# h_within_or_between ---- test_that("h_within_or_between works as expected", { x_matrix <- cbind( "(Intercept)" = 1, "AGE" = c(10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, 40, 10, 20), "VISIT" = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2), "SLOW" = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) ) subject_ids <- factor(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2)) result <- expect_silent(h_within_or_between(x_matrix, subject_ids)) expected <- c("(Intercept)" = "intercept", "AGE" = "between", "VISIT" = "within", "SLOW" = "within") expect_identical(result, expected) }) # h_df_bw_calc ---- test_that("h_df_bw_calc works as expected for the vignette example", { object <- get_mmrm() result <- expect_silent(h_df_bw_calc(object)) expect_list(result) expect_named(result, c("coefs_between_within", "ddf_between", "ddf_within")) expect_identical(result$ddf_between, 192L) expect_identical(result$ddf_within, 334L) expect_character(result$coefs_between_within) expect_snapshot(result$coefs_between_within) }) test_that("h_df_bw_calc works as expected for a model with only intercept", { object <- mmrm( formula = FEV1 ~ us(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = fev_data ) result <- expect_silent(h_df_bw_calc(object)) # Here 197 subjects and 537 observations in total (same as in vignette example) but p1 = p2 = 0. # Therefore: expect_identical(result$ddf_between, 196L) expect_identical(result$ddf_within, 340L) }) # h_df_min_bw ---- test_that("h_df_min_bw works as expected", { object <- get_mmrm() bw_calc <- h_df_bw_calc(object) coefs <- coef(object) is_involved <- setNames(logical(length(coefs)), names(coefs)) is_involved["AVISITVIS2"] <- TRUE result <- expect_silent(h_df_min_bw(bw_calc, is_involved)) expect_identical(result, bw_calc$ddf_within) is_involved["RACEWhite"] <- TRUE result <- expect_silent(h_df_min_bw(bw_calc, is_involved)) expect_identical(result, bw_calc$ddf_between) }) test_that("h_df_min_bw also works without names (because contrast might not have names)", { object <- get_mmrm() bw_calc <- h_df_bw_calc(object) is_involved <- logical(length(coef(object))) is_involved[1L] <- TRUE result <- expect_silent(h_df_min_bw(bw_calc, is_involved)) expect_int(result) }) # h_df_1d_bw ---- test_that("h_df_1d_bw works as expected for a model with only intercept", { object <- mmrm( formula = FEV1 ~ us(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = fev_data ) result <- expect_silent(h_df_1d_bw(object, 1)) expect_list(result) expect_equal(result$est, 42.8338, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal(result$se, 0.3509, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_identical(result$df, 340L) expect_equal(result$t_stat, 122.07, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_true(result$p_val < 0.0001) }) test_that("h_df_1d_bw works as expected for univariate linear combination contrasts", { object <- mmrm( formula = FEV1 ~ ARMCD + RACE + us(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = fev_data ) contrast <- c(0, 0, 1, -1) result <- expect_silent(h_df_1d_bw(object, contrast)) expected_df <- 193L # Because non-zero entries correspond to RACE which is a between-variable. expect_identical(result$df, expected_df) contrast <- c(1, 0, -1, 0) result <- expect_silent(h_df_1d_bw(object, contrast)) expected_df <- 193L # Because mixed with intercept does not change the minimum. expect_identical(result$df, expected_df) }) test_that("h_df_1d_bw works as expected for singular fits", { dat <- fev_data dat$ones <- 1 object <- mmrm( formula = FEV1 ~ ones + us(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = dat ) object2 <- mmrm( formula = FEV1 ~ us(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = fev_data ) result <- expect_silent(h_df_1d_bw(object, 1)) expected <- expect_silent(h_df_1d_bw(object2, 1)) expect_identical(result, expected) }) # h_df_md_bw ---- test_that("h_df_md_bw works as expected - between effect", { object <- get_mmrm() contrast <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2, ncol = length(component(object, "beta_est"))) contrast[1, 2] <- contrast[2, 3] <- 1 result <- expect_silent(h_df_md_bw(object, contrast)) expect_list(result) expect_identical(result$num_df, 2L) expect_identical(result$denom_df, 192L) expect_equal(result$f_stat, 36.91, tolerance = 1e-3) expect_true(result$p_val < 0.0001) }) test_that("h_df_md_bw works as expected - within effect", { object <- get_mmrm() contrast <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2, ncol = length(component(object, "beta_est"))) contrast[1, 6] <- contrast[2, 7] <- 1 result <- expect_silent(h_df_md_bw(object, contrast)) expect_list(result) expect_identical(result$num_df, 2L) expect_identical(result$denom_df, 334L) expect_equal(result$f_stat, 80.96, tolerance = 1e-3) expect_true(result$p_val < 0.0001) }) test_that("h_df_md_bw works as expected - both effects", { object <- get_mmrm() contrast <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2, ncol = length(component(object, "beta_est"))) contrast[1, 2] <- contrast[2, 3] <- contrast[1, 6] <- contrast[2, 7] <- 1 result <- expect_silent(h_df_md_bw(object, contrast)) expect_list(result) expect_identical(result$num_df, 2L) expect_identical(result$denom_df, 192L) expect_equal(result$f_stat, 117.65, tolerance = 1e-3) expect_true(result$p_val < 0.0001) }) test_that("h_df_md_bw works as expected for rank deficient model", { object <- get_mmrm_rank_deficient() contrast <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2, ncol = length(component(object, "beta_est"))) contrast[1, 2] <- contrast[2, 3] <- 1 result <- expect_silent(h_df_md_bw(object, contrast)) object2 <- get_mmrm() expected <- expect_silent(h_df_md_bw(object2, contrast)) expect_identical(result, expected) })