context("TEST DEVELOPER TOOLS - CONSTRUCTORS") # NEW MODELTIME BRIDGE ---- # Tests ---- test_that("modeltime bridge: Good Structure", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # lm_model <- lm(value ~ as.numeric(date) + hour(date) + wday(date, label = TRUE), data = taylor_30_min) data = tibble( date = taylor_30_min$date, # Important - The column name must match the modeled data # These are standardized names: .value, .fitted, .resid .actual = taylor_30_min$value, .fitted = lm_model$fitted.values %>% as.numeric(), .residuals = lm_model$residuals %>% as.numeric() ) bridge <- new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list(model_1 = lm_model), data = data, extras = NULL, desc = NULL ) # modeltime bridge: Good Structure expect_s3_class(bridge, "lm_time_series_impl") expect_s3_class(bridge$models$model_1, "lm") # modeltime bridge: Bad Structures # Class missing expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( models = list(model_1 = lm_model), data = data, extras = NULL ) }) # Class not a number expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = 12, models = list(model_1 = lm_model), data = data, extras = NULL ) }) # models missing expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", data = data, extras = NULL ) }) # Bad model names expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list("lm" = lm_model), data = data, extras = NULL ) }) # Missing data expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list("model_1" = lm_model), extras = NULL ) }) # data not formatted correctly expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list("model_1" = lm_model), data = tibble(target = "black"), extras = NULL ) }) # data: 4 columns but bad column name detected expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list("model_1" = lm_model), data = tibble( date = 1, .value = 2, .resid = 3, bad_column_name = 4 ), extras = NULL ) }) # extras not a list expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list("model_1" = lm_model), data = data, extras = 1 ) }) # desc not a character expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list("model_1" = lm_model), data = data, extras = NULL, desc = 1 ) }) # desc not length 1 expect_error({ new_modeltime_bridge( class = "lm_time_series_impl", models = list("model_1" = lm_model), data = data, extras = NULL, desc = c("a", "b") ) }) })