test_that("all have units", { expect_s3_class(x <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(), "move2") expect_identical(st_crs(x), st_crs(NA)) expect_false(inherits(mt_distance(x), "units")) expect_type(mt_distance(x), "double") expect_false(inherits(mt_time_lags(x), "units")) expect_type(mt_time_lags(x), "integer") expect_false(inherits(mt_speed(x), "units")) expect_type(mt_speed(x), "double") expect_identical( mt_sim_brownian_motion() |> mutate(time = as.POSIXct(time, origin = "1970-1-1")) |> mt_speed() |> units() |> as.character(), "1/s" ) expect_identical( mt_sim_brownian_motion() |> sf::st_set_crs(3857L) |> mutate(time = set_units(time, "h")) |> mt_speed() |> units() |> as.character(), "m/h" ) }) test_that("all movebank downloaded data has units", { testthat::skip_if_not_installed("lwgeom") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_mbpwd() withr::with_envvar( list("movebank:move2_user" = Sys.getenv("MBPWD")), withr::with_options(list(keyring_backend = "env"), { expect_s3_class(x <- movebank_download_study(2911040L, attributes = NULL, timestamp_end = as.POSIXct("2008-06-6 06:00:00") ), "move2") expect_s3_class(x <- filter(x, !st_is_empty(x)), "move2") expect_s3_class(mt_distance(x), "units") # prevent message on loading s2 suppressMessages(expect_s3_class(mt_azimuth(x), "units")) expect_s3_class(mt_turnangle(x), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_speed(x), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_time_lags(x), "units") }) ) }) test_that("all have correct length", { expect_s3_class(x <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(t = list(1L, 1L:2L, 1L:3L, 1L:4L, 1L:10L), tracks = 5L), "move2") expect_length(mt_distance(x), 20L) expect_length(mt_time_lags(x), 20L) expect_length(mt_time(x), 20L) expect_length(mt_speed(x), 20L) expect_length(x |> sf::st_set_crs(4326) |> mt_azimuth(), 20L) expect_length(x |> sf::st_set_crs(4326) |> mt_turnangle(), 20L) }) test_that("all have na in correct locations", { expect_s3_class(x <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(t = list(1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:10), tracks = 5L), "move2") expect_equal(which(is.na(mt_distance(x))), c(1L, 3L, 6L, 10L, 20L), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_identical(which(is.na(mt_time_lags(x))), c(1L, 3L, 6L, 10L, 20L)) expect_false(anyNA(mt_time(x))) expect_equal(which(is.na(mt_speed(x))), c(1L, 3L, 6L, 10L, 20L), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_identical(x |> sf::st_set_crs(4326L) |> mt_azimuth() |> is.na() |> which(), c(1L, 3L, 6L, 10L, 20L)) expect_identical( x |> sf::st_set_crs(4326L) |> mt_turnangle() |> is.na() |> which(), c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 6L, 7L, 10L, 11L, 20L) ) }) test_that("has correct value", { n <- 10 d <- data.frame( x = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -3), y = c(1:4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4), timestamp = 1:n, track = gl(1, n) ) m <- mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L, crs = 3857L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp" ) |> st_transform(4326) expect_identical( units::set_units(mt_azimuth(m), "degrees") |> round(), set_units(c(0, 45, -45, 90, -45, -45, -90, -135, 180, NA), "degrees") ) expect_identical( units::set_units(mt_turnangle(m), "degrees") |> round(), set_units(c(NA, 45, -90, 135, -135, 0, -45, -45, -45, NA), "degrees") ) m <- mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1:2), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") expect_identical( units::set_units(mt_azimuth(m), "degrees"), set_units(c(0, 45, -45, 90, -45, -45, -90, -135, 180, NA), "degrees") ) expect_equal( units::set_units(mt_turnangle(m), "degrees"), set_units(c(NA, 45, -90, 135, -135, 0, -45, -45, -45, NA), "degrees"), tolerance = 1e-10 ) }) test_that("turn angles in -180 180 range", { d <- data.frame(x = c(0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L), y = -c(1L:5L), timestamp = 1L:5L, track = gl(1L, 5L), timestamp2 = c(0, 1, 3, 6, 10)) expect_identical( mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_azimuth() |> set_units("degrees"), set_units(c(180L, 135L, -135L, 135L, NA), "degrees") ) expect_identical( mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_turnangle() |> set_units("degrees"), set_units(c(NA, -45L, 90L, -90L, NA), "degrees") ) expect_identical( mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 2L:1L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_turnangle() |> set_units("degrees"), set_units(c(NA, 45L, -90L, 90L, NA), "degrees") ) d[["y"]] <- -d[["y"]] expect_identical( mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_turnangle() |> set_units("degrees"), set_units(c(NA, 45L, -90L, 90L, NA), "degrees") ) expect_identical( mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 2L:1L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_turnangle() |> set_units("degrees"), set_units(c(NA, -45L, 90L, -90L, NA), "degrees") ) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 2L:1L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_distance(), c(1.0, sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 2L:1L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_speed(), c(1.0, sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 2L:1L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp2") |> mt_speed(), c(1.0, sqrt(2.0) / 2.0, sqrt(2.0) / 3.0, sqrt(2.0) / 4.0, NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 2L:1L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp2") |> mt_distance(), c(1.0, sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_distance(), c(1, sqrt(2), sqrt(2), sqrt(2), NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp") |> mt_speed(), c(1, sqrt(2), sqrt(2), sqrt(2), NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp2") |> mt_speed(), c(1, sqrt(2) / 2, sqrt(2) / 3, sqrt(2) / 4, NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(mt_as_move2(st_as_sf(d, coords = 1L:2L), track_id_column = "track", time_column = "timestamp2") |> mt_distance(), c(1.0, sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), NA), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("Failures correct", { expect_s3_class(m <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(tracks = 1L, t = 1L:3L), "move2") expect_error(m[c(1, 3, 2), ] |> mt_distance(), "Not all timestamps in `x` are ordered within track.") expect_error(m[c(1, 3, 2), ] |> mt_time_lags(), "Not all timestamps in `x` are ordered within track.") expect_error( m |> sf::st_set_crs(4326L) |> st_transform(3857L) |> mt_azimuth(), "Currently the calculation of azimuths is not implemented for this projectio" ) expect_error( m |> sf::st_set_crs(4326L) |> st_transform(3857L) |> mt_turnangle(), "Currently the calculation of azimuths is not implemented for this projectio" ) expect_error( { m$geometry[2L] <- st_point() m } |> mt_distance(), "Not all locations are non empty points." ) }) test_that("mt_azimuth with different types of track ids", { a <- mt_sim_brownian_motion() expect_identical(mt_azimuth(a), mt_azimuth(mt_set_track_id(a, as.character(mt_track_id(a))))) expect_identical(mt_azimuth(a), mt_azimuth(mt_set_track_id(a, factor(mt_track_id(a))))) }) test_that("sim data no units", { a <- mt_sim_brownian_motion() expect_false(inherits(mt_speed(a), "units")) expect_false(inherits(mt_distance(a), "units")) expect_s3_class(mt_turnangle(a), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_azimuth(a), "units") expect_false(inherits(mt_time_lags(a), "units")) expect_false(inherits(mt_speed(a, "m/s"), "units")) expect_false(inherits(mt_distance(a, "km"), "units")) expect_s3_class(mt_turnangle(a, "degree"), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_azimuth(a, "degree"), "units") expect_false(inherits(mt_time_lags(a, "s"), "units")) expect_identical(units(mt_turnangle(a, "degree")), units(as_units("degree"))) expect_identical(units(mt_azimuth(a, "degree")), units(as_units("degree"))) }) test_that("units handling spatial dat", { a <- mt_read(mt_example())[1L:100L, ] a <- a[!st_is_empty(a), ] expect_s3_class(mt_speed(a), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_distance(a), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_turnangle(a), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_azimuth(a), "units") expect_s3_class(mt_time_lags(a), "units") expect_identical(units(mt_speed(a, "km/ms")), units(as_units("km/ms"))) expect_identical(units(mt_distance(a, "hm")), units(as_units("hm"))) expect_identical(units(mt_time_lags(a, "ms")), units(as_units("ms"))) expect_identical(units(mt_turnangle(a, "degree")), units(as_units("degree"))) expect_identical(units(mt_azimuth(a, "degree")), units(as_units("degree"))) expect_error(mt_speed(a, "km")) expect_error(mt_distance(a, "hm/s")) expect_error(mt_time_lags(a, "ms^2")) expect_error(mt_turnangle(a, "degree/s")) expect_error(mt_azimuth(a, "degree/s")) })