test_that("basic interpolation", { d <- data.frame(x = c(1L:5L), y = c(1L:5L), timestamp = 1L:5L, track = gl(1, 5), timestamp2 = c(0, 1, 3, 6, 10)) |> st_as_sf(coords = 1L:2L) |> mt_as_move2(track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") expect_silent(mt_interpolate(d)) expect_identical(mt_interpolate(d, 2:4, omit = TRUE) |> mt_time(), 2:4) dd <- d dd$geometry[c(1, 3, 5)] <- sf::st_point() expect_equal(st_coordinates(mt_interpolate(dd)), cbind(c(NA, 2:4, NA), c(NA, 2:4, NA)), ignore_attr = TRUE) dd <- d dd$geometry[c(2, 3, 4)] <- sf::st_point() expect_equal(st_coordinates(mt_interpolate(dd)), cbind(c(1L:5L), c(1L:5L)), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_identical(mt_interpolate(dd), d) expect_identical(st_geometry(mt_interpolate(d[-3, ], 3L)), st_geometry(d)[TRUE, ]) # temporary fix for points matrix expect_silent(mt_interpolate(d[-3, ], 3L)) expect_silent(mt_interpolate(d[-3, ], 3L)) expect_error(mt_interpolate(d[-3, ], "5 mins"), "does not correspond to the class of the .time.") }) test_that("crs in crs out for interpolate", { m <- mt_sim_brownian_motion() sf::st_geometry(m)[c(3:5, 14, 20)] <- sf::st_point() expect_identical(st_crs(m), st_crs(mt_interpolate(m))) m <- sf::st_set_crs(mt_sim_brownian_motion(), 4326) expect_identical(st_crs(m), st_crs(mt_interpolate(m))) m <- sf::st_set_crs(mt_sim_brownian_motion(), 3857) expect_identical(st_crs(m), st_crs(mt_interpolate(m))) }) test_that("start end locations stay empty", { m <- mt_sim_brownian_motion() sf::st_geometry(m)[c(3:5, 10, 14, 20)] <- sf::st_point() expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m))), c(10L, 20L)) # omit only takes effect when time argument is used expect_identical(mt_interpolate(m, omit = TRUE), mt_interpolate(m, omit = FALSE)) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(sf::st_set_crs(m, 4326)))), c(10L, 20L)) m <- mt_sim_brownian_motion() sf::st_geometry(m)[c(1, 3:5, 11, 14, 20)] <- sf::st_point() expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m))), c(1L, 11L, 20L)) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(sf::st_set_crs(m, 4326)))), c(1L, 11L, 20L)) }) test_that("works on long lat", { # to gen data: dput(data.frame(geosphere::destPoint(c(45,67),270, d = c(0,10,60,90)*1000), t=c(1,2,7,10), id="a")) m <- structure(list(lon = c( 45, 44.7707477678058, 43.6247042339104, 42.9374757707606 ), lat = c( 67, 66.9998348693807, 66.9940560433849, 66.9866282535198 ), t = c(1, 2, 7, 10), id = c( "a", "a", "a", "a" )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L)) |> st_as_sf(coords = 1L:2L, crs = 4326) |> mt_as_move2(time_column = "t", track_id_column = "id") mm <- m mm$geometry[2L:3L] <- st_point() expect_equal(mt_interpolate(mm), m, tolerance = 7e-08) # allow small tolerances as geosphere might differ from s2 expect_true(all(sf::st_distance(mt_interpolate(mm), m, by_element = TRUE) < set_units(1, "m"))) expect_equal(mt_interpolate(st_transform(mm, 3857)), st_transform(m, 3857), tolerance = 7e-08 ) # allow small tolerances as geosphere might differ from s2 expect_true(all(sf::st_distance(mt_interpolate(st_transform(mm, 3857)), st_transform(m, 3857), by_element = TRUE ) < set_units(1, "m"))) expect_equal(st_transform(mt_interpolate(st_transform(mm, 3857)), 4326), m, tolerance = 7e-08 ) # allow small tolerances as geosphere might differ from s2 expect_true(all(sf::st_distance(st_transform(mt_interpolate(st_transform(mm, 3857)), 4326), m, by_element = TRUE ) < set_units(1, "m"))) mmm <- m mmm$x <- 1 expect_identical( mt_interpolate(m, mt_time(m)[2L:3L], omit = TRUE), mt_interpolate(mmm, mt_time(mmm)[2L:3L], omit = TRUE)[, 1L:3L] ) expect_identical( mmm$x, mt_interpolate(mmm, mt_time(mmm)[2L:3L])$x ) mmm$x <- NULL mmm$time <- 1 expect_identical( mt_interpolate(m, mt_time(m)[2L:3L] + 2, omit = TRUE), mt_interpolate(mmm, mt_time(mmm)[2L:3L] + 2, omit = TRUE)[, 1L:3L] ) expect_identical( c(1, 1, NA, 1, NA, 1), mt_interpolate(mmm, mt_time(mmm)[2L:3L] + 2)$time ) }) test_that("time_gap", { t <- c(1, 3, 5, 6, 7) m <- mt_as_move2(data.frame(x = t, y = t, t = t, id = "a", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), coords = 1L:2L, time_column = "t", track_id_column = "id" ) m$geometry[c(2L, 4L)] <- sf::st_point() expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = 5))), integer(0)) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = 3))), 2L) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = 2))), 2L) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = 1.5))), c(2L, 4L)) expect_error(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = as.difftime(141, units = "secs"))) expect_error(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = set_units(3, "min"))) }) test_that("time_gap with posixct", { t <- as.POSIXct("1980-1-1", tz = "UTC") + c(1, 3, 5, 6, 7) * 60 m <- mt_as_move2(data.frame(x = t, y = t, t = t, id = "a", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), coords = 1L:2L, time_column = "t", track_id_column = "id" ) m$geometry[c(2L, 4L)] <- sf::st_point() expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = as.difftime(5, units = "mins")))), integer(0)) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = as.difftime(241, units = "secs")))), integer(0)) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = as.difftime(3, units = "mins")))), 2L) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = as.difftime(141, units = "secs")))), 2L) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = set_units(3, "min")))), 2L) expect_identical(which(st_is_empty(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = set_units(141, "sec")))), 2L) expect_error(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = 3)) expect_identical( mt_interpolate(m, "2 mins") |> mt_time(), as.POSIXct("1980-1-1", tz = "UTC") + c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) * 60 ) expect_identical( mt_interpolate(m, "2 mins", omit = TRUE) |> mt_time(), as.POSIXct("1980-1-1", tz = "UTC") + c(2, 4, 6) * 60 ) t <- mt_time(m)[2L:3L] expect_identical( mt_interpolate(m, t, omit = TRUE), mt_interpolate(m, lubridate::with_tz(t, "EST"), omit = TRUE) ) expect_identical( mt_interpolate(m, t, omit = FALSE), mt_interpolate(m, lubridate::with_tz(t, "EST"), omit = FALSE) ) }) test_that("time_gap with posixct", { t <- as.Date("1980-1-1") + c(1, 3, 5, 6, 7) m <- mt_as_move2(data.frame( x = t, y = t, t = t, id = "a", stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), coords = 1L:2L, time_column = "t", track_id_column = "id") m$geometry[c(2L, 4L)] <- sf::st_point() expect_error(mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = 5)) expect_identical( which(st_is_empty( mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = set_units(5, "days")) )), integer(0) ) expect_identical( which(st_is_empty( mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = set_units(3, "days")) )), 2L ) expect_identical( which(st_is_empty( mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = as.difftime(48, units = "hours")) )), 2L ) expect_identical( which(st_is_empty( mt_interpolate(m, max_time_lag = set_units(36, "hour")) )), c(2L, 4L) ) }) test_that("error different time", { m <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(t = c(1L:5L, 5.5)) tt <- Sys.time() mt <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(t = (as.Date(tt) + -1L:4L)) expect_s3_class(mt_interpolate(m, 1.5), "move2") expect_error(mt_interpolate(m, tt), "does not correspond to the class of the .time.") expect_error(mt_interpolate(mt, tt), "does not correspond to the class of the .time.") expect_error(mt_interpolate(mt, "hour"), "does not correspond to the class of the .time.") })