test_that("resampling iterations equals folds", { skip_if_not_installed("blockCV") task = test_make_twoclass_task() rsp = rsmp("spcv_env", folds = 2, features = "p_1") rsp$instantiate(task) expect_equal(rsp$iters, 2) }) test_that("feature p_1 seperates the observations in two folds of equal size", { skip_if_not_installed("blockCV") set.seed(1) task = test_make_twoclass_task() rsp = rsmp("spcv_env", folds = 2, features = "p_1") rsp$instantiate(task) expect_equal(rsp$test_set(1), 19:36) expect_equal(rsp$train_set(1), 1:18) expect_equal(rsp$test_set(2), 1:18) expect_equal(rsp$train_set(2), 19:36) }) test_that("non-numeric feature throws an error", { skip_if_not_installed("blockCV") task = test_make_twoclass_task() rsp = rsmp("spcv_env", folds = 2, features = "p_2") expect_error(rsp$instantiate(task)) }) test_that("non-existing feature throws an error", { skip_if_not_installed("blockCV") task = test_make_twoclass_task() rsp = rsmp("spcv_env", folds = 2, features = "p_3") expect_error(rsp$instantiate(task)) })