library("model4you") library("survival") ### survreg set.seed(1) data(GBSG2, package = "") ## base model bmod <- survreg(Surv(time, cens) ~ horTh, data = GBSG2, model = TRUE) survreg_plot(bmod) grid.newpage() coeftable.survreg(bmod) ## partitioned model tr <- pmtree(bmod) plot(tr, terminal_panel = node_pmterminal(tr, plotfun = survreg_plot, confint = TRUE)) summary(tr) summary(tr, node = 1:2) coef(tr) coef(tr, node = 1) coef(bmod) logLik(bmod) logLik(tr) ## alternative table in plot plot(tr, terminal_panel = node_pmterminal(tr, plotfun = survreg_plot, confint = TRUE, coeftable = coeftable.survreg)) ### glm binomial set.seed(2) n <- 1000 trt <- factor(rep(1:2, each = n/2)) age <- sample(40:60, size = n, replace = TRUE) eff <- -1 + I(trt == 2) + 1 * I(trt == 2) * I(age > 50) expit <- function(x) 1/(1 + exp(-x)) success <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = expit(eff)) dat <- data.frame(success, trt, age) library("plyr") dattab <- ddply(.data = dat, .variables = .(trt, age), function(x) data.frame(nsuccess = sum(x$success), nfailure = NROW(x) - sum(x$success))) bmod1 <- glm(success ~ trt, family = binomial) bmod2 <- glm(success ~ trt, family = "binomial") bmod3 <- glm(success ~ trt, data = dat, family = binomial) bmod4 <- glm(cbind(nsuccess, nfailure) ~ trt, data = dattab, family = binomial) (tr1 <- pmtree(bmod1, data = dat)) (tr2 <- pmtree(bmod2, data = dat)) (tr3 <- pmtree(bmod3)) (tr4 <- pmtree(bmod4)) (mtr1 <- glmtree(success ~ trt | age, data = dat, family = binomial)) # (mtr2 <- glmtree(cbind(nsuccess, nfailure) ~ trt | age, data = dattab, family = binomial)) library("strucchange") sctest(tr3) sctest(tr4) ## check logLik logLik(mtr1) logLik(tr1) sum(objfun(tr1, newdata = dat)) objfun(tr1, newdata = dat, sum = TRUE) sum(objfun(tr1)) objfun(tr1, sum = TRUE) ## variable importance logLik(tr1) logLik(tr1, perm = "age") a1 <-, perm = "age", type = "node") a2 <- predict(tr1, perm = "age", type = "node") a3 <- predict(tr1, perm = 3, type = "node") b <-, type = "node") varimp(tr1, nperm = 5) library("ggplot2") ofs <- data.frame(objfun_bmod1 = objfun(bmod1), objfun_tr1 = objfun(tr1)) ggplot(ofs, aes(objfun_bmod1, objfun_tr1)) + geom_jitter(alpha = 0.3) ### linear model and missings data("MathExam14W", package = "psychotools") ## scale points achieved to [0, 100] percent MathExam14W$tests <- 100 * MathExam14W$tests/26 MathExam14W$pcorrect <- 100 * MathExam14W$nsolved/13 ## select variables to be used MathExam <- MathExam14W[ , c("pcorrect", "group", "tests", "study", "attempt", "semester", "gender")] ## compute base model bmod_math <- lm(pcorrect ~ group, data = MathExam) ## compute tree (tr_math <- pmtree(bmod_math, control = ctree_control(maxdepth = 2))) ## create data with NAs Math_mx <- Math_mz <- MathExam Math_mx$group[1:2] <- NA Math_mz$tests[1:20] <- NA bmod_math_mx <- lm(pcorrect ~ group, data = Math_mx) (tr_math_mx1 <- pmtree(bmod_math, control = ctree_control(maxdepth = 2), data = Math_mx)) (tr_math_mx2 <- pmtree(bmod_math_mx, control = ctree_control(maxdepth = 2))) (tr_math_mz <- pmtree(bmod_math, control = ctree_control(maxdepth = 2), data = Math_mz)) ## check logLik (tr_math_mob <- lmtree(pcorrect ~ group | ., data = MathExam, maxdepth = 2)) logLik(bmod_math) logLik(tr_math) logLik(tr_math_mob) sum(bmod_math$residuals^2) ## varimp of <- function(x, newdata = NULL, weights = NULL, perm = NULL, ...) { - objfun(x, newdata = newdata, weights = weights, perm = perm, sum = TRUE, ...) } varimp(tr_math, nperm = 2, risk = of) # deeper tree w <- rep(1, nrow(Math_mx)) w[5:100] <- 0 tr_math_d <- pmtree(bmod_math, data = Math_mx, weights = w, control = ctree_control(alpha = 0.7)) varimp(tr_math_d, risk = of) ### check different formulas set.seed(1212) n <- 90 d1 <- d2 <- d3 <- data.frame(y = abs(rnorm(n) + 5), x = rep(1:(n/15), each = 15), #1:n - 10, trt = rep(1:3, each = n/3), z1 = rnorm(n)) d2$trt <- factor(d2$trt) d3$trt <- ordered(d3$trt) f <- list( y ~ 1, y ~ x, y ~ trt, y ~ trt + x, y ~ trt + offset(x), y ~ trt + x + offset(x), y ~ trt + offset(as.numeric(trt)), y ~ factor(trt), y ~ factor(trt) + offset(x), y ~ factor(x > as.numeric(trt)), # y ~ interaction(x, trt), y ~ 0 + trt ) try_pmtree <- function(bmod, data) { "pmtree" %in% class(tryCatch(pmtree(bmod, data = data), error = function(e) e, warning = function(w) w)) # "pmtree" %in% class(try(pmtree(bmod, data = data), silent = TRUE)) } run_lm <- function(formula, data, ...) { eval(substitute(lm(fm, data = data, ...), list(fm = formula))) } run_survreg <- function(formula, data, ...) { eval(substitute(survreg(fm, data = data, ...), list(fm = formula))) } run_coxph <- function(formula, data, ...) { eval(substitute(coxph(fm, data = data, ...), list(fm = formula))) } ## expected results ok1 <- list(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) ok2 <- list(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) ok3 <- ok2 ## checks with lm lm1 <- lapply(f, run_lm, data = d1, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(lm1, try_pmtree, data = d1), ok1) lm2 <- lapply(f, run_lm, data = d2, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(lm2, try_pmtree, data = d2), ok2) lm3 <- lapply(f, run_lm, data = d3, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(lm3, try_pmtree, data = d3), ok3) ## checks with survreg library("survival") d1$y <- d2$y <- d3$y <- Surv(d1$y + 0.5) survreg1 <- lapply(f, run_survreg, data = d1, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(survreg1, try_pmtree, data = d1), ok1) survreg2 <- lapply(f, run_survreg, data = d2, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(survreg2, try_pmtree, data = d2), ok2) survreg3 <- lapply(f, run_survreg, data = d3, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(survreg3, try_pmtree, data = d3), ok3) ## checks with coxph coxph1 <- lapply(f, run_coxph, data = d1, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(coxph1, try_pmtree, data = d1), ok1) coxph2 <- lapply(f, run_coxph, data = d2, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(coxph2, try_pmtree, data = d2), ok2) coxph3 <- lapply(f, run_coxph, data = d3, model = FALSE) identical(lapply(coxph3, try_pmtree, data = d3), ok3)