R Under development (unstable) (2024-07-05 r86874 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > if (requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) { + library(testthat) + library(mlr3mbo) + test_check("mlr3mbo") + } Loading required namespace: mlr3learners Loading required namespace: DiceKriging Loading required namespace: rgenoud Loading required package: mlr3 WARN [11:07:04.002] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:07:39.387] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:07:40.883] [bbotk] R6 class OptimizerError/Optimizer/R6 does not have slot 'optimize'! WARN [11:08:01.220] [bbotk] Less then `n_select` (1) candidate points found during acquisition function optimization were not already evaluated. WARN [11:08:20.805] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:23.357] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:24.567] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:36.955] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:39.461] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:41.319] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:42.633] [bbotk] Task 'surrogate_task' has missing values in column(s) 'y_scal', but learner 'regr.km' does not support this WARN [11:08:42.635] [bbotk] Could not update the surrogate a final time after the optimization process has terminated. WARN [11:08:44.418] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:45.597] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:49.068] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:50.339] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:52.752] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:08:58.708] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:00.076] [bbotk] Task 'surrogate_task' has missing values in column(s) 'y_scal', but learner 'regr.km' does not support this WARN [11:09:00.078] [bbotk] Could not update the surrogate a final time after the optimization process has terminated. WARN [11:09:02.340] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:03.488] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:07.104] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:08.350] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:11.111] [bbotk] Surrogate Train Error. WARN [11:09:14.869] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:16.006] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:19.114] [bbotk] Current insample performance of the Surrogate Model does not meet the performance threshold. WARN [11:09:23.665] [bbotk] Surrogate Train Error. WARN [11:09:27.599] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:28.737] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:30.029] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:31.139] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:37.205] [bbotk] Current insample performance of the Surrogate Model does not meet the performance threshold. WARN [11:09:52.430] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:55.428] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:09:58.095] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:00.797] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:03.253] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:05.899] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:08.640] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:11.752] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:16.492] [bbotk] Current insample performance of the Surrogate Model does not meet the performance threshold. WARN [11:10:18.092] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:19.223] [bbotk] R6 class OptimizerError/Optimizer/R6 does not have slot 'optimize'! WARN [11:10:19.791] [bbotk] Surrogate Train Error. WARN [11:10:20.267] [bbotk] Surrogate Predict Error. WARN [11:10:35.794] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:36.995] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:41.069] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:42.257] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:46.495] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:49.143] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:52.193] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:55.401] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [11:10:56.604] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. ERROR [11:11:06.096] [mlr3] train: Surrogate Train Error. ERROR [11:11:06.615] [mlr3] train: Surrogate Train Error. WARN [11:11:06.708] [bbotk] Cannot predict, Learner 'regr.error' has not been trained yet [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 888 ] ══ Skipped tests (4) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (4): 'test_AcqFunctionEHVIGH.R:32:3', 'test_OptimizerMbo.R:2:3', 'test_ResultAssignerSurrogate.R:16:3', 'test_TunerMbo.R:2:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 888 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 80.90 5.17 254.86