context("extent calculations") test_that("extent calculations", { data(leroy) expect_equal( extent(leroy), extent(move:::.extcalc(leroy, 0)) ) expect_equal( extent(leroy) * 2, extent(move:::.extcalc(leroy, 0.5)) ) expect_equal( extent(leroy) * 1:2, extent(move:::.extcalc(leroy, c(0, 0.5))) ) }) test_that("extent calculations between bgb and dbbmm", { data <- move(x = rep(2:3, 9) / 5, y = rep(2:3, 9) / 5, Sys.time() + 1:18) # needs to be divisable by 50, and specifc rounding because otherwise one cell gets added in the ud calc of brownian expect_message(x <- brownian.bridge.dyn(data, location.error = .1, ext = 7, dimSize = 50, window.size = 11, margin = 5), "Computa") expect_warning(xd <- dynBGB(data, locErr = .1, ext = 7, dimSize = 50, windowSize = 11, margin = 5), "Brownian motion assumed, because no direction could be calculated") expect_equal( raster(xd), raster(x) ) expect_message(x <- brownian.bridge.dyn(data, location.error = .1, ext = 7, raster = .020, window.size = 11, margin = 5), "Computa") expect_warning(xd <- dynBGB(data, locErr = .1, ext = 7, raster = .020, windowSize = 11, margin = 5), "Brownian motion assumed, because no direction could be calculated") expect_equal( raster(xd), raster(x) ) })