skip_on_cran() test_that("Collection 232", { local_public_server() collection = OMLCollection$new(232L) expect_equal(collection$id, 232L) expect_oml_collection(collection) expect_equal(collection$name, "Test-Study") expect_equal(collection$main_entity_type, "run") expect_equal(collection$flow_ids, c(17374L, 17369L)) expect_equal(collection$data_ids, c(3L, 6L)) expect_equal(collection$run_ids, c(10417460L, 10417461L, 10417462L, 10417463L)) expect_equal(collection$task_ids, c(3L, 6L)) }) test_that("Can convert run collection to benchmark result", { col = OMLCollection$new(232, FALSE) tasks = mlr3::as_tasks(col) resamplings = mlr3::as_resamplings(col) expect_true(all(map_lgl(tasks, function(x) inherits(x, "Task")))) expect_true(all(map_lgl(resamplings, function(x) inherits(x, "Resampling")))) bmr = suppressWarnings(mlr3::as_benchmark_result(col)) expect_r6(bmr, "BenchmarkResult") expect_error(bmr$score(msr("classif.ce")), regexp = NA) }) test_that("Can open help page for OpenML Collection", { expect_error(OMLCollection$new(232)$help(), regexp = NA) }) test_that("printer works", { local_log_info() # task collection oml_collection = ocl(99) observed = capture.output(oml_collection)[2:4] expected = c( " OpenML-CC18 Curated Class[...]", " * data: 72", " * tasks: 72" ) expect_equal(observed, expected) # same for run collection oml_collection1 = ocl(275) observed1 = capture.output(oml_collection1)[2:6] expected1 = c( " CC18-Example", " * data: 39", " * tasks: 39", " * flows: 1", " * runs: 39" ) expect_equal(observed1, expected1) }) test_that("download runs without error", { local_log_info() # simple sanity check out = capture.output(with_cache(ocl(72)$download(), cache = FALSE)) # just the desc expect_true(length(out) == 1L) })