# lt.sexrelation failes for wrong input First argument is not an object of class mortaar_life_table. # lt.sexrelation produces the right output { "type": "list", "attributes": { "names": { "type": "character", "attributes": {}, "value": ["method", "value", "description"] }, "class": { "type": "character", "attributes": {}, "value": ["data.frame"] }, "row.names": { "type": "integer", "attributes": {}, "value": [1, 2, 3, 4] } }, "value": [ { "type": "character", "attributes": {}, "value": ["MI", "Ratio_F_M", "MMR1", "MMR2"] }, { "type": "double", "attributes": {}, "value": [0.67, 2.36, 449, 4.49] }, { "type": "character", "attributes": {}, "value": ["Masculinity index", "Ratio of females to males aged 20--24", "Maternal mortality per 100,000 births", "Maternal mortality per 1,000 births"] } ] } # lt.sexrelation failes for wrong second input element At least one of the datasets does not seem to be a mortAAR life table.