R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-30 r86854 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > if (requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) { + library(testthat) + library(mlr3mbo) + test_check("mlr3mbo") + } Loading required namespace: mlr3learners Loading required namespace: DiceKriging Loading required namespace: rgenoud Loading required package: mlr3 WARN [10:22:08.824] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:22:09.957] [bbotk] R6 class OptimizerError/Optimizer/R6 does not have slot 'optimize'! WARN [10:22:25.439] [bbotk] Less then `n_select` (1) candidate points found during acquisition function optimization were not already evaluated. WARN [10:22:41.574] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:22:43.375] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:22:44.247] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:23:52.916] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:23:54.760] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:23:55.973] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:23:57.007] [bbotk] Task 'surrogate_task' has missing values in column(s) 'y_scal', but learner 'regr.km' does not support this WARN [10:23:57.008] [bbotk] Could not update the surrogate a final time after the optimization process has terminated. WARN [10:23:58.291] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:23:59.046] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:02.070] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:02.878] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:04.613] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:07.760] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:09.460] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:10.369] [bbotk] Task 'surrogate_task' has missing values in column(s) 'y_scal', but learner 'regr.km' does not support this WARN [10:24:10.371] [bbotk] Could not update the surrogate a final time after the optimization process has terminated. WARN [10:24:12.100] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:12.905] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:15.385] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:16.239] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:18.335] [bbotk] Surrogate Train Error. WARN [10:24:21.040] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:22.149] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:24.367] [bbotk] Current insample performance of the Surrogate Model does not meet the performance threshold. WARN [10:24:27.866] [bbotk] Surrogate Train Error. WARN [10:24:30.727] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:31.481] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:32.563] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:33.324] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:24:37.382] [bbotk] Current insample performance of the Surrogate Model does not meet the performance threshold. WARN [10:25:39.712] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:41.716] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:43.623] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:45.548] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:47.256] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:49.229] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:51.243] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:53.308] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:56.317] [bbotk] Current insample performance of the Surrogate Model does not meet the performance threshold. WARN [10:25:57.516] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:25:58.352] [bbotk] R6 class OptimizerError/Optimizer/R6 does not have slot 'optimize'! WARN [10:25:58.678] [bbotk] Surrogate Train Error. WARN [10:25:59.094] [bbotk] Surrogate Predict Error. WARN [10:26:10.549] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:11.484] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:14.819] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:15.588] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:18.896] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:20.737] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:23.052] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:25.276] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. WARN [10:26:26.062] [mlr3] train: Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit. ERROR [10:26:33.321] [mlr3] train: Surrogate Train Error. ERROR [10:26:33.747] [mlr3] train: Surrogate Train Error. WARN [10:26:33.835] [bbotk] Cannot predict, Learner 'regr.error' has not been trained yet [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 888 ] ══ Skipped tests (4) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (4): 'test_AcqFunctionEHVIGH.R:32:3', 'test_OptimizerMbo.R:2:3', 'test_ResultAssignerSurrogate.R:16:3', 'test_TunerMbo.R:2:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 888 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 173.42 6.82 302.09