R Under development (unstable) (2025-03-03 r87871 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/tests.html > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/reference/test_package.html#special-files > # https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/5658 > Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 2) > Sys.setenv("Ncpu" = 2) > > library(testthat) > library(mllrnrs) > > test_check("mllrnrs") CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.28 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.29 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.19 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.22 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.36 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.17 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.29 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.28 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.18 seconds CV fold: Fold1 CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 5.98 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.48 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.81 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 6.19 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.63 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.82 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 5.5 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.59 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.86 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.56 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.26 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.19 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.23 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.25 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.19 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.41 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.28 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.16 seconds CV fold: Fold1 CV fold: Fold2 CV fold: Fold3 CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.71 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 4.83 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.23 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.71 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 3.81 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.22 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.67 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 5.96 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.23 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.06 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 13.56 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.56 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.26 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 4.98 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.61 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.84 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 5.83 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.7 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.02 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 5.24 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.27 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.07 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 7.92 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.27 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 8.44 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.36 seconds CV fold: Fold1 CV fold: Fold2 CV fold: Fold3 CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.46 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 3.89 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.39 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.85 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.64 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.4 seconds Errors encountered in FUN CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.6 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 4.49 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.44 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 6.91 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 1.24 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 1.16 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 7.07 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 1.24 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.89 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 6.93 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 1.2 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 1.75 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.17 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.56 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.3 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.17 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.58 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.28 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.14 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 0.66 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.28 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. CV fold: Fold2 Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. CV fold: Fold3 Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. Regression: using 'mean squared error' as optimization metric. CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.1 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 3.84 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.22 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.44 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 2.8 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.17 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.43 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 4.91 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.19 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 5.3 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 5.36 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 1.22 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 4.72 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 5.5 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 1.38 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 5.5 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 6.26 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 1.39 seconds CV fold: Fold1 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 3.05 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 11.36 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.37 seconds CV fold: Fold2 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.69 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 1.52 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.27 seconds CV fold: Fold3 Number of rows of initialization grid > than 'options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init")'... ... reducing initialization grid to 10 rows. Registering parallel backend using 2 cores. Running initial scoring function 10 times in 2 thread(s)... 2.61 seconds Starting Epoch 1 1) Fitting Gaussian Process... 2) Running local optimum search... 5.39 seconds 3) Running FUN 2 times in 2 thread(s)... 0.29 seconds CV fold: Fold1 CV fold: Fold2 CV fold: Fold3 [ FAIL 0 | WARN 3 | SKIP 1 | PASS 49 ] ══ Skipped tests (1) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (1): 'test-lints.R:10:5' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 3 | SKIP 1 | PASS 49 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 40.00 2.17 330.79