test_that("API", { for (n_evals in c(1, 5)) { rs = TunerBatchRandomSearch$new() inst = TEST_MAKE_INST1(measure = msr("classif.ce"), term_evals = n_evals) expect_data_table(rs$optimize(inst), nrows = 1) a = inst$archive$data expect_data_table(a, nrows = n_evals) expect_true("cp" %in% names(a)) } }) test_that("proper error if tuner cannot handle deps", { skip_if_not_installed("GenSA") ps = ps( cp = p_dbl(lower = 0.001, upper = 0.1), minsplit = p_dbl(lower = 1, upper = 10) ) ps$add_dep("minsplit", on = "cp", cond = CondEqual$new(0.1)) te = trm("evals", n_evals = 2) inst = TuningInstanceBatchSingleCrit$new(tsk("iris"), lrn("classif.rpart"), rsmp("holdout"), msr("classif.ce"), te, ps) tt = TunerBatchGenSA$new() expect_error(tt$optimize(inst), "dependencies") }) test_that("we get a result when some subordinate params are not fulfilled", { TunerManual = R6Class("TunerManual", inherit = TunerBatch, public = list( initialize = function() { super$initialize( id = "manual", param_set = ParamSet$new(), param_classes = c("ParamFct", "ParamDbl"), properties = c("dependencies", "single-crit") ) } ), private = list( .optimize = function(inst) { } ) ) tuner_manual = TunerManual$new() inst = TEST_MAKE_INST2(measure = msr("dummy.cp.regr", fun = function(pv) pv$cp)) d = data.table(xx = c("a", "b"), yy = c(1, NA), cp = c(0.2, 0.1)) inst$eval_batch(d) tuner_manual$optimize(inst) expect_equal(inst$result_y, c(dummy.cp.regr = 0.1)) expect_equal(inst$result_x_domain, list(xx = "b", cp = 0.1)) expect_equal(inst$result_x_domain, inst$result_learner_param_vals) }) test_that("print method workds", { skip_if_not_installed("GenSA") param_set = ps(p1 = p_lgl()) param_set$values$p1 = TRUE param_classes = "ParamLgl" properties = "single-crit" packages = "GenSA" tuner = Tuner$new( id = "tuner", param_set = param_set, param_classes = param_classes, properties = "single-crit", packages = packages) expect_snapshot(tuner) }) test_that("Tuner works with graphlearner", { skip_if_not_installed("mlr3pipelines") gl = MAKE_GL() task = tsk("iris") ms = MeasureDummyCPClassif$new(fun = function(pv) if (pv$classif.rpart.cp == 0.2) 0 else 1) te = trm("evals", n_evals = 4) ps = ps( classif.rpart.cp = p_dbl(lower = 0.1, upper = 0.3) ) inst = TuningInstanceBatchSingleCrit$new( task = task, learner = gl, resampling = rsmp("holdout"), measure = ms, search_space = ps, terminator = te) tuner = tnr("grid_search", resolution = 3) tuner$optimize(inst) archive = inst$archive expect_data_table(archive$data, nrows = 3) expect_equal(inst$archive$n_evals, 3) expect_equal(inst$result_x_domain, list(classif.rpart.cp = 0.2)) expect_equal(inst$result_y, c(dummy.cp.classif = 0)) }) test_that("Tuner works with instantiated resampling", { task = tsk("iris") resampling = rsmp("custom") train_sets = list(1:75) test_sets = list(76:150) resampling$instantiate(task, train_sets, test_sets) expect_true(resampling$is_instantiated) te = trm("evals", n_evals = 4) ps = ps( cp = p_dbl(lower = 0.1, upper = 0.3) ) inst = TuningInstanceBatchSingleCrit$new( task = task, learner = lrn("classif.rpart"), resampling = resampling, measure = msr("classif.ce"), search_space = ps, terminator = te) rs = TunerBatchRandomSearch$new() rs$optimize(inst) expect_r6(inst$objective$resampling, "ResamplingCustom") expect_equal(inst$objective$resampling$instance$train[[1]], 1:75) expect_equal(inst$objective$resampling$instance$test[[1]], 76:150) }) test_that("Tuner active bindings work", { skip_if_not_installed("GenSA") param_set = ps(p1 = p_lgl()) param_set$values$p1 = TRUE param_classes = "ParamLgl" properties = "single-crit" packages = "GenSA" tuner = TunerBatch$new( id = "tuner", param_set = param_set, param_classes = param_classes, properties = "single-crit", packages = packages) expect_equal(tuner$param_set, param_set) expect_equal(tuner$param_classes, param_classes) expect_equal(tuner$properties, properties) expect_subset(packages, tuner$packages) expect_error({ tuner$param_set = ps(p2 = p_lgl()) }, regexp = "$param_set is read-only", fixed = TRUE) expect_error({ tuner$param_classes = "foo" }, regexp = "$param_classes is read-only", fixed = TRUE) expect_error({ tuner$properties = "foo" }, regexp = "$properties is read-only", fixed = TRUE) expect_error({ tuner$packages = "foo" }, regexp = "$packages is read-only", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("internal single crit", { aggr = function(x) 99 learner = lrn("classif.debug", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000L, internal = TRUE, aggr = aggr), x = to_tune(0.2, 0.3), validate = 0.3, early_stopping = TRUE ) ti = tune( tuner = tnr("grid_search", batch_size = 2), learner = learner, task = tsk("iris"), resampling = rsmp("cv"), term_evals = 4 ) expect_equal( ti$archive$data$internal_tuned_values, replicate(list(list(iter = 99L)), n = 4L) ) expect_equal( ti$result_learner_param_vals$iter, 99L ) }) test_that("internal single crit without benchmark_result", { aggr = function(x) 99 learner = lrn("classif.debug", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000L, internal = TRUE, aggr = aggr), x = to_tune(0.2, 0.3), validate = 0.3, early_stopping = TRUE ) ti = tune( tuner = tnr("grid_search", batch_size = 2), learner = learner, task = tsk("iris"), resampling = rsmp("cv"), term_evals = 4, store_benchmark_result = FALSE ) expect_equal( ti$archive$data$internal_tuned_values, replicate(list(list(iter = 99L)), n = 4L) ) expect_equal( ti$result_learner_param_vals$iter, 99L ) }) test_that("internal multi crit", { learner = lrn("classif.debug", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000L, internal = TRUE, aggr = function(x) as.integer(ceiling(mean(unlist(x))) + 2000L)), x = to_tune(0.2, 0.3), predict_type = "prob", validate = 0.3, early_stopping = TRUE ) # this ensures we get a pareto front that contains all values m1 = msr("classif.acc") m2 = msr("classif.acc", id = "classif.acc2") m2$minimize = TRUE ti = tune( tuner = tnr("random_search", batch_size = 2), learner = learner, task = tsk("sonar"), resampling = rsmp("cv", folds = 2L), measures = list(m1, m2), term_evals = 20 ) expect_true(length(ti$result_learner_param_vals) == 20L) expect_true(all(map_int(ti$archive$data$internal_tuned_values, "iter") >= 2000L)) expect_true(all(map_lgl(ti$result_learner_param_vals, function(x) x$iter >= 2000L))) expect_true(length(unique(map_int(ti$archive$data$internal_tuned_values, "iter"))) > 1L) expect_permutation( map_int(ti$result_learner_param_vals, "iter"), map_int(ti$archive$data$internal_tuned_values, "iter") ) }) test_that("proper error when primary search space is empty", { instance = ti( task = tsk("pima"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", validate = 0.2, early_stopping = TRUE, iter = to_tune(upper = 1000, internal = TRUE, aggr = function(x) 99)), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), measures = msr("classif.ce"), terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 10) ) tuner = tnr("random_search", batch_size = 1) expect_error(tuner$optimize(instance), "To only conduct") }) test_that("internal tuning: branching", { skip_if_not_installed("mlr3pipelines", "0.5.3") # this case is special, because not all internally tuned parameters are present in every iteration, only those that # are in the active branch are glrn = mlr3pipelines::ppl("branch", graphs = list( lrn("classif.debug", id = "lrn1", iter = to_tune(upper = 500, internal = TRUE, aggr = function(x) 1L), early_stopping = TRUE), lrn("classif.debug", id = "lrn2", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000, internal = TRUE, aggr = function(x) 2L), early_stopping = TRUE) )) learner = as_learner(glrn) set_validate(learner, 0.2, ids = c("lrn1", "lrn2")) task = tsk("iris") learner$param_set$set_values( branch.selection = to_tune() ) instance = ti( task = tsk("pima"), learner = learner, resampling = rsmp("holdout"), measures = msr("classif.ce"), terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 10) ) tuner = tnr("grid_search") tuner$optimize(instance) expect_equal( instance$archive$data[list(1), "internal_tuned_values", on = "branch.selection"][[1L]][[1L]]$lrn1.iter, 1L ) expect_equal( instance$archive$data[list(2), "internal_tuned_values", on = "branch.selection"][[1L]][[1L]]$lrn2.iter, 2L ) }) test_that("internal tuning: error is thrown on incorrect configuration", { expect_error(tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000, internal = TRUE)), task = tsk("iris"), resampling = rsmp("holdout") ), "early_stopping") }) test_that("internal tuning: error message when primary search space is empty", { expect_error(tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000, internal = TRUE), early_stopping = TRUE, validate = 0.2), task = tsk("iris"), resampling = rsmp("holdout") ), "tnr('internal')", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("parameter transformations can be used with internal tuning", { ti = tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000, internal = TRUE), x = to_tune(ps(a = p_dbl(0, 0.5), b = p_dbl(0, 0.5), .extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) { list(x = x$a + x$b) })), early_stopping = TRUE, validate = 0.2), task = tsk("iris"), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), term_evals = 2 ) expect_set_equal( names(ti$result_learner_param_vals), c("x", "iter", "early_stopping") ) }) test_that("either provide internal_search_space OR tag params with 'internal_tuning'", { expect_error( tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", iter = to_tune(upper = 1000, internal = TRUE), x = to_tune(), early_stopping = TRUE, validate = 0.2), task = tsk("iris"), internal_search_space = ps(iter = p_int(upper = 100, aggr = function(x) round(mean(unlist(x))))), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), term_evals = 2 ), "Either tag parameters in the `search_space`" ) }) test_that("Can pass internal_search_space separately", { # 1. primary search space is passed manually ti = tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", x = to_tune(), early_stopping = TRUE, validate = 0.2), task = tsk("iris"), internal_search_space = ps(iter = p_int(upper = 100, aggr = function(x) as.integer(mean(unlist(x))))), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), term_evals = 2 ) expect_true("iter" %in% ti$internal_search_space$ids()) expect_true(is.integer(ti$result$internal_tuned_values[[1]]$iter)) expect_double(ti$result$x) # 2. primary search space is passed via to_tune ti = tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", early_stopping = TRUE, validate = 0.2), task = tsk("iris"), search_space = ps(x = p_dbl(0, 1)), internal_search_space = ps(iter = p_int(upper = 100, aggr = function(x) as.integer(mean(unlist(x))))), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), term_evals = 2 ) expect_true("iter" %in% ti$internal_search_space$ids()) expect_true(is.integer(ti$result$internal_tuned_values[[1]]$iter)) expect_double(ti$result$x) }) test_that("tag internal tune token manually in primary search space", { search_space = ps( x = p_dbl(0, 1), iter = p_int(upper = 100, aggr = function(x) as.integer(mean(unlist(x))), tags = "internal_tuning") ) ti = tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = lrn("classif.debug", early_stopping = TRUE, validate = 0.2), search_space = search_space, task = tsk("iris"), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), term_evals = 2 ) expect_true("iter" %in% ti$internal_search_space$ids()) expect_true(is.integer(ti$result$internal_tuned_values[[1]]$iter)) expect_double(ti$result$x) }) test_that("Can only pass internal tune tokens one way", { skip_if_not_installed("mlr3pipelines") l1 = lrn("classif.debug", early_stopping = TRUE) l1$id = "l1" l2 = l1$clone() l2$id = "l2" l1$param_set$set_values( iter = to_tune(upper = 100, internal = TRUE) ) l = mlr3pipelines::ppl("branch", list(l1 = l1, l2 = l2)) l = as_learner(l) set_validate(l, 0.2, ids = c("l1", "l2")) internal_search_space = ps( l2.iter = p_int(upper = 100, aggr = function(x) as.integer(mean(unlist(x))), tags = "internal_tuning") ) expect_error(tune( tuner = tnr("random_search"), learner = l, internal_search_space = internal_search_space, task = tsk("iris"), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), term_evals = 2), "Either tag parameters") })