skip_if_not_installed("irace") test_that("TunerIrace", { skip_if(TRUE) # Remove this line when irace is fixed z = test_tuner("irace", term_evals = 42) instance = z$inst archive = instance$archive$data tuner = z$tuner # check archive columns expect_subset(c("race", "step", "configuration", "instance"), names(archive)) # check optimization direction # first elite of the first race should have the lowest average performance iraceResults = irace::read_logfile(tuner$param_set$values$logFile) elites = iraceResults$allElites aggr = archive[race == 1, .(classif.ce = mean(classif.ce)), by = configuration] expect_equal(aggr[which.min(classif.ce), configuration], elites[[1]][1]) # the performance of the best configuration should be the mean performance across all evaluated instances configuration_id = instance$result$configuration expect_equal(unname(instance$result_y), mean(archive[configuration == configuration_id, classif.ce])) }) test_that("TunerIrace works with dependencies", { skip_if(TRUE) # Remove this line when irace is fixed search_space = ps( cp = p_dbl(lower = 0.001, upper = 0.1), minsplit = p_int(lower = 1, upper = 10, depends = cp == 0.005) ) instance = ti( task = tsk("mtcars"), learner = lrn("regr.rpart"), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), measures = msr("regr.mse"), terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 200), search_space = search_space) tuner = tnr("irace") x = capture.output({tuner$optimize(instance)}) archive = instance$archive$data expect_true(all([cp != 0.005, minsplit]))) expect_double(archive$cp) }) test_that("TunerIrace works with logical parameters", { skip_if(TRUE) # Remove this line when irace is fixed search_space = ps( cp = p_dbl(lower = 0.001, upper = 0.1), keep_model = p_lgl()) instance = ti( task = tsk("mtcars"), learner = lrn("regr.rpart"), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), measures = msr("regr.mse"), terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 200), search_space = search_space) tuner = tnr("irace") x = capture.output({tuner$optimize(instance)}) expect_logical(instance$archive$best()$keep_model) }) test_that("TunerIrace uses digits", { skip_if(TRUE) # Remove this line when irace is fixed search_space = ps(cp = p_dbl(lower = pi * 1e-20, upper = 5.242e12 / 1e13)) instance = ti( task = tsk("mtcars"), learner = lrn("regr.rpart"), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), measures = msr("regr.mse"), terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 96), search_space = search_space) tuner = tnr("irace", nbIterations = 1L, minNbSurvival = 1) x = capture.output({expect_data_table(tuner$optimize(instance))}) }) test_that("TunerIrace works with unnamed discrete values", { skip_if(TRUE) # Remove this line when irace is fixed # we had a bug here, see (mlr) issue #627 search_space = ps(minsplit = p_int(lower = 2L, upper = 7L)) instance = ti( task = tsk("mtcars"), learner = lrn("regr.rpart"), resampling = rsmp("holdout"), measures = msr("regr.mse"), terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 200), search_space = search_space) tuner = tnr("irace") x = capture.output({expect_data_table(tuner$optimize(instance))}) })