context("PANEL DATA") # PANEL DATA - FORECAST JUMBLED ---- test_that("Panel Data - Forecast Jumbled", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # m4_monthly_jumbled <- m4_monthly %>% arrange(desc(date)) data_set <- m4_monthly_jumbled recipe_spec <- recipe(value ~ date + id, data_set) %>% step_mutate(date_num = as.numeric(date)) %>% step_mutate(month_lbl = lubridate::month(date, label = TRUE)) %>% step_dummy(all_nominal(), one_hot = TRUE) set.seed(123) wflw_fit_prophet <- workflow() %>% add_model( prophet_boost( seasonality_yearly = F, seasonality_weekly = F, seasonality_daily = F ) %>% set_engine( "prophet_xgboost" # , # colsample_bytree = 1 ) ) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec) %>% fit(data_set) set.seed(123) wflw_fit_svm <- workflow() %>% add_model(svm_rbf(mode = "regression") %>% set_engine("kernlab")) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec %>% step_rm(date)) %>% fit(data_set) # set.seed(123) # wflw_fit_xgb <- workflow() %>% # add_model(boost_tree() %>% set_engine("xgboost")) %>% # add_recipe(recipe_spec %>% step_rm(date)) %>% # fit(data_set) # Panel Data - Forecast Jumbled model_tbl <- modeltime_table( wflw_fit_prophet, wflw_fit_svm ) # Calibration calibration_tbl <- model_tbl %>% modeltime_calibrate(data_set) expect_equal(calibration_tbl$.type, c("Fitted", "Test")) expect_true(all(c(".type", ".calibration_data") %in% names(calibration_tbl))) expect_equal(nrow(data_set), calibration_tbl %>% pluck(".calibration_data", 1) %>% nrow()) # Accuracy accuracy_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy() expect_true(all(!$mae))) expect_true(all(is.double(accuracy_tbl$mae))) # * Forecast ---- forecast_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = data_set, actual_data = data_set, keep_data = TRUE, arrange_index = FALSE ) # forecast_tbl %>% group_by(id) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast() # * Test Actual ---- actual_tbl <- forecast_tbl %>% filter(.key == "actual") expect_equal(nrow(actual_tbl), nrow(data_set)) expect_equal(actual_tbl$.value, actual_tbl$value) # * Test Model ---- svm_tbl <- forecast_tbl %>% filter(.model_id == 2) expect_equal(nrow(svm_tbl), nrow(data_set)) expect_equal(svm_tbl$.index, svm_tbl$date) # Panel Data - Error Checks # Using h with overlapping actual data expect_error({ modeltime_table( wflw_fit_prophet, wflw_fit_svm ) %>% modeltime_forecast(h = "2 years", actual_data = data_set) }) # Using h with overlapping actual data expect_error({ modeltime_table( wflw_fit_prophet, wflw_fit_svm ) %>% modeltime_calibrate(data_set, quiet = FALSE) %>% modeltime_forecast(h = "2 years") }) })