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L, raw_data = FALSE ), NA ) # Scrambled test scramble <- function(data) { idx <- sample(seq_along(data[, 1]), nrow(data)) data[idx, ] } res <- link_gaps( data = scramble(dat1), gaps = scramble(dat2), by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800, raw_data = TRUE ) %>% arrange(participant_id, time) expect_equal(res_raw, true) # offset_before, raw_data = FALSE res <- link_gaps( data = dat1, gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L, offset_after = 0L ) true <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 6), rep("23456", 6)), time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 6), 2), item_one = rep(seq.int(10, by = 10, length.out = 6), 2), gap = rep(c(1200, 300, 600, 1800, 0, 0), 2) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Test whether results from raw_data = FALSE and TRUE are the same expect_equal( res_raw %>% mutate(gap = purrr::map_dbl(gap_data, ~ sum(.x$gap))) %>% dplyr::select(-gap_data), res ) # Offset_after, raw_data = TRUE res_raw <- link_gaps( data = dat1, gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 0L, offset_after = 1800L, raw_data = TRUE ) true <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 6), rep("23456", 6)), time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 6), 2), item_one = rep(seq.int(10, by = 10, length.out = 6), 2), gap_data = rep(list( tibble::tibble( from = seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:10:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), to = seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:11:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), gap = rep(60, 20) ), # 1 tibble::tibble( from = c(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:25:00")), to = c(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:05:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:30:00")), gap = 300 ), # 2 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:25:00"), to = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:30:00"), gap = 300 ), # 2 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 16:00:00"), to = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 16:30:00"), gap = 1800 ), # 4 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), to = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), gap = integer(0) ), # 5 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), to = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), gap = integer(0) ) # 6 ), 2), gap = rep(c(1200, 600, 300, 1800, 0, 0), 2) ) expect_equal(res_raw, true) # offset_after, raw_data = FALSE res <- link_gaps( data = dat1, gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 0L, offset_after = 1800L ) true <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 6), rep("23456", 6)), time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 6), 2), item_one = rep(seq.int(10, by = 10, length.out = 6), 2), gap = rep(c(1200, 600, 300, 1800, 0, 0), 2) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Test whether results from raw_data = FALSE and TRUE are the same expect_equal( res_raw %>% mutate(gap = purrr::map_dbl(gap_data, ~ sum(.x$gap))) %>% dplyr::select(-gap_data), res ) # Offset both res_raw <- link_gaps( data = dat1, gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L, offset_after = 1800L, raw_data = TRUE ) true <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 6), rep("23456", 6)), time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 6), 2), item_one = rep(seq.int(10, by = 10, length.out = 6), 2), gap_data = rep(list( tibble::tibble( from = c( seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:40:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:10:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20) ), to = c( seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 12:41:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20), seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:11:00"), by = "1 min", length.out = 20) ), gap = rep(60, 40) ), # 1 tibble::tibble( from = c(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:55:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:25:00")), to = c(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:05:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:30:00")), gap = c(600, 300) ), # 2 tibble::tibble( from = c(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:30:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:25:00")), to = c(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 14:40:00"), as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:30:00")), gap = c(600, 300) ), # 2 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 15:30:00"), to = as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 16:30:00"), gap = 3600 ), # 4 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), to = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), gap = integer(0) ), # 5 tibble::tibble( from = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), to = as.POSIXct(double(0), tz = ""), gap = integer(0) ) # 6 ), 2), gap = rep(c(2400, 900, 900, 3600, 0, 0), 2) ) expect_equal(res_raw, true) # offset_both res <- link_gaps( data = dat1, gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_before = 1800L, offset_after = 1800L ) true <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep("12345", 6), rep("23456", 6)), time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2021-11-14 13:00:00"), by = "1 hour", length.out = 6), 2), item_one = rep(seq.int(10, by = 10, length.out = 6), 2), gap = rep(c(2400, 900, 900, 3600, 0, 0), 2) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Test whether results from raw_data = FALSE and TRUE are the same expect_equal( res_raw %>% mutate(gap = purrr::map_dbl(gap_data, ~ sum(.x$gap))) %>% dplyr::select(-gap_data), res ) # Argument checks expect_error( link_gaps( data = dat1[, -2], gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800 ), "Column `time` must be present in `data`" ) expect_error( link_gaps( data = dat1, gaps = dat2[, -2], by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800 ), "Column `from` and `to` must be present in `gaps`." ) expect_error( link_gaps( data = mutate(dat1, time = as.character(time)), gaps = dat2, by = "participant_id", offset_after = 1800 ), "Column `time` in `data` must be a POSIXct." ) }) ## bin_data ================= test_that("bin_data", { data <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = c( "2022-06-21 15:00:00", "2022-06-21 15:55:00", "2022-06-21 17:05:00", "2022-06-21 17:10:00" ), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING" ) # get bins per hour, even if the interval is longer than one hour res <- data %>% mutate(datetime = as.POSIXct(datetime)) %>% mutate(lead = lead(datetime)) %>% bin_data( start_time = datetime, end_time = lead, by = "hour" ) true <- tibble::tibble( bin = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:00:00", "2022-06-21 16:00:00", "2022-06-21 17:00:00")), bin_data = list( tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:00:00", "2022-06-21 15:55:00")), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:55:00", "2022-06-21 16:00:00")) ), tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 16:00:00")), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct("2022-06-21 17:00:00") ), tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c( "2022-06-21 17:00:00", "2022-06-21 17:05:00", "2022-06-21 17:10:00" )), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:05:00", "2022-06-21 17:10:00", NA)) ) ) ) expect_equal(res, true) # Alternatively, you can give an integer value to by to create custom-sized # bins, but only if fixed = FALSE. Not that these bins are not rounded to, # as in this example 30 minutes, but rather depends on the earliest time # in the group. res <- data %>% mutate(datetime = as.POSIXct(datetime)) %>% mutate(lead = lead(datetime)) %>% bin_data( start_time = datetime, end_time = lead, by = 1800L, fixed = FALSE ) true <- tibble::tibble( bin = as.POSIXct(c( "2022-06-21 15:00:00", "2022-06-21 15:30:00", "2022-06-21 16:00:00", "2022-06-21 16:30:00", "2022-06-21 17:00:00" )), bin_data = list( tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:00:00")), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:30:00")) ), tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:30:00", "2022-06-21 15:55:00")), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:55:00", "2022-06-21 16:00:00")) ), tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 16:00:00")), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 16:30:00")) ), tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 16:30:00")), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:00:00")) ), tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct(c( "2022-06-21 17:00:00", "2022-06-21 17:05:00", "2022-06-21 17:10:00" )), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING", lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:05:00", "2022-06-21 17:10:00", NA)) ) ) ) expect_equal(res, true) # More complicated data for showcasing grouping: data <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 4)), datetime = rep(c( "2022-06-21 15:00:00", "2022-06-21 15:55:00", "2022-06-21 17:05:00", "2022-06-21 17:10:00" ), 2), confidence = 100, type = rep(c("STILL", "WALKING", "STILL", "WALKING"), 2) ) # binned_intervals also takes into account the prior grouping structure res <- data %>% mutate(datetime = as.POSIXct(datetime)) %>% group_by(participant_id) %>% mutate(lead = lead(datetime)) %>% group_by(participant_id, type) %>% bin_data( start_time = datetime, end_time = lead, by = "hour" ) true <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 6)), type = rep(c("STILL", "STILL", "STILL", "WALKING", "WALKING", "WALKING"), 2), bin = rep(as.POSIXct(c( "2022-06-21 15:00:00", "2022-06-21 16:00:00", "2022-06-21 17:00:00" )), 4), bin_data = rep(list( # STILL tibble::tibble( datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:00:00")), confidence = 100, lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:55:00")) ), tibble::tibble( datetime = as.POSIXct(double(0)), confidence = double(0), lead = as.POSIXct(double(0)) ), tibble::tibble( datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:05:00")), confidence = 100, lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:10:00")) ), # WALKING tibble::tibble( datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 15:55:00")), confidence = 100, lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 16:00:00")) ), tibble::tibble( datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 16:00:00")), confidence = 100, lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:00:00")) ), tibble::tibble( datetime = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:00:00", "2022-06-21 17:10:00")), confidence = 100, lead = as.POSIXct(c("2022-06-21 17:05:00", NA)) ) ), 2) ) %>% group_by(participant_id, type) expect_equal(res, true) # To get the duration for each bin (note to change the variable names in sum): duration <- purrr::map_dbl( .x = res$bin_data, .f = ~ sum(as.double(.x$lead) - as.double(.x$datetime), na.rm = TRUE ) / 60 ) # Or: duration2 <- res %>% unnest(bin_data, keep_empty = TRUE) %>% mutate(duration = .data$lead - .data$datetime) %>% group_by(bin, .add = TRUE) %>% summarise(duration = sum(.data$duration, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop") true <- c(55, 0, 5, 5, 60, 5, 55, 0, 5, 5, 60, 5) expect_equal(duration, as.double(duration2$duration)) expect_equal(duration, true) expect_equal(as.double(duration2$duration), true) # Argument checks data <- data %>% mutate(datetime = as.POSIXct(datetime)) %>% mutate(lead = lead(datetime)) expect_error( bin_data( data = data, start_time = datetime, end_time = lead, by = TRUE ), "`by` must be one of 'sec', 'min', 'hour', or 'day', or a numeric value if `fixed = FALSE`." ) expect_error( data %>% mutate(datetime = as.character(datetime)) %>% bin_data( start_time = datetime, end_time = lead, by = "hour" ), NA ) # Test bug #8: bin_data() incorrectly rounded off days after DST change data <- tibble::tibble( participant_id = 1, datetime = as.POSIXct( c( "2022-10-30 15:00:00", "2022-10-30 15:55:00", "2022-10-31 17:05:00", "2022-10-31 17:10:00" ), tz = "Europe/Brussels" ), confidence = 100, type = "WALKING" ) res <- data %>% mutate(datetime = as.POSIXct(datetime)) %>% mutate(lead = lead(datetime)) %>% bin_data( start_time = datetime, end_time = lead, by = "day" ) expect_equal(lubridate::hour(res$bin), c(0, 0)) })