skip_on_cran() test_that("OMLData iris arff", { odata = OMLData$new(61, parquet = FALSE) expect_oml_data(odata) expect_identical(odata$name, "iris") expect_identical(odata$nrow, 150L) expect_identical(odata$ncol, 5L) expect_identical(odata$target_names, "class") expect_r6(mlr3::as_task(odata), "TaskClassif") expect_data_table(odata$data, nrows = 150L, ncols = 5L) }) test_that("OMLData iris parquet", { odata = OMLData$new(61, parquet = TRUE) expect_oml_data(odata) expect_identical(odata$name, "iris") expect_identical(odata$nrow, 150L) expect_identical(odata$ncol, 5L) expect_identical(odata$target_names, "class") expect_r6(mlr3::as_task(odata), "TaskClassif") expect_data_table(odata$data, nrows = 150L, ncols = 5L) }) test_that("no default target column fails gracefully (#1)", { data_id = 4535L odata = OMLData$new(data_id) expect_oml_data(odata) expect_error(mlr3::as_task(odata), "must be available or argument") expect_r6(mlr3::as_task(odata, "V10"), "Task") expect_r6(mlr3::tsk("oml", data_id = data_id, target_names = "V10"), "Task") }) test_that("arff with wrong quotes", { odata = OMLData$new(42585L) tab = odata$data expect_data_table(tab, ncols = 7, nrows = 344) expect_factor(tab$species, levels = c("Adelie", "Gentoo", "Chinstrap")) otask = OMLTask$new(168746L) expect_data_table(otask$data$data, nrows = otask$nrow, ncols = otask$ncol) }) test_that("fallback for sparse files", { data_id = 292L odata = OMLData$new(data_id, FALSE) if (requireNamespace("RWeka", quietly = TRUE)) { expect_data_table(odata$data) } else { expect_error(odata$data, "RWeka") } }) test_that("unquoting works", { task_id = 3L expect_false(anyMissing(OMLTask$new(task_id)$data$data)) }) test_that("parquet works", { odata_parquet = OMLData$new(61, FALSE, parquet = TRUE) b0 = mlr3misc::get_private(odata_parquet)$.get_backend() b1 = mlr3misc::get_private(odata_parquet)$.get_backend() expect_true(inherits(b0, "DataBackendDuckDB")) odata_arff = OMLData$new(61, FALSE, parquet = FALSE) b2 = mlr3misc::get_private(odata_arff)$.get_backend() expect_true(inherits(b2, "DataBackendDataTable")) expect_identical(b0, b1) data_parquet = odata_parquet$data data_arff = odata_arff$data expect_set_equal( names(data_parquet), names(data_arff) ) expect_true(nrow(data_parquet) == nrow(data_arff)) }) test_that("Can open help page for OpenML Data", { expect_error(OMLData$new(31)$help(), regexp = NA) }) test_that("OMLData arff fallback works when parquet does not exist", { odata = with_cache(OMLData$new(31, parquet = TRUE), cache = FALSE) odata$data expect_true(inherits(odata$.__enclos_env__$private$.backend, "DataBackendDuckDB")) odata = with_cache(OMLData$new(31, parquet = TRUE), cache = FALSE) odata$desc # non-existing file odata$.__enclos_env__$private$.desc$minio_url = "" odata$data expect_true(inherits(odata$.__enclos_env__$private$.backend, "DataBackendDataTable")) }) test_that("as_data_backend falls back to arff when parquet does not exist", { odata = with_cache(OMLData$new(31, parquet = TRUE), cache = FALSE) odata$desc # non-existing file odata$.__enclos_env__$private$.desc$minio_url = "" backend = as_data_backend(odata) expect_r6(backend, "DataBackendDataTable") odata = with_cache(OMLData$new(31, parquet = TRUE), cache = FALSE) backend = as_data_backend(odata) expect_r6(backend, "DataBackendDuckDB") }) test_that("Logicals are converted to factor", { odata = odt(1050) backend = as_data_backend(odata) # renaming worked assert_true("c" %in% backend$colnames) expect_class(backend$data(1, "c")[[1L]], "factor") expect_oml_data(odata) }) test_that("strings and nominals are distringuished for parquet and arff files", { odata_pq = odt(41701, parquet = TRUE) dat = odata_pq$data expect_class(dat[["instance_id"]], "character") expect_class(dat[["runstatus"]], "factor") odata_arff = odt(41701) dat = odata_arff$data expect_class(dat[["instance_id"]], "character") expect_class(dat[["runstatus"]], "factor") }) test_that("ignore columns are respected when converting to task", { odata = odt(6332) task = as_task(odata) expect_set_equal(odata$feature_names, task$feature_names) }) test_that("task converter works when using feature as target", { odata = odt(6332) task = as_task(odata, target = "customer") expect_true(task$target_names == "customer") expect_true(odata$target_names %in% task$feature_names) expect_error(as_task(odata, target = "timestamp")) }) test_that("task converter works when no default target is present", { odata = odt(493) target = "station_45" task = as_task(odata, target_names = target) expect_r6(task, "Task") expect_set_equal(task$feature_names, setdiff(odata$feature_names, target)) }) test_that("converted data_backend contains all columns", { odata = odt(61) backend = as_data_backend(odata) expect_set_equal(setdiff(backend$colnames, "..row_id"), odata$features$name) }) test_that("printer works", { local_log_info() with_cache({ oml_data = odt(id = 31) observed = capture.output(print(oml_data))[4:5] expected = c( " (1000x21)", " * Default target: class" ) expect_equal(observed, expected) }, cache = FALSE) }) test_that("download runs without error", { local_log_info() # simple sanity check out = capture.output(with_cache(odt(31)$download(), cache = FALSE)) expect_true(length(out) == 4L) })