m <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(t = 1L:2L, tracks = 2L) ml <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(t = 1L:2L, tracks = letters) test_that("mt_is_move2", { expect_error(assert_that(mt_is_move2(1L)), "The input does not inherit the class") expect_error(assert_that(mt_is_move2(data.frame(a = 4L))), "The input does not inherit the class") expect_true(assert_that(mt_is_move2(m))) }) test_that("Proper failure message ordered assertions", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") expect_error( assert_that(mt_is_time_ordered(dplyr::arrange(m, time))), "The following tracks occur at multiple places in the data set: `1` and `2`." ) expect_error( assert_that(mt_is_time_ordered(head(dplyr::arrange(m, time), 3))), "The following track occurs at multiple places in the data set: `1`." ) expect_error( assert_that(mt_is_time_ordered(dplyr::arrange(ml, time))), "Not all tracks are grouped in `x`." ) expect_error( assert_that(mt_has_unique_location_time_records(m[c(1, 2, 2), ])), "In total there is 1 duplicated timestamp." ) expect_error( assert_that(mt_has_unique_location_time_records(m[c(1, 2, 2), ])), "The first duplicated record is from track 1 at time 2 \\(record: 3\\)." ) expect_error( assert_that(mt_has_unique_location_time_records(m[c(1, 1, 2, 2), ])), "In total there are 2 duplicate timestamps." ) sf::st_geometry(m)[2] <- sf::st_point() expect_true(assert_that(mt_has_unique_location_time_records(m[c(1, 2, 2), ]))) expect_error( assert_that(mt_has_no_empty_points(m)), "Not all locations are non empty points." ) expect_error( assert_that(mt_has_no_empty_points(m)), "At least the following record is not a non-empty point: " ) expect_error( assert_that(mt_has_no_empty_points(m[c(1, 2, 2), ])), "At least the following records are not non-empty points: " ) expect_true(mt_sim_brownian_motion(c(1, 1)) |> mt_is_time_ordered()) expect_true(mt_sim_brownian_motion(c(1, 1)) |> mt_is_time_ordered(non_zero = FALSE)) expect_false(mt_sim_brownian_motion(c(1, 1)) |> mt_is_time_ordered(non_zero = TRUE)) expect_true(mt_sim_brownian_motion(c(1, 1)) |> mt_is_time_ordered_non_empty_points()) expect_true(mt_sim_brownian_motion(c(1, 1)) |> mt_is_time_ordered_non_empty_points(non_zero = FALSE)) expect_false(mt_sim_brownian_motion(c(1, 1)) |> mt_is_time_ordered_non_empty_points(non_zero = TRUE)) })