test_that("as transformation works or fails depending on input dataset", { expect_s3_class( as.mortaar_life_table_list(list(a_live_table[[1]], a_live_table[[2]])), "mortaar_life_table_list" ) expect_error( as.mortaar_life_table_list(list(a_live_table[[1]], 3)), NULL ) expect_error( as.mortaar_life_table_list(3), NULL ) }) test_that("as works or fails depending on input dataset", { expect_s3_class( as.mortaar_life_table(data.frame(a = c(20, 20, 20), Dx = c(10, 15, 20))), "mortaar_life_table" ) expect_error( as.mortaar_life_table(data.frame(a = c(20, 20, 20), Dy = c(10, 15, 20))), NULL ) expect_error( as.mortaar_life_table(3), NULL ) }) test_that("a mortaar_life_table_list identifies correctly", { expect_true(is.mortaar_life_table_list(a_live_table)) expect_false(is.mortaar_life_table_list(an_input_dataset)) }) test_that("a mortaar_life_table_list identifies correctly", { expect_true(is.mortaar_life_table(a_live_table$schleswig_ma)) expect_false(is.mortaar_life_table(a_live_table)) expect_false(is.mortaar_life_table(an_input_dataset)) }) test_that("format is delegated to format.mortaar_life_table_list on a mortaar_life_table_list", { expect_match(format(a_live_table), "mortAAR") }) test_that("format.mortaar_life_table_list returns a character string", { expect_type(format(a_live_table),"character") }) test_that("format.mortaar_life_table_list returns no output", { expect_silent(format(a_live_table)) }) test_that("format is delegated to format.mortaar_life_table on a mortaar_life_table", { expect_match(format(a_live_table$schleswig_ma), "mortAAR") }) test_that("format.mortaar_life_table returns a character string", { expect_type(format(a_live_table$schleswig_ma),"character") }) test_that("format.mortaar_life_table returns no output", { expect_silent(format(a_live_table$schleswig_ma)) }) test_that("print is delegated to print.mortaar_life_table on a mortaar_life_table", { expect_output(print(a_live_table$schleswig_ma), "mortAAR") }) # test_that("print outputs correctly", { # this_life_table <- life.table(data.frame(indet = c(1)))$indet # expect_output(print(this_life_table), "Mortaar life table of 1 individuals") # expect_output(print(this_life_table), "Life expectation at birth") # expect_output(print(this_life_table), "age.class") # expect_output(print(this_life_table), "0-1") # }) test_that("print is delegated to print.mortaar_life_table_list on a mortaar_life_table_list", { expect_output(print(a_live_table), "mortAAR") }) # test_that("print outputs correctly", { # this_life_table <- life.table(data.frame(feschleswig_ma = c(1), indet = c(1))) # expect_output(print(this_life_table), "Mortaar life table for feschleswig_ma of 1 individuals") # expect_output(print(this_life_table), "Mortaar life table for indet of 1 individuals") # }) ## Plots # send plot result to /dev/null pdf(file = NULL) # Dummy test for plots test_that("plot produces no error", { expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "dx" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "dx", line_vis = "colour" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "qx" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "lx" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "ex" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "rel_popx" ), NA) }) test_that("plot with system graphics produces no error", { expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "dx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "qx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "lx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "ex", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table, display = "rel_popx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) }) test_that("plot life table list produces no error", { expect_error(plot( a_live_table) , NA) }) test_that("plot produces no error", { expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "dx" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "dx", line_vis = "colour" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "qx" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "lx" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "ex" ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "rel_popx" ), NA) }) test_that("plot with system graphics produces no error", { expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "dx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "qx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "lx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "ex", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma, display = "rel_popx", prefer.ggplot=FALSE ), NA) }) test_that("plot individual life table dx system graphics produces no error", { x <- a_live_table$schleswig_ma n <- sum(x$Dx) my_subsets = "data set" expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_dx_frame(x, my_subsets, n=n), NA) expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_dx(x), NA) }) test_that("plot individual life table qx system graphics produces no error", { x <- a_live_table$schleswig_ma n <- sum(x$Dx) my_subsets = "data set" expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_qx_frame(x, my_subsets, n=n), NA) expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_qx(x), NA) }) test_that("plot individual life table lx system graphics produces no error", { x <- a_live_table$schleswig_ma n <- sum(x$Dx) my_subsets = "data set" expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_lx_frame(x, my_subsets, n=n), NA) expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_lx(x), NA) }) test_that("plot individual life table ex system graphics produces no error", { x <- a_live_table$schleswig_ma n <- sum(x$Dx) my_subsets = "data set" expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_ex_frame(x, my_subsets, n=n), NA) expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_ex(x), NA) }) test_that("plot individual life table rel_popx system graphics produces no error", { x <- a_live_table$schleswig_ma n <- sum(x$Dx) my_subsets = "data set" expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_rel_popx_frame(x, my_subsets, n=n), NA) expect_error(mortAAR:::mortaar_plot_rel_popx(x), NA) }) test_that("plot individual life table produces no error", { expect_error(plot( a_live_table$schleswig_ma) , NA) }) dev.off()