context("TEST DEVELOPER TOOLS - XREG TOOLS") # CREATE XREG RECIPE ---- # test_that("create_xreg_recipe: recipe with no compliant features returns a warning and NULL value", { # # # Recipe returns no features # # - id is removed because of zero variance # # - date is removed # expect_warning({ # null_recipe <- m4_monthly %>% # filter(id == "M750") %>% # select(-value) %>% # create_xreg_recipe(prepare = TRUE, one_hot = TRUE) # # }) # # # Return is NULL # expect_null(null_recipe) # # # }) test_that("create_xreg_recipe: dummy_encode = FALSE returns factors", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # Month predictors <- m4_monthly %>% filter(id == "M750") %>% select(-value) %>% mutate(`month lbl` = month(date, label = TRUE)) xreg_recipe_spec <- create_xreg_recipe(predictors, prepare = TRUE, dummy_encode = FALSE) juiced <- juice_xreg_recipe(xreg_recipe_spec) expect_equal(ncol(juiced), 1) expect_s3_class(pull(juiced), "factor") }) test_that("create_xreg_recipe: dummy_encode = TRUE returns dummies", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # Month predictors <- m4_monthly %>% filter(id == "M750") %>% select(-value) %>% mutate(`month lbl` = month(date, label = TRUE)) xreg_recipe_spec <- create_xreg_recipe(predictors, prepare = TRUE, dummy_encode = TRUE) juiced <- juice_xreg_recipe(xreg_recipe_spec) expect_equal(ncol(juiced), 11) expect_true(all(juiced %>% map(is.numeric) %>% unlist())) })